just home from one..demoralising paper..lolx..mi and ah beng had the same ans for the last qn..u just need to write..2 numbers..and is 15 marks..-_-"..then we realise..we only half correct..haha..no matter is 4,2 or 2,4..we will get half the mark..cuz ours is 2,2..laugh till zz..
today morning..woke up to study oop..and also pko at the same time..yeah..pko..then study..pko then study..haha..go in do one quest..tired le..then..study lor..haha..now i stuck at somewhere in pko..but will make my way back ba..level 13 le..lolx..
went home after paper...many pple go home today together..haha..got the 6 girls..plus..zhao xiu..zai qian..kian..total 9 of us lor..gab and wilson took bus..just came out from train..then wanted to walk home..but it rain..with a big sun above mi..and it rained..-_-"..so i deciced to took bus..but then..the interchange there actually got shops selling monokuroo boo pigs..haha..so i went to kpo a bit..before taking a bus..then i saw this very pig calendar..is hard plastic lai de..monokuroo pig de..then i asked how much..3 dollars..so i just buy..LOLX..
after buying this..the stupid rain stopped le..-_-..so can walked home le..anyway i'm going to revamp my room..after the exams..yesh..haha..finally..my mum would be most happy to hear tat..LOLX..i need to clear one cupboard for my pigs stuff..i need to get rid of unwanted stuff..which is tons of it..clear space on the wall for my pig calendars..thinking of taking down all the posters..and put up other stuff..went popular yesterday..wanted to buy some new drawers..those plastic de..but then..i dunno what i need..HAHA..so..must wait till..i packed my room first ba..-_-"..
as for now..going to TRY to study BMR..dotz..no interest in that module at all..and oh thanks cedrick for your encouragements..=)))...gonna post some maple pictures up that i took yesterday..yeah..bb all..s is for sianz..bmr just sux..

will u come and revamp my room with mi???=))))...missing u..
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