anyway met up with yy and esther at bb mac today. the usual place we always study. BUT there's a lot of weirdo there today! initally when i walked in..okay a lot of chio bu lot of girls la. -_-".
then on my way up the stairs to find them (FYI bb mac got 3 storeys)...saw this indian guy..taking a my initial thought was :" wah this customer so helpful arh? maybe he spill some stuff on the floor and clear it himself?.." ya he's not wearing the mac uniform la.
so i continue walk up to find them. they are at the highest level. so ya settled down. catch up abit and start studying. less than 5 mins..i saw the same indian guy..taking a cloth..clearing tables for mac! and he even talked to himself! so i give yy and esther the stunt not their first time seeing him la.. lol..they told mi..he's a free labour there la..-_-"..i tell u those students working there..DAMN SLACK LA! they totally no need do anything sia..that indian guy can run 3 levels all by like the customer leave the table..less than 1 second u can see him clearing it..
he damn fast can! maybe he's playing real life diner dash. esther is tempted to go interview at bb mac and work there le. so that she can slack sia. i saw the students working go toilet for like 3-4 time. and zuo bo. -_-". by right suppose to take cloth and wipe table..they never even bother..cuz the indian guy is doing it what..and yes that esther cannot stop laughing when he come..cuz she think he got joker face..
he not even clear table, wipe table, he got say very loudly he 1 person can do this and that..before he say that esther say he can be manager already..-_-".. which we all agree la..he can be the supervisor..
are those people living in bukit batok too stress or what sia?? what's happening? zzz! anyway they zhuang labour..i strongly suggest he should come jp to be free labour....he will be very mac clear damn SLOW~~ especially on weekends..damn it! all of them stuck inisde the counter..nobody come out clear..
oh he got say very loud he work for free is alright..-_-"?? he make sure all the different stations the cloth fold till nice nice..esther say he got wash with hot water..and all the crap.. he can try housekeeping 1 day..normally aunties finish 23 rooms in 1 day in swiss..i think he 1 person can finish 46 rooms..and the person partner with him can slack whole day..
another weird encounter is..there's this auntie who came in like 7pm? i think she wait till nobody in she go..but who knows she hog the toilet for so long..actually when she came in..i find her very suspicious le..she take this plastic bag..walk here and there..changing she went to toilet..the queue for the ladies just keep getting longer..the indian weirdo also go there to kpkp..-_-"..
finally the women come out..realise her shirt damn wet..and she change clothes already..i'm seriously think she bathe inside..after she come out..she's still changing seats..wth..and taking tissue to dry herself..i think she use a lot la..-_-"..
3rd incident is..i went down to get some light snacks to eat as we dun wan eat so full..cuz we intend to head down to bugis at this cheese burger..2 dollars right? i give her 10 bucks..the fellow give mi back 8 1 i'm least is 1 dollar new de..imagine she give mi 50 cents and 20 cents..wth? end up my supper use finish all the 1 dollar coins le..
and lastly...westmall popular..close damn early la!! 9pm they pull down the thing le..i was like wth?? y so kan cheong to pia home?? by 9:10 they start pressurize u ask u do u need help?? stupid! remind mi of judy and xx went down to suntec to help the class print the poster for art..7:30pm start to close shop le?? wth!! by 8:00pm fly home le..other than i do office job which i will fly off..last time when i close shop all this..i actually quite slow de sia.. i bought the pet calendar from there..never buy for jen cuz dunno she wan anot..then the people there so kan i advise her to go early..people there very kan cheong..
So by 9 plus got on bugis~~ oh in westmall also saw our swissotel
cheong to the prata 10:15pm we eat hao bei fast...3 plain..3 egg..3 teh tarik..and 1 maggie goreng..sinful!

we then rush to ah chew that time still a lot of people tml is weekend..if we got car jiu hao..i'll just be the passenger..esther and yy can take turn to be driver..whahah! opps..=X..and we can hang out till late!

got on train by 10:45pm..walking to train that time..pass by those stalls closing down..think is pasta mania or billy bombers..playing 福呢..and just nice that part.. 怎么了 你累了 说好的 幸福呢.. they blast it quite loud..and wiping the tables and etc..ya la slowly do their things then go off..better than those kan cheong people..
recently been hearing emo songs..cuz u seriously can't hear those pop song at like 3am and try to study..will pek cek! i try listening to 98.7 at like 2am? very pek to tune to 95.5 or 93.3..lolx..pop sound can't make mi study at night..
kz off to sleep..3:30..and i'm chatting with!
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