anyway yesterday was com206 screening! gl, roc and wei an video is so funny la!! wei an's acting skill is up de. hHAHAH! make us all laugh. and benji's expression. LOLOL. they even got people talking hokkien inisde. and the voice is by gl! lol. he was sitting beside mi during the screening. then as for hui guo's team doing the ghost video..the voice is make by sitti de..LOLOL! javier, hong jing and nic de video..everyone laugh like mad when nic(the vampire) was chasing the victims. they did fast motion really very funny arh! as for riko's group..their actor and actress from our class.when they saw judy taking the luggage (whch is the luaggage for the camera) everyone laugh like mad..
think mi and judy laugh the loudest at wei an they all de video..the butt(In chinese) just flood the whole screen. LOLOL.
kz pictures for last day of school..
us with the xmas and riko buy from darwis..judy's wearing a centre parting de hat..mi and judy keep laugh at it..and at first riko still wear 2..each on one isde..-_-'..
walking back to the room to wait..and wait..see if teacher call anybody anot..but at the end he never la..and give us a quick debrief..and bye to him!

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