HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY ESTHER FOO QI YING!!!!!!!!!!!!hahaha i guess i will need around 1 hour to finish this entry so i got to start now and i'm lazy to type tml lah.lolx.firstly i'm so kind to type the happy birthday words in blue cuz is her favourite colour.
okay 7 years of friendship where shall i start then.kz start with the secondary sch days..those were the days..
cute little jing xian..opps..HAHA..okay i went to a secondary sch thats 1) kinda far from my house 2) and not much of my primary sch friends went to the same secondary sch as mi.><.and those who went to the same secondary sch as mi weren't in my same class or were those who are not in the same primary sch class as mi.
okay so in conclusion,i went to a new environment alone.new friends new teacher everything lah.
but i'm glad that i come to know esther and gang.i still remember nana chan sat at my <-- , esther sat behind her, and behind esther was claire.yi ying was at another corner.i was close with nana first as she's the only one who stays near mi whereby esther foo just stand opposite bukitview.-_-".so during sec 1 when i haven hmm move house right, i used to take bus with nana to sch..
oh cuz esther's house below got one playground..we used to wait for her..downstairs her house and wait for her to come down then we walk to school together..lol..think of it also quite bo liao..=X..she stays 2nd floor therefore can see us then faster run down..
and regarding to this ..up till now i still remember the incident whereby as usual i took bus then alight..cross one road then walk to esther's house to wait for her..so before i cross the road i drop into a drain..-_-"..not really drop just one leg go down..and that explains the big scar on my left leg..and everyone say must be i looking at handsome guys..=X..so i slowly walk to her house downstairs waited for her..and is like early morning close to 7..imagine u come down see a person's leg bleeding like zzzzzzz..so very kan cheong..she gave mi tissue i clear up some of the blood..went sch..she brought mi to see my form teacher..then form teacher faster ask the st john's senior to help mi apply medicine..THEN..form teacher asked one teacher to drive mi to poly clinic to wrap the wound up..so i missed the chinese test that day...=X..
BUT good thing i got esther..cuz she went to highlight those words that came out from the chinese text book and asked mi learn those before the test..LOL..can't remember whether i did well anot..=X..
sec 2..both of us were nominated for the peer support leader camp thingy..we went for it..yeap..
sec 3..we went to sec 1 orientation camp..we took care of the same class..haha..
sec 3 end..we were the organiser of the peer support leader camp..is really very enjoyable..those days..all of us are very enthu..AND..i still remember that night we slept at the quadrangle..LOL..all of us just spread our sleeping bag then sleep on it..there were many stars that night..=))))..and our teacher in charge was very kind to let us do that just that she say before the rest wake up we'll have to wake up if not..let pple see not nice..haha..=X..
as your can see..my sec 3 days are damn busy =X..i still got my girl guides..thats y my rank in class was 35/40..LOL..and is really too late to catch up in sec 4..sec 4 was like..38/40?my prelims R5 was like 30..R4 was like 25..-_-"..so is better to start working hard when u're in sec 3..dun wait till u're in sec4..but nevertheless..i've always choose poly as my choice even though 80% of my class went JC..and never regret going into poly..=)..cuz i've met and be with a great class..
sec 4..nth much happen cuz of o levels..OH all the graduating class have 2 recess..-_-"..due to self study period in the noon..my sch function in a zz way..so during the 1st recess we don't eat..LOL..mi,clair,yi ying and esther..we took turn to bring big big bag of potato chip to share..thats our breakfast..then lunch time we'll go down to eat..we took turns to bring different kind each day..
actually still got a lot a lot of stuff..speech day..sports day..whatever occasion school loves to have..the locker days..we never bring any books home lah except exams/tests..decorating of notice board days..4 years of same class with her..actually goes to a lot of pple..even chun ren, hong seng who are both in SP now..
OH and still got grad night..LOL..the first grad night my sch had that was in the hotel..during sec 3..we even plan grad night for the graduating ones..after we graduate..some went work..some went 3 months..until take results day..as usual we met up at esther's house..LOL..we went to spray our hair BLACK..cuz there's rumour saying if your hair is not black u'll be the last to take results..super lame..-_-"..results were out..they went JC..i went poly even though i can apply for JC..just that it would be those lousy JC..
after esther 2 years of hard work in JC..finally she graduate..LOL..so she's free after that.therefore we can meet up so often.seriously speaking..she's the one who see mi change..i also see her change a lot..defintely we mature a lot lah..she's the one who brought mi to orchard the first time..=X..during sec 1 to see her idol stephanie sun..lol..
enough of the grandmother stories..time for some super old pictures for your to laugh..=X..

the above i forgot is sec 1,2..should be either..neoprints were very in at those days..
this if i no remember wrongly..is sec 2...

okay this..is after sec 3 end of year exams..haha..taken at bugis i still remember..

we met up..forgot is after take o level or before take results..haha..yeap..think is before release of results yea..just met up randomly after graduate..

oh this was during sec 4 june hols..we went JOHOR..with our geography teacher..for some field trip to see plantation..

sec 3..dunno is the mid year of the end hols..class outing to sentosa..the volleyball days..=)..

sec 3 we went to celebrate shi ling's birthday..the girl on top of mi..at seoul garden in JP..still remember that month..all of us ate at least..3-4 times seoul..cuz of some free coupon from NKF..1 for 1..and since then i never touch seoul till last year..hahaha..

my poly year 1 days..celebration of nana and esther's birthday..at our favourite hang out place..westmall..
this is celebration of bi shi birthday ba..always in pizza..and is always at JP..-_-"..90% of our dinner are pizza hut..haha...
last day of school in bukit view~~~..we wear tie not cuz we are counsellors/prefects..is beacuse is the school rule lah..zzz..4 years of tie..oh i still got keep my smelly tie..=)..
and to the recent us..
7 years of frienship man..lots of memories till even now..really thanks her for everything..still remember the young days..is like RING RING~..then she pick up the phone..and i cried..HAA..cuz of some breakup stuff lah..sec 1 and 2 she was first few in class though..i'm not bad either kz..LOL..sec 1 she was first..i was fifth..=X..and she got $500 and i got $300..sec 2..i got 250..oh and sec 3 and 4 ...hmm..ya..=X..
glad that after o levels..we still keep in contact even though we all went different path..yeap..and defintely this will goes on..=)..
last of all..happy birthday and cya real soon!!!!!!!muackz muackz love you..lol..its zhun zhun 12am now..i really used 1 hour to type..-_-"..
anyway my wisdom tooth is coming out lah..zz..or is half way there le..still not that pain yet..and is like one side came out only eh..another side haven..i also not very sure..can't see it myself..-_-"..tata all~..bb~..1 last paper to go..