on a side note i feel like adding one column at --> for those anime i watching sia and i watch till where..cuz i really need to take note sometimes..lol..if not i'm just wasting my time to repeat it lor..-_-'..but sometimes need to repeat to watch cuz few month or 1/2 year never touch it le..shall get the column done up soon..
on tuesday went many places in one day and finally meet boy to go bugis to shop awhile..
before start..
while he's on the stage..lol..
do they look alike..o.O..
qiang,jolene,jing ting,elaine and my boy..
both of us..
the 2 boys are being extra..lol..
boy and his cert..
the only shot taken outside..cuz the weather is freaking hot..
hougang sec pple..lol..jian hui forgot elaine was from hougang sec also..
and stupid thing happen..
below are some only..not all the failed pictures...
no matter what also can't 'fly' in the air..-_-'..
thanks jol for sending mi the pics..
on way home..

and i realise bel and sop today going to graduate today..haha grats..=)..hope they enjoy themsevles..
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