please go FM channel 1 room 8 top right hand corner..set up a shop there le..feel free to go and see see look will be there till this sunday kz..=))..
nothing much to write..grats myself for level 131..hmm not myself today..keep doing wrong things in sorry my boy..><..i'll be more careful next time..><..glad that OOP interview is quite easy actually..cuz that teacher have to rush off to he asked us kinda simple qn and very fast is over..yeap..nice working with u qian~~..yeah is over~~..lolx..and shit forgot to ask u upload BMR stuff..tml i'll remind u again..
this morning..had a kinda rushing morning..first is beng sms us..asked us wanna push the interview to tml morning..then all the groups wanted it we went today..and we thought is 2pm start..normal lesson time..then that $*%& teacher say have to earlier cuz he got a meeting to rush..
forgetful mi forgot to bring the cd rush to the CLS library there to get the CD-RW to burn it again..1st group to be interviewed..after that..we try to squueze all our progrmas into the disc..but the damn burner just couldn't work..tml then go pass to him ba..-_-' troublesome..
slack around in the com lab..then went off to fc3 for their lunch..i drank one mango juice..there's only mi,qian,zai qian,kai ern,ashley,ah beng,wilson and gabriel..slack around...they wanna find pui i called shirley and she send mi her office..they wanna asked her about the ITP cuz they haven got their placement yet when is like the last week of talk a lot lor..explained to us y she coudn't give them a company for attachment..blah blah blah..everyting was settled..hope they get a placement asap..
went in mr chia's room which is just next door to hers..actually to disturb him lah..crap with him..ask him tml lesson do what..dotz..haa..and soon headed took train and go home le...i went to singpost to collect my registered mail..cuz that day i wasn't in when the postman delieverd the necklance i walked around..bought 2 tops...:X..and 1 top for my boy..yeap..hope he like..feel like getting another one i saw for him too le..cuz i preferred the other one..just scare that he dun like..lolx..buying clothes for him is always a headache..:X..cuz he's pretty picky when it comes to things that he wear on his body ba..haa..:X..but thats my boy..=)..
bb all..going to try to do some maths tutorial..tml got maths tutorial class....><..night..

i'm not myself today.sorry about it.keep doing stupid mistakes.i know u're not angry.but then really sorry.><.just so blur today.dunno whats gone into mi.
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