I still very much preferred all female races as compare to other local big races because the welfare are always better :) From the race $$ to the race pack collection and actual day welfare, they will always be the best!
Race pack collection was held at Marina Square.
Though the queue is long, but it was moving fast enough as there were many counters available.
As usual, lots of items in the goodie bag :)

Pic taken before heading to the race pen. The sky is still dark at that point of time.

Beautiful sunrise which greeted the 10km runners while waiting for flag off...
Flag off was as scheduled and the race went on smoothly. This year race route was slightly different from past year.

Scenic view that morning..

Good Sunday Morning!

Derp was waiting for me at the last few hundred meters (as usual). This was taken by him haha!
I was feeling/doing good for the first 5km of the race. However, my body start to turn to the downside after that. Probably due to the lack of sleep the night before which in turn result in poor race condition. So do keep in mind that rest is very important before any race!
It was a struggle to complete the race so it became a run-walk, run-walk routine till I finished the race. Personal best was no longer important but listening to my body has became a priority then.
At the end of the day, there will always be other races to aim for a personal best :)

Derp was waiting for me at the last few hundred meters (as usual). This was taken by him haha!

The 4th GEWR medal.

Yay to safely complete the race :)

With my number 1 supporter who have support me through this 4 years of GEWR.
Some pics from the official media and running shots..
Never fail to capture nice angle of me running haha! Thanks Running Shot :)

My happy face when I know I'm reaching the finishing line soon.

#nomorewarning to the ugly calf muscles.
The race route for this year GEWR was slightly different as compared to the previous 3 years. Glad they bother to make a change because one can get bored running the same route year after year. Welfare from pre-race to post-race was as usual good.
No complains as it will always be 1 of my favorite yearly race :)
This is fabulous blog and the athlete especially lady athlete can be prove the best motivational thing and her running speed inspired me a lot and to do something different in my life and to live my dreams.