Monday, August 31, 2009
fri night after back from supper i slept at only 4am. digesting the nasi lemak, waiting for hair to dry and talking with esther online. lol. she gave mi lots of ideas for my photomontage assignment.. lol..shall do it tuesday afternoon after lab assessment..and see how it goes..whahhaa..some of her ideas are really lol..
sat, boy came over very early..we watched one piece and slacked till late afternoon before going jp. yes bought new tops at jp. lol. we then took train to clementi. had botak jones. the queue was long~. but dun really need to wait damn long before the food come. its been a long time since we eat that. that time we went boon lay place to look for it but close down le. -_-".
ate till damn full. now u can choose your side dish. is no longer only colesaw and fries. we ordered the cheesy baked potato and fries. the cheesy baked potato is nice. =).
we then walked at cityvibe(the so call new clementi shopping centre) nth much..they got a big lan and chio lanshop..haha..we pass by this kueh shop..and had this durian pancake..nice! pan cake is hot..the fillings is is nice la..they really bua a lot of durian inside..
can't wait for this weekend to come cuz i'm defintely going catch G-force. whahaha! can't wait! =).
p/s: i got dumb friend around mi. i believe that apply to jen also. -_-".
Saturday, August 29, 2009
initally i was really tired but guess after eating that, i'm awake le. lol.
Pictures time..celebration for the june and july boys first..swensens for 1 for 1 14 of

ONE PIECE!! so nice bt is not mine. haha! hong jing de. should have done a chopper one!! but is hard lor..

Thursday, August 27, 2009
even though it was a short one but i do appreciate him to come all the way down to find mi. i was doing my art when he told mi that. haha good thing i finished already. almost died of smelling thinner. -_-". saw many pple at JP but dun dare to call them cuz i clipped my fringe up. lol!
we da bao shi lin chicken rice box back to my house with bubble tea. =). after dinner watch tv and he went back le. it was actually raining heavily. lend my boy umbrella and he went back to his camp le.
today i went to meet them at JP to celebrate roc's and li xiang's birthday which actually pass by quite long ago. lol. had lunch at swensens. 1 for 1. lol. i skipped the morning lesson and only meet them at JP. then i went home again after lunch to take my silk screens, rot and change clothes and go back sch again. since i'm having concession so just use it. HAHA!
art lesson was fun today!! got a great sense of achievement when u see your own silk screen is working!
we even exchange silk screens with fellow classmates to play around. i pair up with judy all along. our hands were all black after everything but it was worth while! i shall upload the pictures soon. hehe. our teacher see us having so much fun so he did not give lecture today! and there's no homework this week! YES!
tml DSLR lesson again. looking forward. at least time pass by damn fast lor. better than those boring engineering lab lessons we had. lol. IEM this course really expose us to many many many things. many many new experiences.
upload the pics soon! i'm lazy now even though blogger is working. lol. i'm planning what to do with my boy this weekend. shopping? maybe. lol.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
i open up the windows and doors of my living room..glad that i do it in the afternoon cuz the timing most ulu and no one will be walking
started spraying the silk screen for my art..ignore the chip/dale on the cushion there..kiap by my bro from acarde..there's another stich in his room..i find it damn cute..even though is brown in colour..have no idea y is it there..but the eye is damn big..lolol..yes he's a pro catcher in such stuff..must be his gf house no place to put le so now put at my right this chip/dale is for mi i prefer putting it in the living room..
finally finish all my silk screen..took a nap..but i tell u 3/4 of the time i'm napping, i'm also coughing..pek cek..-_-"..woke up did tutorials, watch online video. 2 words: NO LIFE! gotta do something about this kind of lifestyle..nothing wrong but i dun really like it..lolx..
called esther just now to talk cock for like 1.5 hours. lol. from now she'll try to make herself free on tuesday. lol. too bad she off tml and not today. might be meeting her this friday since so long never meet her. she've been blaming mi y i never jio her work as surveyor. lol.
time to sleep. night peeps.
你又要把我一个人留下来了...having some mixed feelings now regarding many stuffs..putting on a fake self infront of everybody..
Monday, August 24, 2009
boy came over around afternoon today. he only get to book out today morning. he bought lunch for mi. =). i was craving for bubble tea even though i was coughing badly. opps. lol. we watched one piece till 3 plus before we went JP to catch the proposal.

nice show!!! damn hilarious. the female lead and male lead is so typical la. in society now very easy to find such person! haha! defintely must watch!!
came home had dinner before he book in. before he book in he was helping mi with my art. =). helping mi to mask the sides.thanks boy! =). i'm too scared to do it myself. i'm serious. if he were given 1 more day off, i would already ask him help mi with the spraying le. prepared the design on the silk screen for the whole night la.
on a cooling night..liang jin ru songs playing on my itunes, doing my art, hearing the fan the first time i find doing art so relaxing and able to concentrate more. i'm really a night person..but is not a good thing though..
听着听着,...不知为什么突然觉得有种思念...是因为在拨的歌吗? 还是? 我不知道..一种无法形容的感觉...很久没有这种感觉了...而这就是我失眠的原因...
it's monday again...
Saturday, August 22, 2009
i met boy after my lesson. that day he had some cohesion thing. they went prawning. lol. around noon time he free le. he came to find mi. had dinner at ding tai fung. and we went home to watch the hangover.
not really showing in cinema le so i get the show from ming shi. lolx. really funny show provided u can catch their joke.
friday went sch only in the afternoon. and thursday night was the only night i never touch art at all!! shiok! went for my first DSLR camera lesson!! each of us got 1 camera and 1 tripod stand. totally hands on for 2 hours!! fun!! good thing i got zx sitting beside mi. guys just seems to catch things faster than girls when it comes to such stuff. lol.
there's really many things to know about DSLR camera.from putting the camera onto the tripod stand..and etc.. oh the camera they lend us to use is olympus de. and now we understand y darwis sometimes take picture need take some time cuz there's just too many things to set to get a good picture!! i guess IEM is really 1 course which expose us to many things. first is art..then painting then now DSLR cameras! will be going outdoor to do shoots also. =).
okay i'm back to my art assignment and my tutorials. gonna try to finish as much as possible before boy is out. =).
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
i wish thursday can pass by very fast. and then weekends will arrive. totally dread thursday cuz of art! argh! it used to be friday. lol.
i missed my besties. =(. ever since batam trip i've not seen esther. okay is like 2 weeks. first week of sch i did call her and chat on phone. shall meet them up when i settled down my school stuff.
thanks boy for hearing my ranting this few days. and of cuz your encouragements. i've been complaining to u about my art!! thanks! =).miss you.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Friday 14th August, i went to the singapore toys, comics and games exhibtion with mabel! saw many interesting things. never regret going even though i was tired and carrying a lot of stuff. straight after school (skipped the last lesson) went to JP to get my art stuff with judy. carry all the way down to cityhall to meet mabel.
we had dinner at bab noodle! the place with cheap jap food and nice ambience. 3rd time i go le. haha!
Saturday 15th August, i went to work with judy, li hua, shirley and shirley's brother alan. This job is my biao jie intro mi de. Her friend finding surveyors to do a street poll about smoking habits of singaporeans. So on sat, we camp at suntec. mi and judy at one area. the rest were at the other part of suntec. Worked from 12pm-5pm. went home to do my tutorials le. haha. my boy is back that night. happy that he's back safely. but he only realise he lost 1 of the shopping bags the next day. and it contains his passport inside. zzz!
Sunday 16th August, went to work again but this time we were situated at vivocity. around 5 plus i went bugis to meet my boy. buy his youngest brother birthday present. had our dinner at Ministry of Food! nice! love their sashmi there. lol. never take any picture. totally shag that day. lol. Reached home at around 9 plus. Decide to skip today morning lecture le. lol.
Today back to school AGAIN. my weekends pass by even faster when i'm working la. but is alright i'm going to go down collect my pay tml. $10 per hour. shiok! selling off my text book tml also. =).
pictures time! time to back to doing art after this. i was watching one piece and doing at same time. makes mi sleepy lor. zz!
just standing there makes mi feel rich. i dunno y also. lol.
so pink! but i dun really like the dolls there even though is make with very high precision etc etc. i find it scary la.
my all time favourite bumble bee.
i went to the exhibtion mainly beacuse of one piece! this are the displays of what u can get from those gachapon machine. and yes i did spend money on those machines.
different colours of chopper. good thing there's a machine solely to 'tong' for chopper.
i sign up for hello kitty this poster and their game client. i sort of asked mabel to pei mi sign up. she totally sianz 1/2 but sitll pei mi sign up. LOL. On sat i was at suntec area, pei judy walk there awhile. she also sign up for it. lol!
the characters u will meet in game!
the things i 'tong' that day. 1 was given by mabel. cuz she tried her luck on the naruto machine. all 3 different machines give her naruto. -_____-".
first time i tried. i get the blue one. 2nd time finally get the pink one. weee! my couple chopper. =).
took picture with the maros brothers. btw when bel and mi was walking to take mrt, we saw fireworks shooting out from padang there. LOL. i took 1 video of it. we both damn zhun la. just happen to pass by then see le. stand there look at it till it ends before we continue walk again. oh and i step into swissotel front door that day.
as i mentioned earlier, sat i went back to the exhition again. this time there's cosplay going on but the theme is movies, video games and etc. from the western countries de. only on sunday then is japan anime de cosplay. sad. but i saw this maple siao there.
from far i find his spear very familar. then suddnely saw him posing at one area. pple taking picture of him. so i yan jiu him. saw his waist there got hang 1 picture of his real maple character. his leg there is his IGN and guild name. totally maple siao!!! somemore he was alone. if he jio his guild member to do it together with him not so weird ba. but alone!! -_-". though he didn't win but i think he did a good job la. from head to toe everything. can see he put a lot of effort in it. *claps claps*
video of the fireworks.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
i remember i blog before about the last day in batam. but i dunno where the post gone. -_-". blogger is very chui nowadays. zz! many problems.
anyway a summarise one. wake up eat breakfast. slack and check out. we got 2 hours to prepare and check out after our breakfast. i remember mi and esther sleep till 9:30am. never change or wear contact lens. just brush teeth and go down eat breakfast le. LOL. come back bathe pack. esther help mi with the packing. haha. she's pro la. after bathe pack we continue sleep and rest till 12:30pm like that. move all our stuff to bs and vincent room.
Slack there the whole afternoon till evening time before we took ferry home..
our room!
our loots! mine on the inner side. lol. yes i got a hard time carrying back. when i reach my house bus stop, i called my mum to ask her come down help mi take. lol.
all of us!
i'm working this few days. yes during weekends. and boy is back tonight. lol. update on my visit to the singapore toys,games and comics exhibtion at suntec. nice exhibition i must say!! and i met a maple siao there. LOL. update soon.
wake up around 9am. dun feel like waking up arh! bathe prepare, head down for the buffet breakfast.
not bad ba the breakfast. the kuay tiao oily arh! lol.
they all come to esther and my room to have meeting on what to do for the rest of the day. cuz their room have already change bedsheet and etc le. lol. we decided to stay in resort and go out to town in the last day for massage and etc. but when we go down to the reception to book the bus to go out to town, they say they only allow us to go town 2 times. meaning this will be the last time and the next day we can't go town le.
change of plans. volleyball for few hours bathe and head to town.
the sun was sorching hot! i hide in the shade most of the time until the sun is gone for a long period of time then i come out to play. lol. the sand there very rough actually. scrubing your legs. lolx.
before going back to bathe(2nd time), we went to the swimming pool to take pictures. the guys start to splash water on us. -_-".
We all meet again around 2pm. sat the bus to nagoya town. there's a lot of massage centre there! but i went to research online before they highly recommend isabella. so went there to see what kind of massage they offer. 7 of us took the 1 hour body scrub, 1 hour massage. 3 of them took the head, foot and shoulder massage.
We went seperate ways and start the massage! 7 of us were in the same room. HAHA! they never seperate us by sex. cuz inside the room there's many many curtains. u go in change and the person will come in to massage le! it was painful and shiok at the same time! seriously is fun to do it together lor. cuz we can talk and shout over the room. lol. henry was beside mi and making a lot of noise! he was laughing cuz some parts when the massengers touch his sensitive areas. lolx! kevin was making weird noise too! -_-". if 1 person go sure damn sianz! haha!
We take turns to bathe (for the 3rd time) to get rid of the body scrub. The isabella massage call cab to drive us to 933 golden prawn restaurant for our seafood dinner for FREE! and even drive us back to our resort! their service is good! We had our dinner at the seafood restuarant. ordered black pepper crab, chilli crab, prawns(butter & cereal), hotplate toufu, kang kong and lemon chicken. Each person pay around $12 SG. =).
Oh before we went for dinner, we went back to the hypermarket to grab all the stuff back for our family members. only esther and mi grab the most cuz we wanna spend finish all our $$. i doubt i will go back there till 1 year later or so.
On the cab back, there's no street lamps/lights. Is DAMN DARK!! only rely on the car headlight. pple living in those kampong areas uses candles at night. there's not electicity suply.
Back to resort, rot for quite long with esther. watching fated to love on channel U. LOL. After we bathe, we drink Heineken eat chips till quite late before going over to find them. Around 2am went back our room, didn't talk much and sleep le. damn tired!
Pictures Below(More to be found on Facebook)

The moment i back to hotel my eyes is glued to the tv. -_-". esther bth mi lor. i told her cuz no computer i finding entertainment which is tv. lol. i keep changing channel damn often. lol.