Friday, August 31, 2007
1.list out ur top 5 birthday presents u wish for:(this question means presents and not wishes?means things only??so hard..><)
1) portable DVD player
2) money money and more money to shop..:X
3) new computer
4) crystal piano ornament
5) harry potter story books full set
2.ur relationship with her is
one of the member in happy san friend..=)...oh and we joined the same cca together..
3.ur 5 impressions of her(5..-_-" many!!)
1) Can go crazy at times
2) She got a da tou.:X.
3) Very Hardworking
4) She takes notes of very very small detail when doing her work.
5) no sense of direction.:X:X:X.i also.:X.
4.the most memorable thing she had done for u
last year my birthday she went to mini toons and buy many monokuroo boo stuff and have to carry it to school the next day.the person wrap until very big.and she have to carry from CCK to dover.><.
5.the most memorable words tt she had said to u
a lot..lolx.
6. if she becomes ur lover,u will?
try my best to make her the most xin fu girl on earth.*sounds so les-si-bian.LOLX*
7.if she's ur lover,what she has to improve on
dun so easily emo.><.i will scare.TT.
8.if she becomes ur enemy,u will?
print out he jun xiang photo and throw darts at him.LOLX.but i can't bear to do so cuz i like he jun xiang also.><.
9.if she becomes ur enemy,the reason is
can't think of any.
10.the most desire thing you would like to do for her now is?
plant a money tree in her house.
11.your overall impression of her
a person who never fail to make one laugh with her actions.*usually those unglam ones.:X*
12. how do you think ppl ard u will feel abt u
i'm a person who keeps on mapling and mapling and mapling non stop.
13.the character u love abt urself is
won't get pushover easily.
14.on the contrary,what character u hate abt urself
sometimes too quiet.
15.the most ideal person i would like to be
hmm just be back myself.=).
16.for the ppl who cared & liked u,say smth to them
thanks for exisiting.=).
17.pass this quiz to 10 ppl tt u wish to know how they feel abt u
so many pple do already.lazy to find 10 person.:X.if your are interested just copy and paste and do it.:P.
1.list out ur top 5 birthday presents u wish for:(this question means presents and not wishes?means things only??so hard..><)
1) portable DVD player
2) money money and more money to shop..:X
3) new computer
4) crystal piano ornament
5) harry potter story books full set
2.ur relationship with her is
one of the member in happy san friend..=)...oh and we joined the same cca together..we always listen to emo songs together.lolx.
3.ur 5 impressions of her(5..-_-" many!!)
1) she got a cartoonic voice
2) sometimes blur blur de and do lulu things.lolx.
3) she looks like mediacorp actress belinda.
4) she places her family infront of anything else.
5) a helpful person.
4.the most memorable thing she had done for u
she's always there listen to my problems.
5.the most memorable words tt she had said to u
a lot..lolx.
6. if she becomes ur lover,u will?
try my best to make her the most xin fu girl on earth.*sounds so les-si-bian.LOLX*
7.if she's ur lover,what she has to improve on
she'll be a good gf.=).nth i can think of for now.maybe dun get push over so easily.but thats her character.hard to change.lolx.
8.if she becomes ur enemy,u will?
print out wang chuan yi photo and throw darts at him.LOLX.but doubt i wil do it cuz shirley will never be my enemy.she's kind to everyone.
9.if she becomes ur enemy,the reason is
can't think of any.
10.the most desire thing you would like to do for her now is?
plant a money tree in her house.
11.your overall impression of her
a person who seldom say 'no' to u if u asked her for help.not won't say 'no' to classmates,but also to friends she not very close with.
12. how do you think ppl ard u will feel abt u
i'm a person who keeps on mapling and mapling and mapling non stop.
13.the character u love abt urself is
won't get pushover easily.
14.on the contrary,what character u hate abt urself
sometimes too quiet.
15.the most ideal person i would like to be
hmm just be back myself.=).
16.for the ppl who cared & liked u,say smth to them
thanks for exisiting.=).
17.pass this quiz to 10 ppl tt u wish to know how they feel abt u
so many pple do already.lazy to find 10 person.:X.if your are interested just copy and paste and do it.:P.
walked around here and there.cuz she wanna get some pants.hard to describe what pants is it.lolx.those in world of sports de.but is too ex le.><.we went goes the exciting part..we wanted to find huan huan ai story book..cuz i wanna take a the whole popular but dun have..end up..i found monokuroo boo story book!!! vey nicely wrap..inside is those sweet sweet phrase ba..yup..many pictures..very nice..i didn't think so much and just buy it le..LOLX..cost mi 14 dollars..~_~.every night before i sleep i'll read it..haha..
tml going back sch..oh and passing cai jing bear to li hua..better sms her now..-_-"..that bear stay in my house 1 week le..><.. i did took pictures of my monokuroo boo story book..but i'm lazy to post it up..lolx..below are maple the way...i'm reaching level 144 very soon..>< week can't really play..cuz is the kids school hols... on tue night..i helped qian to do the quest..and helped her train a little..lolx..

yesterday maple new town out..and we can be spiderman..dotz..
on the thingy to leafre town..
this is so cute..lolx..but i wanna get the dragon can evolves u know..then my guild member was telling mi what one day login..the dragon become this colour..cuz sick..then one day u see tomb..cuz die already..makes mi wanna play digimon/tamagochi..-_-" very expensive but many of them own this dragon..><..4 different,blue,black,green..some keep spending 6.50 cents to change colour till they get what they wanted..
Thursday, August 30, 2007
i got tagged by manda.
1.list out ur top 5 birthday presents u wish for:(this question means presents and not wishes?means things only??so hard..><)
1) portable DVD player
2) money money and more money to shop..:X
3) new computer
4) crystal piano ornament
5) harry potter story books full set
2.ur relationship with her is
classmate since year 1
3.ur 5 impressions of her(5..-_-" many!!)
1) she loves piglet
2) her head is very small
3) a leader person
4) quite organised and kiasu person.:X.
5) as skinny as bamboo.:X.
4.the most memorable thing she had done for u
i'll never forget that she always print notes for us.=).thanks.=).
5.the most memorable words tt she had said to u
"Hello i'm piglet!!How Are You??"*using her act cute voice and twisting the neck of her piglet*
6. if she becomes ur lover,u will?
we are both straight.-_-".dun wan to imagine also.LOLX.
7.if she's ur lover,what she has to improve on
8.if she becomes ur enemy,u will?
take her piglet and kiap the ears of the piglet with the cable connecting to the power supply in the lab and on the voltage to the maxium.MUAHahha!!
9.if she becomes ur enemy,the reason is
she irritates mi with her piglet oh and her niam-ing.:X.but her niam-ing i can take it.LOLX.without it then i'll find it strange strange de.:X.
10.the most desire thing you would like to do for her now is?
hope she wake up and find stack of money below her pillow.
11.your overall impression of her
she's a mushroom.i'm attracted to her cuz i'm a mushroom slayer.
12. how do you think ppl ard u will feel abt u
i'm a person who keeps on mapling and mapling and mapling non stop.
13.the character u love abt urself is
won't get pushover easily.
14.on the contrary,what character u hate abt urself
sometimes too quiet.
15.the most ideal person i would like to be
hmm just be back myself.=).
16.for the ppl who cared & liked u,say smth to them
thanks for exisiting.=).
17.pass this quiz to 10 ppl tt u wish to know how they feel abt u
so many pple do already.lazy to find 10 person.:X.if your are interested just copy and paste and do it.:P.
Monday, August 27, 2007

i got so many shows to watch!!!...gonna bathe and eat now..and re watched the hulk the show already.cuz i sort of fall asleep yesterday when i watch.><.and the show is nice but is very very long.zzz!!poseidon is more exciting.:X.oh and gross as well.haha.
Sunday, August 26, 2007

she's now sitting infront of my com looking at mi hua wanna make clothes for her. pass it to her when i go back sch for FYP.
went to the DVD shop and see if there's any show that i feel like watching. while checking out my DVDs, there's some fighting going on in the shop and outside the shop.Here it goes, this group of girls from A sch is in the DVD shop while this another group from B school was outside.take note that they are from the different school.
while standing at the counter i heard some shouting from outside the shop.
girls from B school : tiao si mi tiao!!!~~~
girls from A school : *stared outside at those girls from B school*
i dun remember whatever B school pple said. mi,my boy,the shop owner and the assistant 4 of us were at the counter.
those girls from B school just keep shouting dunno what.and the shop owner she went outside and say: "your wan fight go else where fight okay~dun fight inside my shop!!!"
her assistant was laughing and scanning my DVDs.
then girls from B school shout: hum chee arh!!!hide inside the shop!! COME OUT LAH!..
when she said that whoever in the shop all stared at them.-_-".
the assistand laughed and told mi: " nowadays kids very childish."
LOLX!when both of us left i heard the shop owner telling her assistant: " pple see u pretty cannot meh..y must so petty!!~"
while walking home with my boy.i told him its been around 3 years since i heard such -_-" things.lolx~.and i believe those girls sec 2 sec 3 only.f3.the thing is y different sch also can such things happen arh.maybe they know each other in friendster or whatever.or maybe maple who knows.and are enemies.
today went orchard at around 5 plus.went to redemn the amore womanday stuff.there's some hockey match going on outside ngee ann civic plaza also.the girls match i realise not much pple watching.whereas the guys match on another side a lot of pple crowd to boy told mi for the girl's match, the ball keep flying idea of hockey is playing golf and is a very dangerous sports.lolx.seconday school PE lessons always get bruise after playing hockey.-_-".
went cini for pasta mania for dinner after that.
damn damn damn big sam soon pig. 400 dollars.-_-".my boy say this pig taller than mi.i dun believe.i thought at most till my shoulder level only. put this at home u move it by rolling it.lolx.
the bear flower he gave mi.=).
had chocolate foundue at the 2nd level 24hour cafe.if i didn't remember wrongly the name is maestro bistro.yup.

changed my blog skin finally.hehe.its not easy finding something that i like.if not i would already change it long it cuz is nice and simple.=).still got some editing to do.but no ideas for it for the time being.brain dead.:X.Thursday, August 23, 2007

i was like..where u get it!!!!..then he told mi go baidu search..hehehe found anot..dead..:X.


super duper on it to read whats on the picture..very nice..
finally left with 1 paper..gosh..and just now around 10 plus..was asking li hua to send mi things..she told mi XXX called..asking her tutorial 4 qn..gosh..tat guy many days no sleep..stress us..dead..tonight and tml night no need sleep..somemore is 9am paper on friday..-_-"..
qian gave mi,shir,li hua and wilson something today..

lolx~i edited..:X..HAHAH!..her post huan huan ai syndrome..-_-"..anything also link to huo da..thats the infront of the msg..

behind is this..but i really smile everytime i look at it..and it means EMI anything dunno dial that bu neng shou de mi mi number..:X..oh and to all our surprise..clair also watch huan huan mi is like hearing wen qian go and watch alone that ghost show..lolx..
last picture of the day..

jia you for our last paper!!!!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
anyway my boy ended his last exam of poly life today.and is only 1 paper.-_-'.but he's starting his attachment soon.2 weeks time.can't believe i've passed that period already.time files.
after exams shall meet up with esther they all since i missed one outing with them last week.but i also not very sure did they meet up in the end.received the sms around 7 plus.and is meet 8 plus at westmall/jp.-_-".what worse is for dinner and i just had my didn't went in the end.lolx.
looking forward to meet up with them and shop one time before sch reopens.oh and since my boy is having attachment during my hols, i will be a good gf and will be frequently going down tamp like in the past.i guess the 2 person that i will see the most often will be qian and my boy this whole hols.lolx.almost everyday i guess.:X.
night all.and shir u are very lu.:X.u know what i mean.:X.
Monday, August 20, 2007
copyright from qian..
wanted to post this up cuz..while watching the show..i was telling my boy exactly the same things like 以后你看见的每一颗星星 都代表静娴说我爱你..
and he replied mi this..以后你吃的每一立米都代表伟容说我爱你爱你爱你 ..
Sunday, August 19, 2007
guess where my tor is..

another picture...
think your should know by now.....
ta dah~~ need to say so much..:X.your can see where i put him inside..:X.
was teaching my boy to play some childhoods songs on the piano..while he is practising..and the tor is he bring along to where the piano room in my house..-_-"..he looks so cute sitting in my piano..:X..
today while my boy is studying infront of my com..i was lying on my bed to study the whole day..and whether did i fall asleep..of cuz the ans is YESH..lolx..and he was using my liquid paper..and i used it to kiap my notes cuz the fan keep blowing it..very the liquid paper was passing around..and my bear was just beside this what happen..
we just let bear hold it when no one using it..:X..and he's lying on my new piggy member..><..
Friday, August 17, 2007
rewatched the secret on crunchyroll last night before i the day i was watching zhong ji yi ban while figuring out how to use sobel,robert and all this.finally watched finish.=).kinda surprised by the ending though.haha.
so went to watch secret around 3am before i sleep.just wanna find something to laugh i just watched infront a bit bit and drag the timeline to watched jay and the dad part.:X.oh and i found simliarites in the secret and zhong ji yi ban.HAHA!one very funny part though.quickly sms-ed shir after after i rewatch secret again then i realise thats so smiliar to zhong ji yi ban.:X.
will start on zhong ji yi jia after exams.:P.
meanwhile, studying is all i need and have to do.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
downloaded the whole OST..some kind soul put it up..even huan huan ai OST also uploaded..-_-"..shir,li hua and qian online can get from mi..=)..
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
i simply love the logo a lot..very nice wor..somehow everyone came home and start to research on the shall head the bed soon..
gosh while drinking bubble tea on my way hua sms mi say..the secret that movie OST out..i was like so excited..wondering got all the piano songs inside a not..then i came home..OMG got lor..and i went imeem got one person upload 1 song...that explains my blog song..hahhaa..
this song is the one which jay and the girl played together..=) sweet..hehehe..yesh i'm dying to buy the OST already..i dun care i'm going to..then i will burn one copy for my piano teacher..and tell her.."teacher i wan learn the secret.."..ask her write out the notes for mi..whahaha~..she's very eng to do that anyway..or perhaps..i guess not long got the score already..gosh~~..
so excited now till i'm not concentrating on my 9pm show..-_-"..oh and li hua say one thing very true..she told mi..the show right..if u dunno music u watch u find it not bad..if u learn music..and u watch the show..u find the show great..=)..
oh and today re watch..i realise i really missed out a lot that time..-___-"..and today BMD paper gone case..lets jia you for the rest..=)..and i'm going to play classical music in my room and study already..hehehe..oh and seriously after watching the show..i now is everytime i feel sianz i will just go play my piano..:X..
tml or thursday need to get out of house and collect one registered mail..-_-" the postman no is a woman..i thought is who..but dun dare to open door..-_-"...i got hear her shout postman le..but still dun dare to open door..haha..:X..whoever saw the secret OST out already in popular please tell mi..thanks.=)..
(p/s: li hua eat too much popcorn won't let u grow wisdom tooth okay..f3..)
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
yea!catching the secret again after sch tml. 6 of us got mi,shir,qian,li hua,qing yu and her biao mei.yeap.booked tickets for them just now.hehee.2nd last round from the back.i think we'll be sitting the couple seats.:X:X.and we can hug each other and cry.can't wait to watch again.
anyway sleeping soon to have jin shen for tml's paper at 2pm.watching zhong ji yi ban as usual and doing some recapping.i realised ding xiao yu in the show the character really reminds mi of hua zei lei in meteor garden.oh and those who come my house before, i've got one very big poster of zai zai in my the sort of biggest poster in my room but lose to the final fantasy one.
oh and i changed my blog song to something classical.:X.cuz first is being influenced by the secret that movie.secondly today while practising piano, and very randomly i started to play this song.lolx.wanted to put chopin's song as my blog very nice.but is very loud in the begining i scare it might xia dao pple when they come into my blog.somemore now 7th like in the middle of the night some classical music playing is so errie.:X.
good luk to mi for tml first paper.=).oh and should be heading to chomp chomp this friday.can't wait for it to come.=)))).
Monday, August 13, 2007
okay back with pictures before i run to my piano lesson..(cuz the bus long long time then come once.-_-")

clinic bar..almost went in with my boy..lolx..cuz we wanted to rush home to watch 9pm didn't went in..=(..nvm shall go in the next time..

so cute eh?hahhaa..
bb all..exam period..blogging less often..oh one good news for myself..i just can't seem to dl KO One from veoh..keep got the unknown error..great i'm stuck at episode 8..-__-"..will get the VCD from sop after my exams..mean while STUDY!!!!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
introduce my new pig member to you all..

i dunno what her name..but buy cuz of her face..haha..and i can hang it in my bag..f3..might consider doing that..lolx..
Thursday, August 09, 2007
anyway BMD and DIY PC quiz is finally over!!..weee!!!..seriously after BMD presentation the feeling is damn shiok..the night before this 2 things happen..i slept at 3am..qian slept at 4:30am..and marvin didn't sleep at all..-_-" for li hua and shir..both slept late too cuz of DIY PC quiz..keep trying and trying..i guess those who took DIY PC as their gems..i think no one as crazy as us already..><..but finally is over..=)..thanks andrew for his answers..:X..
have been watching zhong ji yi ban nowadays..gosh..><..and is the first time i see my boy quite into such shows..maybe cuz is not those love show waiting for veoh to dl finish.:X..a bit more..:X..a few more % to go..and is 3am now..gonna watch till 4am??:X..have been studying in the day..zz!!.
can't wait to watch the secret tml..and also rush hour 3..=)..might be heading down to clarke quay at night..=)))))..night all..
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
kill BMD!!!! kill DIY PC!!!!!
after tml everything will be over..yeah!!!off to continue study for DIY PC..later going to try the in sch try once..but i only familar with the behind cuz i study the behind part first..lolx.. tml got presentation..=(..scare..
oh yeah changed blog song's to jay's new song..hehehe..i going to figure out how to play that song..=)..saw it on youtube when he go on a variety show..and he played the whole song on piano with his fans singing..very nice...=)..
watching 2 movies on fri..:X..cuz realise no other time better to one day 2 movies..:X..okay think i going offline to study DIY PC..hope i dun fall what li hua told awhile can fall asleep de lor..-_-"..thats what happen to mi just now..zz!!
yesterday lessons were from 10am onwards..till around 11..then we went to eat..dunno y we eat so long also..haha guess the queue was too long..ended up we went library awhile then headed to the lab..can't ta han the lab lesson..thought he would tell us more tips...but is like -_-"...conclusion he is very naggy...
after sch..we went K box!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....hahaha!!!!!.li hua and qian last sat just went..and they going again lah..this time with mi and shir..hahaha!!!!!!! fun!!!! cheong down to clementi k we wanted to sing 2pm-7pm..but we reached there already 3:30..
sang many many songs..hahaa..and li hua dance xiao zhu song..the rest of us laugh till zzz!!...qian already got used..and..she keep wanting to blog song now..-_-"..keep wan that song le..><..and she changed zhi xiang ai ni by chen something very -_-"....hahaha..and u know as i looked through those coming up songs..i realise is all either SHE or xiao zhu's song..dotz!!..sang one FLH song with li hua..then..still got some tank and cai ming you songs..:X..those emo songs..:X..
went home after tired..did up the BMD and send to the to prepare the script and stuff like got to do somethings before going to lessons from 1-3pm only..-_-"..hope after sch can faster come home do a lot of things!!!!..DIY PC quiz tml..damn i haven even touch it at all..-_-" all..
i sort of dying to watch the secret that movie..:X..firstly cuz the show is very the advertisment on piano not enouogh for him..need 2..%^%*..hahaha..really curious to find out how he does that lah..and what most important is..its a love show..:X..
oh anyway i found a new way of putting music in need uploading..:X..but nowadays using immem can le..i is use immem..but somehow manage to hide my immem..:X..yeah~~..think i can change my blog song very often..getting sick of ai de zhu xuan lui liao..!!..zzz!!
Saturday, August 04, 2007
watched the simpsons last friday at the cathay.=).a very funny movie.spider pig!!! boy came over very early to wait for mi to prepare then get out together...=)..we didn't had any lunch so just ate popcorns for lunch..after than went PS walk here and there..but didn't bought anything at all..lolx..we went to check out its pizza hut..realized the pizza hut there damn decided to head back to JP..thinking that JP's pizza hut is bigger..but unfortunately, many pple queueing up..zzz!!..and i realise the set for the cheese fondue different from the delivery..i preferred the delievery..which is the fondue, the star-shape thing and 4 piece of drumlets..where as u dine in..only the fondue, 2 soup and 2 drinks..><..
so called the delivery thingy and went to walk around JP before heading home to wait for the pizza..really very nice wor..=)..oh and rented 3 dvd home..TMNT,the bridge to terabithia and charlie and the chocolate factory..watched charlie that night..i watched it before but my boy didn't..and i highly recommend the show for him to watch..haha..
to our surprise..cuz at the end i saw Johnny Depp this word..act as willy i was telling my johnny depp very familar right this name??he replied: hmm ya lor..then i keep thinking..who's that..who's that..y so familar..end up we went online to find..and he's captain jack from pirates wonder willy wonka also a bit gay gay captain jack..see the way he walk can le..ahhaa..gosh..really didn't know..
watched TMNT and bridge to terabithia today..both not bad lah..bridge to terabithia kinda sad lor..even though happy ending..the kids inside are damn cute..hahhaa..especially the sister..
my boy went home and i mapled all the way..:X..maple with li hua sister..:X..can't believe it right??haha..i also can't believe that i maple with her..collect quest item for her..SG map is out..we do quest to get Singapore flag..changi airport is in maple..CBD area is in maple..and even boat quay also in hua tat day sms mi and say..u got see the taxi anot..very lu..HAHA..all the taxi on it got maple story this word..-_-"..there's even esplanade..f3..

lolx..and thats our flag..=)..we love singapore!!!..

on the plane to singapore..:X...

after fighting SG boss..=)..anyway there's one extra person there..who dumbly AFK in that map..lolx..
anyway on i think tue??or dunno when..8:30 pm..there's this new water show..then there's this cute new water thing..and my boy loves it a lot..and is the last episode that day..his mum was watching some DVD he can't watch it..i manage to took a picture and send it to him..LOLX..i even on web cam to show him my tv..but it wasn't clear at all..-_-"..

On 03/08/07


the statue at the cathay..=)..after i took this picture..i was telling my boy..can i go back and sit beside homer simpsons and u take the picture with mi and them??haha..and he doesn't allow mi to do so..=(..from 5th level till 1st level..we took the escalator down..i keep telling him that i wan to go back..f3.
Friday, August 03, 2007
went sch for the lab test.headed to business block with qian and li hua to find out which computer there have flash program.felt so out of place when we step into business block okay~.-_-".is like pple there dress so nice then we -_-".haha.we go sch for 1 hour only.-_-".
felt so lost!!!.3 of us really is like asking each other how to go arh.zz!!but we saw many mentoring peeps on the way there.saw patricia and she showed us how to get to the com labs.:X.thanks.=).saw adrian,he lang and sook hui studying at those bench tables. we felt so guilty after seeing everyone so hardworking at business block. their laptop all on to do their project and thinking of what i saw at T15 bench area is so different.-_-". T15 mostly were dotaing.-_-".
the study areas of the business block were all flooded with pple studying. we went to the library after that their quiet zone were flooded with pple.and saw soo feng there then know that they were having CA.jia you guys. saw adeline also outside the library. LOLX. everyone saw us will ask us: " what your doing here??y come till business far.."..lolx..pai seh to tell them we are LOST..-_-"..
went home with li hua after that..went to JP's FOX to get li hua's stripe hua is stripe not strap..zzzz!!!!!!..had a hard time deciding which one to get..and i told her i might be getting stripe shirt too..guess what she told mi?? the gap between those stripe cannot be thicker than mine hor..-__-"..thats what she told mi on the phone..make mi goes ZZZ!!!..
came home web cam with her and show her.and she told mi she can win marvin now.she even told mi her plans for exam.which module wear which shirt.and she even say MIT she going to wear piglet shirt.and asked mi where to find??beacuse she say manda is the favourite student.=).
might be cheonging finish to read my harry potter book tonight.
oh and one shocking news for everyone..i came home happily to dl the patch for maple..and somehow it doesn't work..damn it..then i asked bel to send mi..and it still doesnt work..$%^%*%..then pek cek liao..i go and uninstall maple and delete everything...anyway thanks bel for all your help...=)...this incident make mi dun feel like facing my com after that..zzz!!!
one picture before i end this post and get ready for school..

yesterday while walking home feel like posting this picture up le..dunno y..this picture means something to me..dunno how to say that feeling..haha..and it was taken i guess 1 year back..yup..after we become MC not long the outing to emo place..><...tat night was more emo-ing..><..
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
due to my com was left on so i couldn't sleep well.lolx.qian say u'll feel as if u haven do finish anything like that.haha.quite true.lolx.just not used to leave com on and sleep unless necessary.
yesterday one lab test today another lab test.yesterday one was great and very fast over le. today one was zzz!!!...heng the teacher helped mi a lot.keep putting up my hands and ask for help.LOLX. but still it was very zzz lah~.met brenda for dinner.walked around the whole JP cuz she wan buy another skinny jeans.end up cannot find she decided to take her one to go alter it.-_-". wore mine to show her and she say is so unfair!!!y her's is not fitting.-_-".
watching 9pm show now.very funny lor.laughing with qian all along.long time since we do such things.haha.tml noon practising MIIP lab.another lab test on thur.zzz!!!!!!!