last sat went for mentoring gala dinner..okay mount faber is not as deserted as i thought it would be..i met up with qian at jurong east..waited for her cuz she very suay that day cuz of her dress..lolx..then we took train till red hill..almost overshot..-_-"..went down to find the bus to take to mount faber..saw qin yi and a few of them tag along with them to take the bus to mount faber..since they know how to go le..hahhaa..=X..
we reached there super early..cuz cedrick sms us say reach by 6-6:30 to give a good impression but he himself reached at like closed to 7?nvm so mi,qian and adrian gossiped around.can say overall the dinner was not bad..the food was quite nice..the games played..the peagent thingy was fun~..and make everyone very the new couple from our committee..oh i won the lucky draw..-_-"..the worse is i took out my ticket and told qian:" eh i number 10..u what number?"..then she say she 12..then i just throw my ticket on the table..cuz they calling out those number who won the price..lolx..end up call till number 10..i was stoning..thinking it was not mi till qian say EH IS U LEH..LOLX..-_-"..
took cab with qian to redhill mrt station..and saw some of them who took bus..-_-"..but heng the cab not ex lah..hahhaa..reached home at like 12 that night..quite fun overall and busy catching up with each blesssings to alister and ervin..=X..
this few days have been mapling..and resting?hhahaa..yup..even went over my boy's house yesterday to maple..but home maple is still the best..hehe..cuz my bed is just beside mi..oh and also yea i did go check the mailbox..-_-"..and yes yesterday on way home..went to open the mailbox to my surprise received the NTU letter..=)..i got into NTU..and is my first boy also got into the same course as enginnering and entry to 2nd year..the worse is his mum open the mailbox but didn't saw his letter so he thought he no receive..end up got..-_-'..our results is almost the same if i got in means he got in also..
kk below is some maple stuff..lolx..skip it if u're not all take care..i'll be going back to work soon...or maybe teach some tuition..lolx..i push away 2 tuition sia..cuz i thought i going back to do office work if i can't get into how slack 1 more week then say..just got my pay..hahhaa..15th getting another pay..=X..
mapling mapling busy with all this stuff now..involve in horntail batches..anyway is a boss much more difficult than zakum..and need much organisation..and got to take turns to loot the drops..especailly the necklance and egg..cuz it add stats to your overall dmg and stuff like that..but this experience really allow mi to make a lot new it during training..horntail..zakum..anyway when we horntail..really is horntail till 5am that kind..hahhaa..the next day everyone post forum..i never sleep go work..never sleep go also know many malaysians..hahah..they even play maple during office hours everyday..-_-"..and last night i lend wintermilk my accout to go get AR for mi from zak..lolx..he suddenly ask mi i also xia dao..-_-"..but really thank him for trying to get AR for mi..end up no alright lah..glad that at least got try..hahaha..soon 3 more level to 160..haven decide what to do after that..shall see again ba..

the pro dies too..
i find my blog song quite emo..going to learn how to play..but first learn pu gong ying de yue ding first ba..talking about han yu pin ying right..i realise my chinese standard really dropped..-_-'..
was having a conversation with wintermilk and my boy...
mi:" eh they always say..good cow..cow dun eat back grass..".
wintermilk:" i know i milk..but what cow??"
my boy:" HORSE LAH....!!!!!!!!!!!"
wintermilk,mi,my boy:"-____________-"..
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