Wednesday, October 31, 2007
off to sleep for now..ZZZ!!!! going back sch for FYP later.ZZZ! and tml also.
night all...
thanks dbe peeps for the memories..the card..the super chocolately cake..i know your are still sleeping in the chalet now..lolx..
be back when i have enough sleep..=X..and heard from manda that this chalet we took a total of 160 plus plus
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
and on my kneel cap got one very big bruise..i also dunno how i got it..-_-"..just hope it get better soon and not worse after chalet...><.. kz all..
Off to chalet
be back on wed..=)..
<3 jay new songs..
Monday, October 29, 2007
if i not wrong this is the first night..
2nd day..a surprise birthday celebration for shezhiyan..the mango cake was yummy...
below are some those were de days pics..damn funny..that time saw shir's friendster profile then makes mi reminisce the past..
all those pics is we run out of yuan yuan's lecture and took de lor...><..
anyway last thursday was the CSW role play meeting..friday went down to national eye centre for the 2nd time..oh and this time the trip was much shorter..and can say the trip was great overall..makes us not so stress...
kz some pics below.anyway my previous entry i was saying got some other pple might also send out e-mail regarding chalet stuff and there really got pple sending out.i showed my boy the e-mail and his reply was:" f lame" ..i also think so lor..seriously i almost forgot that HE was going..the thought of it makes mi ZZ!..
kz bb all.blogged before i go off for chalet tml morning IF i got time to do so.i haven even pack my bag. ><
and when shall i start packing??i think tonight i MIGHT pack a little bit..but chances of packing tonight is not high..LOLX..last time when i'm young and pack to go camps/chalets during seconday sch..i got the habit of doing it like the day before..and not on the day ITSELF..but ever since poly life..whenever got chalets is hard lah..confirm is the day that morning..-_-'..what most tok gong is i almost forgot to tell my mum that i'm going chalet and won't be at home for the next 3 days..LOLX..=X..anyway informed her already so that she dun need to call mi and ask mi what i wanna eat for dinner and stuff like that..
e-learning week 3 days spend at chalet..fri,sat and sunday i'm off so..left thur to do my stuff..lolx..just hope i won't be lazing around..
cheong-ing bleach recently with my boy..30 something more episodes to go..><..doubt i can finish it before chalet..after bleach i will start on 1 litres of tears ba..suddenly got the urge to watch sad sad shows that makes u cry like mad that kind..yea..last time i remember watching a bit of 1 litres of tears lah..heex..oh and i finish cheonging zjyj quite long ago..and hope i can watch romantic princess live tonight..cuz i can't watch tml will be at chalet~~..
kz back in the noon with to piano lesson for now..i type off to chalet back later..:P~
Friday, October 26, 2007
off to sch for the role to wear semi formal but think gonna change out after the all.yesterday there's no FYP interview.means no need to have any interview and we send her our whole program le.was stuck at one part for quite long.i mean qian figure it out for quite long then i also keep trying.finally know where it went wrong.-_-".programming one word difference can cause such a big big big difference.ZZ!but whatever it is, finally solve it.=).
bb all.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
currently chatting with shir and emo-ing.lolx.out of 10 times i emo..i think only 1 or 2 times i will say out the reason y i emo..sometimes i just.forget it and just head to bed..lolx.cuz after a sleep everything will be back to normal.=).
anyway qian jia you ku ni le..yea and heng i found that dumb until cannot dumb mistake our in our FYP..-_-'..if not i think stuck 1 week also dunno stuck at where..very waste of time..but tats programming..and qian, i must remember to add the stopAllSounds(); after the correct.onRelease..LOLX..type here cuz i scare i forgot..-_-"..
tml going back sch for interview but anyway is not confirmed also.if our fyp teacher sms say dun need go back then dun need interview lor..just send her can le..-_-"..cuz she and mr jai is our judges..lolx.and not sure whether mr jai tml is free anot..if he's not free point with us going back to show them lah..cuz will be showing to our FYP teacher which she've seen it today liao actually..
can't wait for friday to come..cuz can eat fish bee hoon with qian..after our NEC trip..we have to go down alone without miss lu accompanying still let's go celebrate with fishy bee hoon..=)..
i'm afraid after FYP ends right..the first thing i get rid in my com is flash that program..uninstall..LOLX..=X..all the flash stuff is taking up a lot of space in my com..-_-'..ROAR..
night all bb..:P..
when you're gone...
what will i be getting for this year??just hope not disappoinments..but even it doesn't matter anymore..
Monday, October 22, 2007
tml only having 2 hours of lecture..wee..=X..noon practical lessons cancelled!!
fter wednesday will be damn shiok..=X...yea~~and off to chalet..time really flies..
today sch was damn tiring lah..zzz! least went back home to get some meeting bel to return her the comic..haha put at my house very long le..=X..
bb all night..

i love the top part.the way is pong pong.haha.oh and she cut until damn short on top.lolx but i like.:P.
anyway friday finally bought my formal top le.tried the was not bad.gonna bring my boy there to eat soon.he say he got craving got laska too.lolx.i wanna try the nasi lemak this week will be a busy week.><.spinnovex interview.going down NEC.but at least nth clash with class chalet.after a busy week can relax and enjoy at the chalet.=).lets jia all.
anyway maplers i'm buying 10 dex crystal flower earring.and i realise YTWD guild inside got many BVSS.><.around 20M?damn sianz.><.
Friday, October 19, 2007

kzkz thats all..sleeping soon..night..
Thursday, October 18, 2007
the 1st 2 video..was used in our techno module..yea the short form for the module really is techno lor..=X..881 yo arh yo..hehe..
we came up with a product call digital calendar to replace the traditional paper calendar we had at home..the first video is on a person forgetting to tear the calendar..our product also have the reminder the 2nd video is showing one elderly forget to take her medicine..and end up in hopsital at the end..lolx..=X..
the below one is 2 videos taken..on 20th Jan 06..LOLX..we still call ourselves 1A22 at that time lor..when we are 3A22 now..gosh time flies..this 2 vids is sort of the funniest video we have taken before..=) matter how many times i rewatch it..i can't stop laughing..haha..
going back sch soon for SP's 50 year anniversary later..
i'm feeling so high now..whahaha..i'll be back real soon..=)..
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
anyway thanks shir for the link to watch resident evil..gonna watch it during the weekends to scare myself..hee..
i really think i need to meet up with esther and gang soon..long time since i catch up with them..and i still owe miss auntie brenda one ice cream treat..which i dunno y i owe her the treat too..need some life..oh and i've one big plan with esther..hehehe..
i think i've already decided on what i'm going to do after graduation le ba..still got few more months to think about it..but as for now..jia you!!!.. everytime we wake just another day closer to sad..
"as we go on..we'll remember..all the times we..had together.."
Friday, October 12, 2007
kz enough of the boring all.:P.yea tml is friday!!!!

taken using shir's laptop's build in web cam.hehe.was playing with it yesterday during project time.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
the girls tat day..dunno where jada go..
i think she was busy writing the card..haha..and i can't stand jason drawing..he drew qian till like one ant/worm..-_-"..adrian,he lang and jason all drew wen qian but adrian drew the best among them..weee..=X..and of cuz ervin decorated their card..
the COFFEE cake..y i caps the coffee..cuz cedrick loves to buy coffee cake for the birthday person lah!!!..but then not a lot of them like coffee he just buy what he likes..><..and when we complain he will say :"bu hao chi meh??jing xian bu hao chi meh??"and i will look at him and o.O???-__-"..lolx..
the birthday girls with their card outside settlers cafe after we got chased out.=X.
this picture i also got a lot of things to say.when qian send mi i was smiling until i saw this pic..-___-"..cuz is cedrick who keep say..i wan take picture with your le i wan to take picture with your le..end up he make mi feel that i owe him money..-_-..he got the qian bian and bu song face..-__-'..or kana forced to take picture face..
love this picture lots..very colourful..HAHA..didn't know it will turn out so colourful also..
at central de billy bombers..and we chose the outside seats and many of them keep say wan to jump down..-_-"..
at the bridge..was feeling dead tired then..
night all..shall continue with my fyp and sleep le..tata~
p/s: my boy lets go buy a new specs for u okay?=).u need it urgently!!
Sunday, October 07, 2007
i love this heart shape..
pai seh li hua block your face..=X..
i love this chair a lot a lot..very cute..oh also those who attend get the head thingy free and some pots too..haha..
i got this from my boy..see what they wrote..-_-"..
the wedding cake..=)..
here's the vid of the wedding more than 1 year the same time testing out the blogger upload video function..=X..
anyway qian just send mi the FMC photo tat time we went clarke quay..shall post it up tml..=)..loves those pictures we took..night all..=)..
Saturday, October 06, 2007
anyway few days ago i think on god brother barry met with a car accident.ZZZ!he only see car coming from the left no see the right de then end up kana bang.but fortunately not very serious.he landed on his hand now the hand are wrap with the cast thingy.><.and good thing he wearing long pants that leg didn't tio any injuries.hope he faster recover ba somemore exams is coming.-_-".
he keep telling mi if he die arh help him tell XXX he like her..ZZZZZZZ!!!!then i reply :"before u die please tell mi your maple account and id thanks.LOLX!:X.
he better be alive and tell her himself okay!!!..i dun wish to be the one to be helping him to tell her..ZZZ!!
kz gone~off to sch for the 2 hours lecture..-_-"..
Friday, October 05, 2007
can't wait for tml patch.=).
today went tamp in the evening.finally met bel to get the slam dunk comic.thanks girl.the comic are really heavy.ZZ!can't imagine u bring to work from home then have to meet mi after your work.zzz!thanks a lot a lot.=).
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Monday, October 01, 2007
last friday while doing the boring FYP which make mi yawn many many times till my tears wan to drop le..received this sms that my seller is reaching dover..anyway she's my seconday school guides junior..the world is so small..met her then chat awhile cuz she need to get opposite to take bus home..she seems scare of mi..must be the ying ying i've caused during guiding days..LOLX..
so i bluffed wen qian that i went down to meet my spree organiser to get necklance i took the posters back..hide behind mi she didn't i took the posters went up to her..*still hiding* and looking at what sianz thing she doing..cuz she got the super duper sianz i told her..oh so u doing this arh..
at that point of time i really duno how to open my mouth and say all those nice words..can't express myself well with words..if u ask mi to console something i think i will make the person feel more sad..-_-" i qian arh..i got one thing to tell u..bu neng shou de mi mi..dun tell pple hor..she say what??(still looking damn sianz) i just took out the posters and gave it to we both start to high over the posters..cuz 2 of them are huan huan ai de..:X..very nice wor..
i think she went home and rape the poster liao..=X..
sat went to burn down my playground..:X..almost only but didn't..end up burn my hand..-_-"..anyway see the pictures and u'll know what happen..

playing sparkles at home..:X..haha no lah..was testing whether the sparkles got the stupid sound anot..cuz my boy insisted it got..i say it dun have the stupid sound..okay end up i'm right..:X..

the 3 lanterns we hang behind the chair we sitting at..actually the place where we playing the candles..

before lighting up..

the heart first i told him i bought 6 box of candle..he say so much..end up only left 1.5 box..-_-"..

had a hard time lighting up lor..-_-"..damn hot..can feel my face is burning..

dunno y i just reached home and start to emo.-_-".time to go practise secret.but my damn brother is still sleeping at this time.-_-".got to cheong fyp later.shall stop the emo-ing thingy on my head.i all.