It's CNY once again which means lots of eating and of cause the much deserved rest :)
Not forgetting all the preparation work that needs to be done to get ready for CNY. No complains afterall it's a one year once event and it's only during CNY we get to have 2 public holidays instead of 1 pathetic day. Oh well, better than no rest at all!
The CNY deco was up 1 month prior to CNY. I reckon the best way to not 'waste' the deco is to have them up as early as possible haha!
Still love such red and velvet CNY deco and I've used similar one for the previous year too. It doesn't look too old fashion and yet classy at the same time. I'm definitely not one who goes for those loud design when it comes to CNY deco.
My nails incorporated 2 cute little monkeys on my thumb nails haha! Other than that it was the usual floral and glitter which I find it most apt for CNY.
CNY nails done by SIL :) She did my 2015 nails too, You may view it here.
Close up of the nail art..
The yearly affair with chi ku chips has never stop even though I've shifted out. I make it a point to head back to my parents' place to help out in making these chi ku chips. Okay it's more like I'm the one who QC the quality, test it and ensuring all is well before I pack them into containers.
My mum has long washed them clean way before I reached. Mind you, they don't look clean like these when you purchase them from the market. Infact, it's actually covered with soil/mud just like lotus root.
Lots of work need to be done to ensure they are really clean before slicing them up to fry.

And within the next hour of deep frying/seasoning it/cooling it , that's how much chi ku chips were made!
Nah they weren't for my personal consumption but more of distributing to my friends/colis.
Other than the chi ku chips which were DIY, there were other home made goodies too.
Last year, I fully utilized the air fryer and made lots of CNY goodies but these year it was just German Cookies and Crab stick snacks. You may find the recipes with regards to CNY snacks made using air fryer here.
This time round, only the crab stick snacks were made using air fryer and we decide to make German Cookies using the oven instead.
Waiting patiently..
And here we have, a tub of German Cookies for our consumption.
Btw, I've accidentally poured in the corn flour instead of potato starch and decide to go ahead with it so as to prevent wastage. I only realized it after Derp have mixed finish the dough and getting ready to mould the cookie shape opps!
But anyway, we couldn't really taste any difference so we decide to keep it instead of throwing it into the bin.
Last but not least, we have to get ready all the Hong Baos for distribution.

It's our first year so we are kind of enthu even though it will mean taking money out from our own pockets to distribute. It's a one year once event just like why people buy presents for everyone during Xmas so we don't find a need to brood over it that much. #justdoit
And just like any other years, Derp's family side has a early reunion lunch on CNY's eve eve. We only did our spring cleaning on CNY's eve itself before heading back to my parent's place for reunion haha. So much for being last minute.
The CNY #selfie
Reunion Lunch by Neo Garden Catering at Derp's Uncle's provision shop.
Fresh Luo Hei provided by the restaurant next door.
As usual group photo..
With Derp's uncles/aunties, cousins and niece :)
Glad that the number of family members turning up is still going strong. We should keep it going over the many years to come.
On CNY's eve, we managed to sleep in before we finally get down to do the spring cleaning. Back to 娘家 in the evening and a table of sumptuous food await us.
Homecook food is still the best!
As much as I will love to have homecook food, I would rather my parents to rest and just go out for reunion dinner but they always find joy in preparing food (be it reunion dinner anot) for us over the years.
Never did they once complain how troublesome it is to go to the market to shop for ingredients and all the time and effort they spend in making this meal happen. I can only say a parent's love for their kids are always selfless :)
The expensive fish which has really thick and fresh meat bought from the wet market at wee hours by my parents.
It's time for Luo hei (again, my 3rd time of the year) once my brother and SIL bought back the 鱼生 to join us.
Family #welfie before the luo hei
Okay Derp's face was crop away because we didn't have our selfie stick with us and yet we have to squeeze in so many of us haha!
As you can see, even before the arrival of CNY, I've already stuffed myself with lots of good food lol! More to come over the festive season and will blog about it soon :) Stay tuned :)
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