Friday, September 05, 2014

Eat Clean, Stay Healthy: Overnight Oat

Ever since I moved into my new place, I've been cooking dinner for Derp and myself pretty often. We also made breakfast together :) I will post up photos of the dinner I've prepared, and also what I have done with my air fryer.

I have tips for using air fryer in a way that there's not a need for me wash the whole machine after using it! Awesome tips I've learned from my coli and I'll be sharing the different types of food I've cooked using the air fryer. :) I'll defintely blog about all these soon, I'm still in the midst of experimenting so do check back again. 

One of the first few things I've tried at my new place is making overnight oat! They are really healthy and easy to make. So why not give it a try? :) I'm like any other normal beings on earth who think that plain oat is quite bleh to eat it on its own.

One fine day, overnight oat seems to be trending and I had seen many different types of overnight oat on the internet, All of them look super yummy! I was looking forward to try making them on my own when I have my own place.

Every ingredients and quantity of the ingredients to make overnight oat plays an important role. The worse case scenario that could happen is the overnight oat turned out to be too sticky or too watery. 

The ingredients are pretty simple and easy to get from your local supermarkets. 

After doing some research on the internet, I decided to stick to Ellena Guan's recipe on how to prepare overnight oat. 

Below are the ingredients that I've used on my first trial


1) HL Milk
2) Instant Rolled Oats
3) Blueberries
4) Plain Yoghurt
5) A Transparent Tupperware

I bought all my ingredients from Cold Storage. I did not follow exactly the ingredients as required on Ellena Guan's recipe, as I think some of them are not that essential and won't really affect the overall taste. Adding chia seeds will be good too(for those who want to lose weight) but I find it too expensive, hence I never get it. Chia seeds makes you feel fuller :) 

The two most important ingredients to make a perfect overnight oat are milk and plain yoghurt

So here are the steps I took to make overnight oat: 

1) 6 tablespoons of overnight oat 
2) Follow by 3-4 tablespoons of plain yoghurt 
3) Pour the milk till 1/2 of my tupperware ( I actually don't have fix amount of milk to pour in and it's base on my gut feeling. 
4) Throw in the blueberries (As many as you like because it's shiok to eat overnight oat with fruits) 
5) Stir gently and keep it refrigerated. 

It's ready to be consume the next morning. 

My first trial: 

I didn't put in much blueberries on my first try, you can always add in more blueberries while you are eating the overnight oat too 

I tried making overnight oat with chooclate milk too for a change...

This time round I throw in more blueberries! Yummy! 

I've also made overnight oat with banana before, it's very filling as well but the banana turns black easily.

Nowadays, blueberries and strawberries are my favorite fruits to be used in making overnight oat. Reason being there's not much preparation work needed and it's pretty fuss free.

Every Tuesday, I will eat overnight oat for my early dinner 1 hour before my yoga lesson and then cereal for my late dinner. Basically, it's #eatclean Tuesday. 

Some of the questions you may ask will be

1) How long can I keep the overnight oat?

Honestly speaking, I tried keeping it for 2 days (not counting the day you made it), it's still edible! This overnight oat can serve as a dessert too.

2) Does it really helps to lose weight?

I ate half of my tub for breakfast (before 8am), and around 10-11am I'm hungry. So I won't say it's really damn filling that you can use it as meal replacement. Perhaps, if you add chia seeds, it might help you to feel fuller for a longer period of time.

If I really want to lose weight using this method, I will need to prepare a bigger tub and add in chia seeds to try it out.

But I truly believe this is only part of eating clean, losing weight will require you to work out too!

That's about all the questions I can think of for now. Go ahead and try it out, time to start eating clean if you haven't do so. It's never too late!

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