I'm finally back to continuing where I've stop for the Perth Honeymoon Trip. This post has been staying as a draft way too long and I reckon I better do something about it because it's more than 1 year since the trip. O.O.
I do hope I can continue writing about this trip and finished it really soon. *cross fingers*
Previously I ended with Day 1 in Perth, so I shall continue from where I stop then.
We woke up to get ready to have our first breakfast in Perth.
Breakfast at Mercure Hotel's restaurant - BECCARIA
They do had quite a wide spread of variety for the breakfast but there's no Asian looking food around. But it's okay, we still love what they served.
Lots of bread and there's a salad bar there too.
Love the coffee machine and the quote on it.
My fuel to kick start the dayb :)
After our breakfast, we head to King's Perth Hotel (less than 5 mins walk from our hotel) to wait for the shuttle bus to start our day tour.
After boarding the correct bus for the correct tour (the tour guide do checked whether are you on the correct tour), we were brought to Kings Park and Botanic Garden.
But before that, the bus took us on a quick tour around Perth, describing the various landmarks to us before we head up to Kings Park and Botanic Garden.
There was a tour guide on the bus explaining to us the stories/legend behind things/views we came across along the way.
Kangaroo spotted! We eventually went back there to take some photos as it was pretty near to our hotel.
While on the way up to Kings Park Botanic Garden..
It's all the way up on a slope so I guess everyone have to arrange their own transport up there to see the scenic view..
So we were finally here after a good 1 hour bus ride?
Mandatory touristy shot..
Putting the GoPro to good use..
The sun was too bright making it way too hard to take photos. Most of the time it was point and shoot only and it was hard to check our photos.
Overlooking beautiful Perth..
Somehow the sky in Perth is so blue with almost no cloud/little cloud..
Another view from the peak of Kings Park Botanic Garden
It's really very windy up there that my hair couldn't stop 'flying'
One of my favourite shot taken with the GoPro :) With GoPro, we can capture much more details in the background.
More shots from GoPro taken at Kings Park Botanic Garden below..
The various plants found at the park. Indeed different from our local ones.
#OOTD shot taken using GoPro..
After the good 1 hour plus at Kings Park and Botanic Garden, we went back to the tour bus to proceed to the next part of the tour - Fremantle.
While on the way there, we did pass by some scenic views as seen below..
And that's what I meant by the houses facing the pretty sea/beach:)
Upon reaching Fremantle...
The famous iconic building in Fremantle..
This one too..
Fremantle can be reached by train/ferry/bus/own transport. It's pretty accessible from Perth itself so you need not actually sign up a tour just for this.
Lots of interesting landmarks and somehow the buildings there aren't high rise buildings so you can view the blue and vast sky everywhere you go.
We got off our tour bus and decide not to take the tour bus back to Perth (even though it's included in our tour package). Simply because we will rather spend more time exploring Fremantle than to rush back to the tour bus within an hour time. Indeed, the downside of signing up for tour like such.
But anyway because of that, we had to spend additional money to get back to Perth ourselves. While doing so, we walked and explore around Fremantle.
More pics below and they are probably not in chronological order. And most of which I've already forgotten what exactly are they. But I'll just share it here.
There's actually a Fremantle Market but it only opens from Friday to Sunday if I'm not wrong. We were there on a Thursday so there wasn't much for us to eat/shop around. But there's still small cafes around. So do visit Fremantle from Friday onwards :)
After some exploring, we start to figure out how to go to the ferry terminal to get our ferry tickets back to Perth before heading for our early lunch. The tour guide has actually gave us detailed directions how to get there so it didn't pose much a problem for us.
While on the way there, we walked pass this train station. That's us standing in the middle of the train track and FYi, it's a working train station. There's train passing through here!
We passed by the harbor where we will be boarding the ferry. Very scenic view indeed and the wind is really strong. My hair is messy most of the time haha!
This is the booth where we bought our ferry tickets from.
There's actually a few cruise company there so do look for the correct one! If I never remember wrongly, this is the only cruise which goes to and fro Perth. Other cruise companes serves to and fro cruises for other places.
Out tickets.
We paid a roughly 30++SGD each just for the tickets back to Perth. The whole journey back to Perth via ferry should takes roughly an hour.
After getting the tickets, we went to hunt for food since we have some time to kill before boarding the ferry back to Perth. As the weather was too hot, we eventually decide to just settle down at this nearby cafe for a quick brunch. Just don't wish to stay outdoors anymore and hide from the sun.
My face is totally red/burnout from all the walking under the hot sun.
Drinks to cool us down..
Derp's sandwich
My Ham and Cheese Crossiant
We hanged around a little and get ready to board the ferry after we were done with our brunch.
More photos time!
At the boarding area..
The selfie stick was accidentally caught into this photo.
The ferry bringing us back to Perth :)
The ferry starts to move off not long aftter we settled down in the ferry.
Goodbye Fremantle!
Those staying in these houses are so lucky to have their own sea view and also their own yatch.
Trying hard to take a #welfie but at the same time worrying that we might drop into the sea because the ferry is going at full speed ahead.
More expensive/luxury houses spotted along the way to Perth.
Simply chilling and enjoy the sea breeze before reaching Perth
And we are back to Perth just like that.
For more information on the cruise, you may click: http://www.captaincookcruises.com.au/perth-cruises
We took a quick walk back to our hotel to rest before dinner time. Had to take a fast walk because the sun was too unberable for us. The temperature was at it's highest among our 5 days in Perth.
It roughly took us 15 minutes to reach back the hotel but I do remember we stopped by 7-11 to catch a breather and get some cold drinks to cool us down. If there's shade around, we will be seen standing inside the shade if not we felt as though our skin is burning away.
I doubt even the strongest sunblock are able to prevent you from getting sunburn because the UV rays were way too strong.
Managed to took these photos in the hot weather before returning to the hotel. Had to make it a quick one though.
I didn't look that happy in the end because of the scorching sun. Lesson learned - should have just head back straight to the hotel and not stop to take photos.
Derp's face was totally red that afternoon.
Once we are back at the hotel, we took a rest and simple do not wish to go anywhere else because of the hot weather. I was suffering from a headache (probably get burned out by the sun).
We waited till evening time before heading out for dinner. By then, the sun was not so strong anymore and it was much more bearable as compare to in the day.
We didn't had anything plan for dinner that night so we just roam around to see what's open and eventually we decide on Korean food! Missed Asian food when we were there but we are glad that it's easy to find it at Perth CBD area :)
Our dinner venue - Palsaik Namoo Korean Barbecue
Upon entering the restaurant
Our starters
The Korean BBQ stove.
While waiting..
Here comes our meat.
Truth to be told, we didn't know there's still food not served to us because once we were done eating the current portion, they will then served us the next type of meat.
It's not served to us all at a go so there's once we thought there's no more food already and they came to us with yet another plate of meat lol. Totally caught us by surprise!
I look so tired here haha!
Derp doing the job.
While I just simply take photos haha!
This was the meat that caught us by surprise. They came to change another 'stove' or whatever you call it to cook this meat. No idea what's the reason behind too but we just eat even though we were quite full by then.
I can't remember how much the bill came up to but we ordered the set meal for 2. Probably cost us around $50AUD or slighly more for this meal. We didn't have much place to spend our $$ so most of our money goes to eating haha!
Palsaik Namoo Korean Barbecue
580 Hay Street, Perth CBD, Perth, WA
We took a stroll back to our hotel thereafter to rest because it's going to be yet another long day the very next day. There's nothing much to do in Perth at night especially on a weekday night.
Sunset is so pretty!
A church nearby our hotel.
We bought a not-cheap (cost more than $5AUD) and yet very sweet bubble tea from a stall near the roadside. Totally regret it because it claims to be bubble tea from Taiwan. But oh well, I guess it'[s better than nothing haha!
That's all for Day 2 of my Perth 2016 trip. Yay to finally completing it and I hope I start on Day 3 soon!
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