friday went IT fair..the night before was chatting with esther on MSN..then know her bf working at IT fair..then i went in early noon to the IT fair..but can't find him..lolx..walked around looking at the specs of the computer nowadays..saw one compaq one..specs damn good..and is 999 dollars..-_-"..think i shall DIY another one soon..and there's some parts of my current com i wanna reuse like the dvd drive..and just change one new monitor..lolx..
my new creative speaker..79 dollars...><..maybe i shall change my keyboard to a black one too..hahahhaa..cuz my mouse is black..monitor change liao confirm is black de also..but can't get used to typing another keyboard le..hahaha..
oh yea and i change my maple hair..
my old hair..
my new hair..with new skill..hahhaa..
oh yea friday also went to buy this thingy..lolx..i hang in on my hp..while my boy hang it on his PSP..hahaha..can use to wipe screen..
actually got it's hp pouch..pencil case..and the real toy..but my boy and mi discover that..the fur right..very easy drop sia..zzz..touch touch a bit..everywhere is mao liao..-_-"..so take this without fur de..hahaha..and i love the eye..X.X..remind mi of bel..-_-"..
think i gonna get a RED psp..hehehe..fall in love at first sight..my house there is selling wor..hahaha..and is very cheap now..price drop 100 liao..-_-"..
kz bb all~...anyway i going to level 150 very soon..hahahaa..another of my wish list fulfilled...
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