so..we reached there..arrange who to sit where..then decide wats the soup..and start to take food le..

my table food..

the next table food...

half of the pple who went steamboat...

another half of the pple..

3 of owner..shir..and mi the bear..

mi and shir..while taking the escalator up..
thats all for my BBQ..and we had a great time then..yeah~~..especially we did the 4 different type of expression..:X..haha..and video-ed it..:X...
okay nana's birthday celebration for now..not much picture..but lame picture more..:X..
yeah..i went to work that day first..then bought nana's present..i bought a thing for her to put handphone..its nice..think she like it ba..yeah..they bought a cake for her..and they did something to the cake..they add pearls to the cake...omg..can't imagine how it taste lah..pearls as in bubble tea those pearls..haha..i dun like to eat pearls..only nana love it so much..haa..

nana's pearl cake..

group picture...mi..esther..clair..nana(birthday girl) and yi ying..

birthday girl with security...

last of all..bu song with the security...
lame pictures..:X..but is fun..:X..i will update CNY picture after i took all the pictures ba..everyday outfit also everyday also everyone and have a happy new year..i'm hungry now..time to eat..>< everyone..and get more hong baos..
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