afternoon went for training at 2pm.. only 4 of us..all from finance..thought will have pple from other first i dun wanna go for it..cuz i'm only a temp staff..and there's work to rush finish..but they ask mi go in listen listen..but not bad afterall..learn new thing..and glad that i go..cuz the interface really change a lot..heng got go..if not today i go back work sure many things do wrong..
around 4pm sandy went out and saw lawrence eating this new youghurt ice ask him take for is really nice wor..and i dun think is in the market strawberry and mango..i choose the mango one..i'm a mango lover~..thats y always go PS eat ice monster..=X..

friday night my boy stayed over..we slept damn early cuz very tired..sat morning wake up early and watch online movie whole day wor..i realise i completed 4 movie in a day..LOL..kungfu panda,don't mess with the zohan, baby mama and good luck a bit of strangers but find it really sucky..therefore didn't watch till the end..
sunday went for piano lesson..and the market area there is going to undergo renovation..for 8 months..=(..sadden..while walking pass it many of them was last day liao..the market that was there before i was born..guess 8 months..really a long period wor..those stall owners that i use to know confirm not that after 8 months..sure find other place to do their business liao..=(..

went home..played private maple story with my boy and his bro 166..=X..
went in real maple to collect leaf nia..and fupg mega mi and my boy..lolx..didn't know he mega us until he keep shout and shout for us..-_-"..
thats all..watching superband now..haha..just finish watching fated to love also..can't stop laughing sia..going to bathe and sleep early...very tired~..><>
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