guess where my tor is..

another picture...
think your should know by now.....
ta dah~~ need to say so much..:X.your can see where i put him inside..:X.
was teaching my boy to play some childhoods songs on the piano..while he is practising..and the tor is he bring along to where the piano room in my house..-_-"..he looks so cute sitting in my piano..:X..
today while my boy is studying infront of my com..i was lying on my bed to study the whole day..and whether did i fall asleep..of cuz the ans is YESH..lolx..and he was using my liquid paper..and i used it to kiap my notes cuz the fan keep blowing it..very the liquid paper was passing around..and my bear was just beside this what happen..
we just let bear hold it when no one using it..:X..and he's lying on my new piggy member..><..
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