My first NTUC run was way back in 2014. The race experience back then was a good one afterall.
But because it always clash or if not too near to other races, hence I gave it a miss all these years.
Taking it as giving my legs a break!
What makes me decide to join this year's Income Eco run was the generous discount code and I only signed up at the very last hour before the registration closes haha! #cheapthrill indeed.

What's in the goodie bag.
On race day, we were slightly late so we missed the flag off timing by a little. Can totally tell that the flag off was on the dot. No delay at all.

Quickly brisk walk to reach the starting line before we start the run.

And we are done :)

Definitely not one of those run where a PB was achieved but nevertheless it was an enjoyable run.
And since it was cheap, so there's no reason not to take part. We took it as a Sunday morning workout with splendid view rather than a race.
Some of the running shots capture by the various photographers..

Almost nearing the ending point where most of the camera man were. Too bad Derp was not looking at the camera haha.
We were posing when we were far away hence it was quite a blurry shot. Would love this picture but it's not focus on us though :( I'm hoping we will get nicer shots in the upcoming races before 2017 ends!
Anyway, I'll definitely be keeping NTUC Income Eco run in my bucket list because of it's affordable rates. I'm secretly hoping it won't clash with other major races because that it will be a pity to give this race a miss :)