So during Derp's birthday (December last year), we decided to go there for his birthday celebration.
Simply because there's so much advertisement on the exhibition on TV and etc which tempted us to go for it even though it's all the way to the west. The reviews on the media was quite good for this exhibition too.

Before heading out for his birthday celebration.

Greeted by this upon reaching. It's facing the carpark directly so it's hard to miss it.

This was near the Mcdonald's at the Singapore Science Center.

A #OOTD worthy shot.
Btw, his birthday falls on a Saturday so we went to this exhibition on a weekend. There were quite a number of people visiting the exhibition (there's recreational club who organizes their outing to go there so they went to the exhibition in a large group) but we didn't have to queue or so to get the tickets.
The whole process of getting the tickets was very smooth.

The tickets!
It was highly recommended to download the Marvel's Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N mobile app before entering the exhibition.
We had done this at home before we left house that day. Once we enter the exhibition, we are require to join the designated wifi network at the exhibition if not we won't be able to complete the mission. I will roughly say more about that as we go down this blogpost.
1) Briefing
We were first brought into this 'room' to watch a short video on the instructions for this whole exhibition. Basically, we are to answer questions on the mobile app and as we walk around, once they detect our location, they will unlock related information/questions.
2) Captain America
The first Marvel character we met was Captain America. It was a in depth history lesson on Captain America.

The classic uniform. But is he ever so lean? haha!

Snippets of his movie playing on the screen behind.

I've got not 1, but 2 shields!

Derp's turn haha!

Very chio looking shield!

His way of transporting himself around since he can't fly haha!
But anyway, this is "wow" as we didn't expect to see this at the exhibition though.

Derp took a few shots for me and this was a 'just nice' moment which Captain America's face was caught on screen haha!

Because it was no sitting on the bike, so the best we could was to lean on it. But we do see much people riding on the bike despite the warning.
Anyway, there were 3 questions at the Captain America's station which were given to us once we were at this area. We start hunting for the answers by reading what's on the wall and we got it answered pretty fast.
After we were done we proceed on to the next station. We passed by this few simulators (still at the Captain America's area) which were out to test our reaction time and strength test.

Derp's trying his very best to pull this metal bar up.
This is the strength test haha! The system will then compare the readings from the strength test to that of Captain America. This is the same for the reaction time test too.
3) Hulk
There's no life size Hulk at the exhibition but just the virtual version of hulk. He did move and make quite a bit of noise when he's punching here and there in the screen which actually scare visitors when they first enter that area.

Comparing our hand to the one of Hulk.

I do believe that's the life size hulk's hand size haha!

The wordings on the display are answers to our MCQ questions. Ultron was also found at Hulk's area.
3) Hawkeye, Catwoman, Antman

Hawkeye's weapon

You can slowly read through the 'stories' behind each of the superheroes.

I love this alot haha!
When you start to walk near it, all the virtual ants will start to scatter and run away. I'm quite impress with it and not very sure how they do it. They will form back once you move away.
Spend some time 'playing' with that lol!

Antman's suit
4) Thor
The 2nd last exhibit was on Thor.

The famous Thor's hammer.

Derp trying hard to pull it out lol.
Obviously can't pull it out so Derp made me take this pic haha!
This was a very good photo spot because everyone is having a go at it and having lots of fun.

Everyone's favourite Ironman

The 'ah pui' Ironman haha!

Ironman's bff is not being left out in this exhibition.

Mandatory shot

I tried to pose like him but failed badly. A normal standing shot looks better.

Our only #welfie that day because the exhibition lighting wasn't that good.
Lots of Ironman!
Derp and I have actually came across this magnificent display during STGCC 2013 and gosh that was 4 years ago!
Had to edit the photos quite alot because of the bright background and dark surroundings.

#OOTD shot with the Ironman(s)
There's this final mission which will be unlocked for us once we are near the final mission's room. We have to complete answering those questions from all the stations prior to that! There's a minimum mark if I'm not wrong but it's not difficult to to achieve the minimum mark at all haha!
It require group effort for this final mission so each of us will be allocated to a 'team'. I was allocated to the Hulk's team but actually there's only me inside haha! It's a battle between the super heroes and the villain (I can't remember who is it actually).
At that moment, our phone will be the same as that of the big screen and we are suppose to tap at a button (there's only 1 button) to 'attack'. Somehow hulk's skill was throwing stones at the villain haha! Like quite weak right?
After around 5 mintutes or so, we defeated the villain and mission accomplished!

Btw, this is what the app look like. Those with pictures meant you have been to the stations and have cover them.
You have to be on this App throughout the exhibition to complete it so do prepare your powerbank.
There's charging station if I never remember wrongly but you will have to bring your own cable haha! Same concept as those charging station at the Changi Airport.
We exited the exhibition once we were done with the final mission. It was close to the closing time already so we hurriedly left. We spend around 2 hours in the exhibition and barely make it though.
Do cater time for photo taking and also completing the various missions! This exhibition is not as small as you think it will be.

Lots of Marvel's merchandise sold outside the exhibition hall...

So cute :)
We didn't get any merchandise as they were closing real soon. I only fancy the lanyard but it was sold out by the time I came out from the exhibition. Oh well, no luck in getting it.
Last few pictures taken at the exhibiton before we left for the Derp's birthday dinner.

Overall, we enjoyed this exhibition very much as it's very interactive. Lots of photo taking spots and we enjoy doing the mission given to us.
It's not any other type of exhibition whereby you just read what's there, take photos and then that's it. Marvel's Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N is indeed something done differently from the usual ones :)
It was a afternoon well spent there!
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