woot just back from maplesea 3rd anniversary..for the whole month of june i never spend a single cent on maple..therefore can't do anything much today at the event..except to verify my account and queue for something very -_-"..one big plastic bag..stupid de..nth much inside..went to spin the wheel..my boy got free post card..very nice..but i got nth..=(...
we met wintermilk aka fupg,me2u aka mar and oobacteriaxoo(not sure if is correct) aka yy there..lol..
once collected the free in game thing..cuz they put limited to first 1K..but when i reach there at 1 plus..they still giving out lor..still got a lot..so i faster call bel come and take..went to da bao BK and meet bel..pei her take liao after she go..mi and my boy go back join them to queue..
pictures time..=)..

the crowd..

they having some in game jumping quest PQ there..behind the screen is quite a few computer together..

mi and the balloon..lol..my boy take it for mi..
while queuing..
the mushroom on the stage..very cute wor..
the ticket to redemn the ingame thing..

the big plastic bag..inside got nth much..-_-'..
the things inside the big plastic bag..still got 1 can of whatever and 1 can of anything..-_-'..
back to real maple to take picture of the birthday suit we take from today event..
the suit make us BOTAK!!!..-_-"..bel,mi and my boy..
this looks much better..

botak till very happy..lolx..
angry cuz botak..zz!


didn't manage to go the cosplay today..=(((((..heng bel's friend aka yy got take photo of it..go see from her blog..hahaha..nice sia..
kz going to aclovems now..not playing anymore dagonms for now..cuz server check..playing aclovems cuz is my friend's private server..lol..bb all tc..