i attended my boy's passing out ceremony at pasir laba camp. from sct to 3rd sgt.
i asked hui lin along cuz of boy's buddy roy. haha. =X.
met hui lin and boy's mum at boon lay control station. lol. boy's mum was quite surprised by so many shops at JP. lolx. hui lin was telling mi so much food to eat~..lol..
we went to taxi stand to look for boy's 2nd uncle. he drove us there. therefore we reached very early. around 2:45pm. the ceremony starts at 4pm.
saw quite a few friends there. i saw xin rong and lan nee. haha. one came for bf one came for friend. chat a little with them at the end of everything. saw esther's cousin also. lol.

he giving commands..
after he march back at a very super duper fast speed, all the other contingents also march in le. this combine ceremony includes vocotion like artillery, signal, combat engineer, combat medics and infantry. a lot of girls behind mi was saying my boy is so cute. -______-".

when they first march pass us, a lot of parents cheong down to take photos of their sons la. lol. i only did that when they march off.
marching back..

receiving his golden bayonet.
after all receive their award le, time to put their ranks.

one side..
the other side..

no idea y he smile till so happily at that time also. lol. must be taken by hui lin. got many other photos all snapshot by hui lin. -_-".
mi, him and hui lin.
them marching off..he's the 2nd one this time..so i faster cheong down with hui lin to try to take photo of him..lol..
his name was read at least thrice i think throughout the parade. lol. the one infront is the parade commander.
after this, is some performance put up by the PTIs.

after that all of them come march out again. did some roar.

at 4pm sharp, my boy march out those award winners. best pt and golden bayonet holders will receive their award.
my boy at the very back. the parade commander at the front.
the award winners.
my boy turn to get award soon.

after all receive their award le, time to put their ranks.
after that all of them come march out again. did some roar.
finally ended. off to eat! haha! actually is to cheong to blow air con first lor. damn hot de. by then boy's 2nd uncle got to go first le. left mi, his mum and hui lin. 3 of us cheong the food first. lolol. then hide one corner and wait for boy to find us and eat.
roy came over to find us. actually is to find hui lin. opps. lolx. they then went to take picture. with their sispecs friends.
my boy with roy.

roy came over to find us. actually is to find hui lin. opps. lolx. they then went to take picture. with their sispecs friends.

his friends were proud of him. so am i. =). but the stress ha have to take is crazy de. first time artillery join in this kind of parade. glad that is over for him. haha! no more abrasions and blisters for now. new phase of life for him!
his mum told mi she scare she teared when she put the rank for him.haha.
i'm proud of u. ^^.
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