i went over to jen house. waited for her to convert the bleach episode to put into her psp. we watched 3 epi of psp from pioneer to tampiness. waited for that judy for quite awhile. finally reached chalet around 4 plus. lol.
wii time!

mario kart.
we then went off to e-hub fairprice to buy food for our bbq and also tibits.
mi,jen,xx and judy head to had our dinner while the rest play wii. they intend to eat their dinner at 10pm after watching last epi of ping pong.

after they went for their dinner, the 4 of us play wii. tennis time! play till damn high arh!! we marinate chicken and the prawn after we got tired of tennis. lol.

cannot stop laughing at judy face. lolx.
the guys came back around 12 plus. they went changi to see ba pok and also och. by then we just bathe hao. haha! their turn to bathe.
we watched don't mess with the zohan together. wei an and roc can't sleep. so started to torture everyone. -_-'. drag darwis here and there to pluck his leg hair. put colgate on his leg. put colgate on everyone and kana my hair!! roar!! i faster rinse and sleep le. can only wait till morning then wash le.
both of them play wii till damn noisy and self high. i manage to fall asleep before they stop playing around 6am. lol. i think darwis is the most ke lian de. wan sleep cannot sleep. scare wei an they all do things to him. lol.
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