Just this month, Derp and I participated in yet another event held by our neighborhood CC. Not long ago we participated in the RC's 1st anniversary.
Upon knowing that there will be National Day Celebration in our neighborhood, we gladly bought the tickets for it. We were given red t-shirt to be wore to the event in exchange for a goodie bag. Not forgetting there will be fireworks display at 9pm on the event day(the first fireworks we witness in the new neighborhood). All this was part of the SG50 neighborhood celebration!
The ticket consists of various food vouchers and also games for the little ones.
Come to think of it, it's our 2nd National Day spent in the new house/neighborhood! I still remembered we moved in 1 month before National Day and I was missing home pretty much back then. But thankfully there was the Jubliee Weekend this year which allow many to spend more time with their family and loves one :)
The National Day celebration started as early as 4pm but Derp and I only made our way down to Anchorvale CC after 6pm.
The glorious sunset which greeted us that evening :)
We started walking around to see what's going on.
There was a long queue for popcorn/candy floss (free for those who purchased the tickets)

The water game for the kids. Not forgetting there's bouncy castle as well.
Chicken Rice!
Nope this is not Kong Ba Pao. But instead it's roasted duck meat.
We shared 1 of this. Taste yummy!
Lots of people attending the event.
There's this stall wrapping popiah with mango puree. A interesting variation from the usual popiah. Taste very refreshing indeed as it's cold.
Another stall selling wraps but this wrap is filled with meat.
After grabbing some food, we went to the 2nd level of the CC to take a look.
The little notes were filled with birthday wishes from the residents for Singapore.
And so we spotted this largest LKY mosiac ribbon(till date) made from NEWater bottles.

Can't help but to take a #OOTD with it.
We tried our best to take a #welfie with it.
Since there's nothing much left to do/any activities suitable for us, we head home to rest before heading out to wait for the fireworks.
We found a good spot and camp for the fireworks.
#welfie again but this time round while waiting for the fireworks :)
When 9pm strikes, here comes the fireworks! I didn't expect it to be those massive and lasting kind because afterall it's fireworks put out in a neighborhood area. All the photos taken by our Iphones so pardon for the blur quality.
The firework lasted for a good whole 5 minutes(I think)!
Ending this post with a #welfie of us and the fireworks.
Having to enjoy fireworks within a walkable distance from our home is really a blessing (better than nothing). Hope to see more fireworks being put out in the neighborhood in years to come :) At the very least we get to enjoy it without having to travel and squeeze with the crowd.
Last but not least, Happy 50th Birthday Singapore! May you prosper for many many more 50 years!