Sunday, November 29, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009

the girl is the female lead from the movie chcoolate. damn good at fighting! the stunts she did really makes my jaws drop. there's this scene whereby she fell from like 1 storey high onto the hard rock ground. that part is real de. never put any bed below or whatsoever. omg! feel the pain for her. youtube even got her and the male lead, doing those stunts in the show real life. amazing la~ she's so small size and yet
is really nice movie just that i'm not used to listening thai language, at some point i feel they are talking cantonese or malay or hokkien! LOL! i think more of canton. lol. or i may even hear her scolding vulgar. lolx.
okay shall prepare to go out to watch 2012. flood with a lot of people sia. stupid public holiday. i pray that not much kids is in the theatre! wanted to watch ninja assassin (cuz is M18 so confirm no ginna inisde)..but the timing is not right. pray that the money changer also not flooded with people. this whole week i went like twice or so, is flooded with people..-__-".
once back from movie is another fully 24/7 mugging weekends. argh! last weekend to go!!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
and i'm the last candidate in the whole exam hall! -_-". i was totally blocked by 1 super big pillar. there's no one infront of mi. and if i wan to see the clock in the exam hall..i got to shift my body quite a lot to see it. -_-'. they was saying even if i turn around and talk to them no one will know. invigilators might even miss mi out la! anyway the seating arrangement is somehow fix for iem students i guess. lol. is always zhi xiang behind mi and no one infront of mi. fixed since our very first exam we took.
it's been a long time since i see all of them. and few of us all head to jp after exams to get stuff. lol. really very long never go out! riko was saying it's like a bird being released from the cage. very sua ku now. lol.
so i went jp to withdraw money. at ntuc 24 hours there, saw around 3 girl guides there selling the girl guides cookies. and also their teacher in charge. so i already wan to withdraw money since i really got no cash on hand.sun bian withdraw 10 dollars more to buy their cookies.
it really reminds mi of the days when i sell it many years ago. they even got new flavours now! last time only got mint chocolate and chocolate cream. now got chocolate crunch. they got let people try. so i try the crunch and cream see the difference. still prefer the traditional chocolate cream. i find crunch too dry i guess. last time wan to find people buy is so hard! now they put a booth outside ntu -_-'. and use ntuc plastic bag to wrap give us. is a bit ugly la but no choice. lol.
those xiao mei meis are cute la in that uniform. =). they were telling mi mint chocolate is nice..and they sianz 1/2 when i say i dun like mint. haha! since primary school i was a brownie i bought the mint one before and ever since i dun like to eat mint stuff. i know i'm weird la. many people loves mint stuff but i just hate it.
oh before i go paper today, mum bought lunch for mi. feel so xin fu that she's at home today cuz she's on leave. xin fu to the max~ if not for her i would be eating maggie and go for my papers which will happen next week la..Zzz..and when i'm back from papers she will ask mi how is it and everything..
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
10 more days to freedom. and yes i mean real freedom. 11 more days i'm out of singapore for 2 days. lol. 10 more days and it will be 1 month of holiday, 6 months of attachment, 3 months of holidays again. so in conclusion, next year when i start studying again it will be my final year! means i'm graduating by May 2011. damn fast la! it better dun be doomsday not long after i graduate. -_-". it makes people feel i hate uni so much but actually i really enjoy my uni life. is the EXAMS that makes year dun so fast come the 9 months of no school i better enjoy then return to school i'll be so
if burning down lecture notes and drinking it down really helps, i'll defintely do it! that applies to com206 and computer security! and looking at the amount of things to memorise for com206 really makes mi wanna pon the exam sia! since is 30%. go there waste time. zzz! i'll try my best to read through it. but whether it does goes into my brain anot i dun care!
i shall stop procrastinating and start to memorise those stupid modules.
i'll do my usual review of this semester after my exams and when i back from my trip! got a lot to write i think. hehe! mr ah fa(co-e-ff-siens), mr eigenVectorsssssssss, and my all time favourite mr palameter! he's really a good teacher. =).
Saturday, November 21, 2009
how i wish my fringe never grows long..every 3 weeks or so i need to cut it..cuz i can't layered it now if not it will goes haywire..can only cut it real straight..wait till i rebond then shall layered it..
Happen to saw this quote on facebook.
"To accomplish any goals, you need a dream. You need to see yourself making it happen. But it goes beyond the idea and the vision. You have to do your homework. You have to put your goals into writing, plan your steps and take them one at a time"
my sec school mates suddenly post it there. brought back alot of memories. i almost forgot about it till he post such things up.
back in the good old secondary school days, is like some sort of propaganda. you see it everywhere or hear it damn often. for example in our student's handbook, the place u write the homework and etc..i think the cover page or some pages inside is about this whole chunk of words. -_-".
from sec 3-4, we have to stay back and 'force' to study in the study area, the place is painted with this words la. wah lao! i think now it should be like.." you have to do your tutorials.."
i remember on the last day of school we took 1 picture in the study area with the creator of the quote..
see the whole chunk of words behind! our name tags are so...i still got some extra left it in my cupboard together with my 4 years never wash tie..we have to wear it i don't bother to wash it la..just after school take out throw inside bag..tml morning walk to school put it on again..
oh yea the uniform just went extinct. this year the last batch of student just graudate. means next year won't see the students wearing this uniform le.
the kid nowadays are so fortunate. i've heard the new design got the normal type of uniform(the blouse and the skirt)..and also the pinafore! so it means that the girls can choose between the normal type of uniform or pinafore. i've never wear a pinafore before le! if i'm them, i sure wear 1 day normal type, 1 day pinafore. lol. at least is not so boring la. lolol.
i shall end of with this video..the crowd is so scary! those who are in orchard that day totally gg..the amount of girls there..zz! the last few minutes of the video, i can feel my heart thumpng very fast upon seeing the close up shots of lee min ho's face..Friday, November 20, 2009
anyway met up with yy and esther at bb mac today. the usual place we always study. BUT there's a lot of weirdo there today! initally when i walked in..okay a lot of chio bu lot of girls la. -_-".
then on my way up the stairs to find them (FYI bb mac got 3 storeys)...saw this indian guy..taking a my initial thought was :" wah this customer so helpful arh? maybe he spill some stuff on the floor and clear it himself?.." ya he's not wearing the mac uniform la.
so i continue walk up to find them. they are at the highest level. so ya settled down. catch up abit and start studying. less than 5 mins..i saw the same indian guy..taking a cloth..clearing tables for mac! and he even talked to himself! so i give yy and esther the stunt not their first time seeing him la.. lol..they told mi..he's a free labour there la..-_-"..i tell u those students working there..DAMN SLACK LA! they totally no need do anything sia..that indian guy can run 3 levels all by like the customer leave the table..less than 1 second u can see him clearing it..
he damn fast can! maybe he's playing real life diner dash. esther is tempted to go interview at bb mac and work there le. so that she can slack sia. i saw the students working go toilet for like 3-4 time. and zuo bo. -_-". by right suppose to take cloth and wipe table..they never even bother..cuz the indian guy is doing it what..and yes that esther cannot stop laughing when he come..cuz she think he got joker face..
he not even clear table, wipe table, he got say very loudly he 1 person can do this and that..before he say that esther say he can be manager already..-_-".. which we all agree la..he can be the supervisor..
are those people living in bukit batok too stress or what sia?? what's happening? zzz! anyway they zhuang labour..i strongly suggest he should come jp to be free labour....he will be very mac clear damn SLOW~~ especially on weekends..damn it! all of them stuck inisde the counter..nobody come out clear..
oh he got say very loud he work for free is alright..-_-"?? he make sure all the different stations the cloth fold till nice nice..esther say he got wash with hot water..and all the crap.. he can try housekeeping 1 day..normally aunties finish 23 rooms in 1 day in swiss..i think he 1 person can finish 46 rooms..and the person partner with him can slack whole day..
another weird encounter is..there's this auntie who came in like 7pm? i think she wait till nobody in she go..but who knows she hog the toilet for so long..actually when she came in..i find her very suspicious le..she take this plastic bag..walk here and there..changing she went to toilet..the queue for the ladies just keep getting longer..the indian weirdo also go there to kpkp..-_-"..
finally the women come out..realise her shirt damn wet..and she change clothes already..i'm seriously think she bathe inside..after she come out..she's still changing seats..wth..and taking tissue to dry herself..i think she use a lot la..-_-"..
3rd incident is..i went down to get some light snacks to eat as we dun wan eat so full..cuz we intend to head down to bugis at this cheese burger..2 dollars right? i give her 10 bucks..the fellow give mi back 8 1 i'm least is 1 dollar new de..imagine she give mi 50 cents and 20 cents..wth? end up my supper use finish all the 1 dollar coins le..
and lastly...westmall popular..close damn early la!! 9pm they pull down the thing le..i was like wth?? y so kan cheong to pia home?? by 9:10 they start pressurize u ask u do u need help?? stupid! remind mi of judy and xx went down to suntec to help the class print the poster for art..7:30pm start to close shop le?? wth!! by 8:00pm fly home le..other than i do office job which i will fly off..last time when i close shop all this..i actually quite slow de sia.. i bought the pet calendar from there..never buy for jen cuz dunno she wan anot..then the people there so kan i advise her to go early..people there very kan cheong..
So by 9 plus got on bugis~~ oh in westmall also saw our swissotel
cheong to the prata 10:15pm we eat hao bei fast...3 plain..3 egg..3 teh tarik..and 1 maggie goreng..sinful!

we then rush to ah chew that time still a lot of people tml is weekend..if we got car jiu hao..i'll just be the passenger..esther and yy can take turn to be driver..whahah! opps..=X..and we can hang out till late!

got on train by 10:45pm..walking to train that time..pass by those stalls closing down..think is pasta mania or billy bombers..playing 福呢..and just nice that part.. 怎么了 你累了 说好的 幸福呢.. they blast it quite loud..and wiping the tables and etc..ya la slowly do their things then go off..better than those kan cheong people..
recently been hearing emo songs..cuz u seriously can't hear those pop song at like 3am and try to study..will pek cek! i try listening to 98.7 at like 2am? very pek to tune to 95.5 or 93.3..lolx..pop sound can't make mi study at night..
kz off to sleep..3:30..and i'm chatting with!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
五月天 - 突然好想你
Sunday, November 15, 2009
yes i got no school today. but actually to mi nth much la. lol.that whole week also go school like few hours only each day. a quick update before i'm going back to the books~ i stayed home to study the whole day before heading down to tampines to meet sophia and mabel.
on the train there..i was reading my com 206 readings..good game sia..i never fell asleep..sounds good right? but i only manage to read like 6 pages? not even 1 chapter..omg! the words are so small..fot 12..hoping for some kind soul to summarise everything for us..but i dun think anyone will..everyone's busy with other one care about this 30% weightage de i can't sleep i'll try to read more..
we had manpuku for dinner..the japnese marche style..yea..anyway it was my the day i was looking at the store directory of tampinese there's totally no people in tamp idea y..more people heading towards tampiness mall that side than tampinese 1..when i reached tamp it was like 6:45pm?..the crowd was super scary! worse than boon
my first time was like a maze..-_-"..super luan~
mi and sop eat the chicken cutlet curry rice..the curry is serve in the aladin lamp..lolol..i think benten cafe one will be better..the curry more shiok~..
our very gassy and jelly already join us by then..catch up session..and i went to boy house..wait for him pack finish the 9pm show before we went back jurong..

finally watch astroboy! lol. i keep telling boy that..astroboy's eyes cover 3/4 of his face la..actually all the characters inside all like that lor..3/4 of their face is they blink the action is very big de..haha! cute la! but is irritating to watch with those kids. stupid kids on holidays. they are either making a lot of noise and kicking your chair throughout the whole show! so watch those NC16/M18 shows on weekends is the best. peace!
shop a lot of things at watsons after that! birthday month get 5x bonus points. lol. we then went to the travel agency to take those brochures. went home to plan on our short getaway in early dec cuz thats the only weekend he can get overseas leave. the weekend straight after my exam. to be exact the day my paper end, the next morning i'm not in sg. lol. and is our 3.5 years anniversary.
Sunday 15th Nov
had prata for breakfast + lunch. finally try the prata at jp. the one that opens 24 hours. never really get a chance to try it cuz is always full house! -_-". not bad though. we wanted to go back to the travel agency today but is CLOSE! wth!! guess i got to go back sometime during the weekdays then. -_-'.
can't wait for dec to come cuz boy is clearing all this leaves + offs. is my 1 month holidays also. =)! if i not wrong got 1 week he totally on leave from mon-fri. lol.
kz pictures below..present from sop and looks kinda abstract when i first took it out from the wrapper..took awhile to figure it
it dun looks like this la..haha..this is more obvious..
they gave mi one necklance..
Thursday, November 12, 2009
anyway yesterday was com206 screening! gl, roc and wei an video is so funny la!! wei an's acting skill is up de. hHAHAH! make us all laugh. and benji's expression. LOLOL. they even got people talking hokkien inisde. and the voice is by gl! lol. he was sitting beside mi during the screening. then as for hui guo's team doing the ghost video..the voice is make by sitti de..LOLOL! javier, hong jing and nic de video..everyone laugh like mad when nic(the vampire) was chasing the victims. they did fast motion really very funny arh! as for riko's group..their actor and actress from our class.when they saw judy taking the luggage (whch is the luaggage for the camera) everyone laugh like mad..
think mi and judy laugh the loudest at wei an they all de video..the butt(In chinese) just flood the whole screen. LOLOL.
kz pictures for last day of school..
us with the xmas and riko buy from darwis..judy's wearing a centre parting de hat..mi and judy keep laugh at it..and at first riko still wear 2..each on one isde..-_-'..
walking back to the room to wait..and wait..see if teacher call anybody anot..but at the end he never la..and give us a quick debrief..and bye to him!

Monday, November 09, 2009
thursday is art assessment day. yes assessment day. most kan cheong day actually. lol. after which then can finally concentrate on exams. will be meeting esther and yy at bb mac to study till late i guess since friday no school.
last week of school also means exams is nearing. damn. can't wait for everything to be over.
woke up at 8am today when my lesson is 8:30am la! thought i would have to cab then i remember zx is meeting mi and riko at our house downstairs to fetch us to school. i received sitti's sms at 7:59 saying they'll be late the i wake up. omg! so i rush and by 8:20am i'm done. LOL really good to have zx driving for this 1 month. he even send us to our house downstairs yesterday cuz it was raining. big thanks to him!
6th nov (friday)
met up my poly girls at jp after school. actually they were in school la but never join them. cuz i already walked to bus stop when i remember they in school. so i went jp first. shirley and li hua came from home.
we ate crystal jade! treat them eat xlb. lol. and they gave mi a very nice pinkish cake from icing room. icing room cake is nice. =). initally they wanted to decorate but no time le. haha. they also got qing yu's favourite mango cake from prima. we sort of had a early celebration for her. hehe.
yes 2 cake in 1 day. 5 of us eat till damn full...
judy got asked mi to watch le tell her how is it. is a show not suit for her la. -_-". she will just cover her eye all the way. lol. overall not that bad show. megan fox is hot. lol. and due to com206 i really start observing at how the movie is made when i in cinema. omg! the camera angle, how they cut the scene, the music..yes those music freak mi out la..
at point i put my hand across his stomach which is near his waist..those parts which scare mi my hand totally grab hold of his waist..end up..the scary part everybody got scared of boy is
shall watch astro boy the next time..definitely not paranormal activity..even though the movie is low budget..but it has impact on people though..
kz off to eat dinner..=)..