Tuesday 04/08/2009 Batam Day 1
We meet up at 10:30am in habourfront mrt station. everyone was saying esther and my bag was the smallest bag. but i tell u both of us bring the most things back. lol.
took the 12:10pm train. when we were about to enter the gate, all the xiao mei mei's from swissotel came to send us off! it was really a surprise. so drag some time there, take picture and wait for nicole to come. LOL. when she came we take picture again.
we stuck at the boarding there quite long cuz the ferry haven arrive yet. wait and wait finally go in le, we look up and wave bye to them while we walking to the ferry. lol.
on board the ship, play some daidee, took a lot of pics.
once we reach there, board the orange bus to harris resort. the harris pple collect all our passports, help us chop then keep for us till last day when we check out. good service they have!
settle the check in part quite long. total got 5 rooms. there are 2 connecting rooms. meaning 4 rooms are connected. only 1 room not. and the 1 room belongs to mi and esther. cuz we wan to sleep single bed and not king size bed. HAHA! if the room is king size bed confirm give to SMS and evelyn. LOL celia and jen 1 room, link to boon siang and vincent de room. henry and kevin 1 room link to SMS and evelyn de room.
my room is quite far from them. in between still got housekeeping room. we did took many pictures of it. lolx. and their trolleythey used for housekeeping. i think we work at swiss till abit sot le. lol. After putting our bags, we went down to sit the free shuttle bus to nagoya town. the mini bus really hot! those behind sweat like mad! poor them. and we notice there really no government. the way those pple drive is zzz! anyhow cut here and there. we even saw motor bikes with 5 passengers on it. omg la!
Reached nagoya, we had A&W. LOVES! walk around. before we left, we went hypermarket to sweep their food arh!! LOL. there's many weird flavours around. but i love the Lays seaweed flavour! it really taste like our local Mac seaweed fries. (i bought a big packet home!).
We've come to discover some stuff:
1) 1 can of Heineken there cost around SG$0.50.
2) 1 box of cigarette cost around SG$2.00.
3) 1 1.5 litres of mineral water cost around SG$0.50.
4) they've got weird hello panda flavour like CHEESE and BARBEQUE.
if there's any smokers around us i confirm the person sure very happy arh! -_-".
we each bought 2 1.5 litres of mineral water for ourselves. LOL! and both nights i drink heineken like water. -_-". we da bao pizza from pizza hut back. 4 medium size pizza for around $30 sg. each of us pay $3 dollars like that. -_-".
went back to harris, had our dinner, go back room camwhore like nobody business, party at jen and celia room. mahjong at their room and dai dee at bs and vincent room. lol. everyday sleep at around 2am. when yu le bai feng bai end. lol.
Pictures On day 1(part of it only the rest on FaceBook)
after collecting our boarding pass and etc.
with all the xiao mei mei who have come to send us.
our ferry!
on board!
First stop A&W!
Bowling after dinner!
gathering at their room! 10 of us all wear specs de LOL! even got 1 pics of all our specs in FB!
i remember i slept at 3am like that cuz i went back, brush teeth, lie there to talk cock with esther till quite late. lolx! heard that henry and kevin talk cock till very late. eve and sms next door can hear them talk all the way. discussing about mahjong.
blog about the rest the next time!
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