stupid ang tee chek took it when i not noticing..idiot..but anyway nice shot..lolx..but the camera is very good de..haha..
bb all night..tml friday le..yeah..finally..I NEED A DRESS FOR DND LAH..zzz..wanted to lend from brenda..but think it will be too mature..age gap..HAHA..:X..she keep say age gap..wan make mi guilty..
have been accompanying her to go downstairs to smoke recently..not everyday..sometimes..i go down sit there..see scenery..while she smokes finish..first time went down..so many pple there..-__'..today went down..with althea and her..althea and mi sit there..all gossiping many stuff lah..super funny..zzz..news spread very fast in office de wor..then hong leng the new girl finding brenda..then i know she sure go downstairs to smoke..zz..i of cuz pai seh to tell her she smoking..so i tell her orh i go find her for u..go down saw she and winnie talking..mei wen came to join us then..lolx..crap again..haha..we love to eat snakes..
went to jp after work today AGAIN..accompany brenda to buy stationary for the new girl..and went to see web cam..tml i am watching movie lor..=))..sat bbq..yeah..wanna meet up with qian..many things to talk..and discuss about DND lolx..and qian i've settled the stupid nokia pc suite liao..reinstall Nth times..lululu~..bb all..
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