wee!! finally booked our chalet!
whahah! straight after exams the next day will be our chalet! looking forward to it!
we had our first
IEM gossip club meeting today at xx hall.
lol. no la. we just went to his room to watch confession of a
shopaholic. the night before we had our gossip chat on msn. damn high de. lol. content shall not be revealed. kept within the 4 of us. just nice wei an went back home today. so left xx alone and the 3 of us. while converting the file format, started to take picture for our art. got to draw 3 human.

the more i look at it the more funny i feel. lol. i realise xx appear behind our background. dun even care us. 3 crazy women. lol.
after that we started taking show-neh-neh pictures of judy. play till damn high even though xx was around. haha! he want to see but we dun let la. judy will feel damn pai seh.
we combined the 2 single beds together. haha. and everyone lie on it. got the chalet feeling. lol. cosy cosy de. haha. watched till around 5pm, we leave le. jen went home while judy and mi head to bugis. ate some stuff while waiting for the spree organzier to come. finally collected out clothes. judy got 7 clothes. -_-". still got 1 haven reach yet. will mail to mi once it reach. i got 2. end up actually i got 3. 1 more with her. lol. i too blur le.
headed to bugis street to walk before having dinner. too full from the snacks we ate before that. walk walk walk..end up she bought 1 shorts, i bought 1 shorts. lol. weather is damn hot recently. not enough shorts to wear and u just dun feel like wearing jeans. just feel like wearing shorts everyday.
bring her to eat nice nice wanton mee. hehe. head back JP. see our art file but never buy it. she took bus back to ntu while i took bus back to hall.came home edit her pictures till nice nice. lol. put one heart shape to cover her cleveage. lolx. she now then know her neh neh is big. -_-".
kz night all. tml freaking 8:30am again. -_-".