So here I am, finally getting down to writing the last race of 2016 :) I guess it didn't took me that long since it's April now? Okay actually will be entering May in few days time so I did took quite a few months to get this post up.
SCMS 2016 was my 8th and also last race of 2016.
Back to the running streak after being not so active at it in 2015 due to wedding preparation and etc.
It definitely feels good to be actively involved in races once again.
Skipped a year of SCMS so this was the 2nd time running SCMS. Credits to my company for the free race slot so here I am joining the race once again.
My company give out limited free race slots every year (on a first time first serve basis) and I do pray it continue this way.

#flatlay of my race gear for the last race of 2016
Derp and I reached there slightly early to secure a parking slot as SCMS have always been the biggest race of the year, which also meant lots of people participating in the race.

While waiting to the starting line, we spotted this group of cosplayers.

The sunrise was breathtaking that very day.
Everyone was busy snapping lots of photo with the beautiful sunrise.

A #welfie taken with the sunrise at the background.

Pre-race mandatory shot

More pics taken while waiting for the race to flag off. This was by far my favorite sunrise shot so far ;)

We waited till the sun was fully out before we finally passed the starting line.
There were many waves as usual and we were probably in the 4th/5th batch.

The race route was different from the previous years due to the change in organizer.
I would say the new 10km route is better and it wasn't as human congested as compare to the previous year that I've joined. Nothing much to complain about with sufficient water points.
My body condition that day was way better than during GEWR 2016 hence I was few mins off from my personal best timing.
More post race pics below..

#selfie with the last medal of the year! It's finally over :)

Sweaty us with our medals.

Yay to completing the last race of 2016 :)

Unofficial result
I took more than 1 hour 20 minutes for my previous SCMS so this was definitely an improvement.
Not forgetting we actually ran for more than the stated 10KM.
We waited for Derp's Brother and his wife (my BIL and SIL) to finish the race and took a finisher pic with them then.

All the medals collected in 2016.
Only showing 7 medals here because I forgot to include the New Balance Run 2016 medal.
Opps! Totally forgot about it.
There were quite a few nice looking official pic from the race but the one below is my favourite.

Because buying the official race photos was way too expensive so this was the best I can get.
I wish we have marathons here as well, you people are amazing, good to see lots of people participating in it. Thank you for sharing your moments with us