After all the feasting on CNY eve, the feasting continues!

#OOTD for Day 1 of CNY.
Probably the most important day of the lunar Chinese New Year because it's the very first day of the lunar new year. Yay to a new beginning :)

Mr and Mrs Goh wishing everyone a Happy Lunar New Year!

Went back to my parents' place to 'luo hei' first before fetching the family members out for cny visiting :)

A pic with my niece who turned 2 years old on Day 1 of CNY :) Am glad that she's not that afraid of me but she's actually very shy one haha.

Yearly affair with the other nieces and nephews.
From the pic can tell they have grown so much over the years which also meant we have aged lol.

Group Pic 1
Okay my niece is looking really grumpy here lol. And the other kids got kind of distracted too.

Group Pic 2
This is a much better shot haha whereby everyone is finally looking at the camera properly.
After the cny visiting, it's back to my parents' place for another round of feasting haha.
Home cook food by Dad :)
I've always forward to home cook food by him because it's never fails to disappoint me! Yummy food as always :)
Back to my cousin's house for 2nd round of 'gaming' with the kids. They were really excited the whole night. I guess it's also a rare day for them to get together with their own cousins after all they don't normally meet that often too.

That's us playing with them still wide awake even though it'a already late night haha.

We have steamboat in our cosy home for dinner that night. Trying to utilize the steamboat machine to the max haha!
We were out again on CNY Day 3. It was a steamboat gathering with Derp's extended family.
Simple outfit that day. Just wanted to wear something comfy haha! So it's back to my tsum tsum top lol.

Light makeup for the day...

All the food for the steamboat. This is only the first of many rounds. We had it for lunch and then for late dinner too.
Afterwhich, it's time for the yearly affair to 'gamble' on CNY.

So many people involved.

Tutu Kueh did brought me some luck this year :)
Last but not least, a group photo for the attendees that day on CNY Day 3.

This pretty much sums up my CNY Celebration for 2017.
We are actually another 6-7 months till the next CNY celebration. Time files and as usual looking forward to it even though it means growing old once again.
But oh well, such gathering with family members are always memorable and priceless.
Cherish it while it lasts :)