kz..enough of that crap..i must think of things to do to keep myself night also like tat..y everynight also like tat..anyway thanks wil..thanks shir..=)..
today go back sch AGAIN for project..yeap..3 consecutive days of projects..zzz..tired enough..met up with qian and li hua in the library..cuz i was late...was settling some stuff in maple early in the morning..stupid thing lah..zz..dun talk about it..manda came to join us not long after..
so do do till kee till li hua and manda watching hana kimi le..HAHA..sort of get distracted lah..and dunno y SP load so fast lah..home load so slow..ROAR~~..
agar 2pm..we all left hua go sch and glued to her youtube..-_-"...met shir at control as usual..the 4 of us..shir,mi,manda and qian..went to manda's mum's saloon to get wen qian's hair at tiong bahru..alight at tiong bahru then took bus there..2 stops nia..yeap..very fast..
tiong bahru have a lot of nice famous food..famous for this and wonder mr XXX that size..HAHA..we keep shooting mr XXX on our we left wen qian alone at the saloon with manda's mum and her assistant..LOLX..poor qian..but we so good..went to buy lunch for her kz..we went to buy the famous curry pork chop rice..the servings really huge..before that before we took bus..we bought some pie..i mean..mi and manda nia..haha..nice sia the pie..the shop famous for the tarts and pie..
went to buy the rice..came back..ate in her shop..shared with manda the rice..yeap..then ate one pie after that..wah..full till..must walk around..then read magazine with shir..the japanese magazine of different hair style de..shir keep say wan cut this cut that..LOLX..the 4 of us had a great time there infact...mi,manda,shir..played bejeweled on manda's laptop..while qian have to sit there..LOLX...we play till very high lah..keep:"orange red~~..purple de purple de~~"...LOLX..
haha..i shall post some pictures of wen qian's da chang jin shir tell mi then i realise..then i there sing "hu la la la" the cake making game..1st time see them play..shirley was so high..HAHA..then..933 got bu liao by si wen bing..wah..very sad song~~..T_T..our dearest miss ang make her hair quite a few hours..keep teasing her..say the curl her hair the thing not enough for her head..cuz her head too big..=X..then say her apply cream to maintain her curls hor..pple 2 months use finish she 1 month..LOLX~..
a lot of shooting going around..manda trim her hair a little..qian say it looks more like helmet liao..her hair really remind mi of my p5 days..=X..and she keep saying is cute..-_-"..around 5 plus..i went to the toilet..come out the saloon suddenly become so crowded..or should i say more noisy..cuz i realise..wei cai(manda's bf)'s friends all came with him..cuz he wanna get his hair highlighted 4 of them guys..and 4 of us girls..we crowded at the basin there..where qian lying there waiting for her treatment to be done..
then qian say..since 4 guys 4 girls..y not..shu pei le?meaning match make..-_-"..HAHA..shirley is more direct..straight ask manda ask the most rich de to come over...lolx..=X..around 6:30..then we left there..left with shir and qian..of cuz manda stay with wei cai..took bus back to tiong bahru..then i took train to town while they went home..yeap..=)..
met my boy at somerset..went to walk around at herrens..find his xiao yi's present le..but haven buy..went to eat pasta mania...on the way to cini saw sebastian...the spicy chicken today is damn spicy lah..dotz..was like crying and eating..-_-'..and sitting beside us is bimbo..she talk very loud..and was actually..telling her friend opposite her about who and who de love damn loud kz..keep say.."trust is the most fundamental part of a relationship..without it blah blah blah"..reminds mi of best couple of the year..the accent the bimbo used is the same lah.."HELLO~~~~"*rolls white eye*..only my dbe/2a/22 knows..HAHA..and guys we saw them for 2 consecutive days..-_-".."HELLO~~~~!!!!"...
went back to buy the present..then took train home le kinda drizzling ba..yeah..time for some hair pictures...

TA DA~~results..i forgot is apply cream/lotion le mah..><..
night all..monday sch reopens..26 more days to exams..think i got to get new year clothes after 6th feb..dotz..probably no time this few weeks..><..thanks goodness i got sometime before ITP starts..or should i say the pathetic 5 days?haa..
i dunno y i'm emo-ing this few nights too..maybe just wanna have some peace..i dunno feels so argh~ to be emo-ing in the middle of the night..
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