so meet up with him..walked around..went kinokuniya bought that secret score..=))))..acarde..did all this while waiting for my boy to arrive at bugis..-_-"..he was LATE..cuz is his last day of attachment..he was busy taking pictures with his friends lor..and stupid bar need to leave by 7:15 to go home to WOW..-____-"..
then mi and my boy went JP to catch enchanted..very nice show..=)..and some parts are really damn funny..and that show is about fairy tale mah..reminds mi of the song tong hua..watched the mv and teared..='(..
y do i have to go sch tml and get back those results..S.I.A.N.Z..

i did this out of boredom that day..LOLX..was sick and trying to push everything in lah.and yea one of the pig's hand detached from the heart le..LOLX..=X..
oh and after exam that day..i went to see the doctor..28 dollars..zzz!! and many many medicine..zzz!!and 2 of them...i eat le..make mi less than 5 minutes concussed..very scare to eat them sia..zz!!very strong lah..somemore is concuss till the next day..if i no on any alarm..i won't wake up de...-_-"..
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