Just yesterday, boy and i went to pioneer mall mac for lunch. Its been sometimes both of us go there so we have a walk around the place after lunch(actually intention was to go to the singapore pools inside giant la. lol)
Anyway on the way up, we went to the game shop whereby we used to buy our maple cards there cuz is cheaper! lol. By like 50 cents or more. At first i was just looking around the shops, it used to be 1 shop now expand into 2, opposite of each other. Then i was attracted to this sony 32 inch lcd hd tv. Cuz of the noise coming from it attracts me. (For those who are close to me know that i'm easily attracted to tv! Okay maybe only esther know! HAHA! When we were in batam, first thing i step into the hotel room is to on tv and sit down to watch. Doing nth else. lol.)
Staring at the nice and big tv wondering what game is it, i did figure out later than it was FFXIII.There was this PS3 console below.
The graphics is like god damn chio~So boy and i stood there for quite long. lol. So we were thinking is the game graphics chio or the tv that makes it even more chio. But i guess to have if a person wan to have maximum gaming experience, other than having the console you need to have good tv!
Strong temptation to get PS3 but need to have good tv and the time to play lor! HAHA! I think PS3 is better than WII cuz WII is more suitable to play with more people. If alone is like damn sad can? zzz. as for PS3 if you cheong alone those games, shiokness!! just sit there whole day and play.
Maybe i should psyco my brother to share and buy PS3. lol. Wait till my parents change the living room tv. HAHA! I mean like seriously since young both of us got all the consoles okay~. Is him la actually who wanted my parents to buy, so my childhood days is sitting infront of tv playing all this kind of games.
I remember the first console(other than nitendo gameboy) is Sega. lol.

I think this is a new version one lor. I don't remember the one at my house is so chio de. =X. But the catridge thingy is the idea la. The classic part is whenever the game can't load, brother will pull out the catridge, and blow the bottom of it cuz is full of dust and push it in again. It works lor! HAHA! I was like only p1-p2 or even younger, find it amazing! hehe.
All this kind of games we play during holidays(everyday morning till night) and on weekends.
So few years down the road, brother wan my parents to buy him
Sega Saturn now. -_-".

I guess the only difference is it allow CD games? ya. Able to play sega games la. Doesn't mean those games we used to play in sega is thrown away le. haha. As i was young that time, doesn't really care about graphics etc, my mind is can play then just play la. lol.
Okay the last console we had is Play Station.(i believe most guys used to have 1 during their young days or at least play before if not is damn sad).

My brother mod it and yes got to play many games. -_-". everyweek he sure come home with new games! lol. But guess only a few leave me deep memories.
We played resident evil where him, me and my childhood friend, 3 of us spend 1 sat afternoon completing it. We did fail before la for the first time. damn it. can't get on the stupid train to leave in time and it explodes! the screen then it shows GAMEOVER! -__-".
Other games like marvel vs capcom, puzzle fighter, DDR(we got the mat) and some more acarde games la just that i never remember the names. lol.
Anyway i seriously miss all this gaming. During poly days i did touch the playstation for a little. lol. Harvest moon! hahaha!
Guess i can only play all this again after i graduate or even when i have my own house. lol. Who knows by then there's PS4 or some other thingy.
I feel so 'man' after thinking through my childhood days. -_-". I missed out the part whereby i played diablo 1,2 , and some super nice chinese RPG game(really very nice game, been trying to find it but i don't even remember the chinese name of it. only remember u got 1 whole team with u, and your priest, magician, warrior, when they wanna walk can only walk certain amount of steps, got many boxes on the floor and u choose where to place them, attack enemies to complete the quest or whatsoever).
Okay i shall go search for the chinese game again before i prepare myself to go out!