Week 2 of school is great because there's bazzar in school. which means spend $$ time. lol.
Is great also cuz is a short week due to hari raya! yea.
Totally got no time to blog during weekdays beacuse once i reach home is assignment assignment and more assignments!
Went IT fair last sat to get laptop! yea.

got it at $1229 with freebies like ear piece, mouse, cleaning kit and etc. bought the cooler for it too.
Anyway is a 13.3 inch laptop. Is light too!
Boy and i decide to share this laptop instead of each of us getting 1, as both of us each have our own desktop. So pratically this laptop is mainy put at my house when he stay at my house due to going to school. I will only take it to school if there's a need like FYP purposes. I prefer to look at my desktop monitor rather than the small laptop screen le. lol.
As i was saying at the starting of this entry, school bazaar!
Was on the way to walk to ADM to do up art assignment (FYI, from mon-wed this week as long there's free time is go adm to do art.zzz!), saw those shop tenants setting up their store and i saw something yellow yellow! then i told judy to walk over and see..finally we found the chicken!
jen and i was blaming judy for not buying for us the time she got it.
since school start i've been telling judy..where is the chicken!! no bazzar sianz.lolol.
end up we finally found it la! so happy!

kz now each of us got 1. yea!
judy and i sign up for pretty tuff to go exercise on every monday! still remember we sign up for the yoga session. lol. 20 dollars for 5 sessions. this time they gave each of us free gifts when we sign up for it other than the t-shirt they gave us. we choose big size of shirts as we realise their shirt will grow shorter and shorter everytime you wash it. LOL!

so many loots from school on monday. oh ya we share to buy 3 for $10 t-shirt. as usual. lol. i got 1 and judy buy 2. lol. good thing we went to the IT fair in school de, HP gave us a super big plastic bag with 1 magnet board inside, we use it to throw all our stuff in and carry home. damn heavy!

gifts from hk! thanks to wei an. judy and i can't stop laughing at that crystal bao. =X.

this bug fell onto roc's chest when we walk from can A to adm. omg la. it looks so fake but is real!
good that this weekend no mrt disruption but next weekend. zzz! hate it. super inconvenient. i took 45mins - 1 hour to get our of jurong area. zzz!
More assignments to be done! Adios!