Woke up quite early to get pepared. My boy got the preview tickets from his youngest brother. Weeks back actually my boy's bunk mate got the preview tickets also cuz they performing for NDP. By right boy suppose to perform also but will be in thailand during national day so can't perform le. But that time we booked our movie ticket so never go for the preview. now finally can go le!
it's a coincidence that 1 of my gfs, bi shi is also going with her bf. ahha. Both of us also green sector tickets.
We went cityhall for lunch. Afterwhich, we went in around 4pm like that.
queuing to go in..
Got our goodie bag and stuff. Mine purple, my boy one is yellow. My boy even asked the person to get mi pink but from his vision there's no pink. cuz the pnk is at damn below la. forget it! lol.
After settle down, pictures time!
This view is what i get to see everyday when i working at swissotel. -_-'.
this heart shape is nice! can switch between 2 colour. red and white. haha.
Another cute thing. Mr bean!!
when jen see this, she's so high over it. haha! when i see this i did think of her actually. lolx.
bi shi and yc! she was just looking around and so qiao saw mi sitting quite near her also. haha!
By 5:30pm, everything start with this big eye. -_-'.
choir behind the drummer.
this year ndp got different chapters. first 2 chapters is performance then chapter 3 is the parade.

mark lee acting as sang nila utama's assistant. lolx.

Colours party and GOH.
sang nila utama - the guy who saw the lion on singapore and name is singa de.
there's many small lion around dancing infront of us. damn cute. is one kid inisde from the wu shu house de.
Chapter 2 shows suddenly a bomb is detected at the parade. Ask us stay calm while they will get rid of the bomb.
asking the performers to run to somewhere safe first.
some poor kids have to act lieing there and wait for the fireman to carry them. haha.
there's many armours and tanks coming in. then 2 Navy ship also. they all shoot towards one target.
this 2 is the battle planes i suppose. i only know when everything has clear and safe, they even bow to us. chio! michelle cheong even act as the newsreporter reporting about the whole scene. wearing one specs and being professional. cannot stop laughing at her. remind mi of her in the noose. haha! the slang really is zz!
Chapter 3 Parade.
Chapter 4 - Malay dance.
Chapter 5- i forget the name. but i remember is some retro thing. the play the very oldies song to the very latest song.
Chapter 6 - Wu shu! lolx. done by the army guys.
Chapter 7 - i remember is nth. lol.
Chapter 8 - a dance. My boy's youngest brother is in this.
i love this pictures.
Last but not least finale!
After everything, we sat there and wait for the crowd to clear before we start moving. Boy wanted to find his friend but too bad the participants cannot come out. And somemore his friend sitting too inside le. they were all at the stage area.
We walk pass the stage area trying to find his youngest bro. He saw us, I see him but I never notice. LOL. they all look alike especailly wearing the same costume la.zzzzz!
see really shaky hands. i took like 10. mostly is blured. -_-".
back with more updates. hope i clear the updates before i go batam. if not..it will be another full of pictures post. haha! batam in less than 1 weeks time. can't wait! feeling excited about it le.