Sunday, December 31, 2006
Zakum-ed from 12 am-3am
almost could owned zakum
i died at the last few drops of his blood.
it was an accident.
but still nice experience.
but the good thing was, its drop sux.phew~.
and this is one of the best batch of zakum-ers i've ever seen.
one word to describe them: ZAI
my zakum helmet will come soon.
and HaPpY NeW yEaR eVe.=).
can't imagine myself didn't go toilet/drink water for that few hours.
and i've started listening to 98.7Fm.lolx.tokoyo drift was playing while i was zakum-ing.distracted mi somehow.:X.
lots of pictures to upload.but i'm lazy to do that for now.night all.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
lazy to post up the pictures..gonna send her the pictures via mail now..haha..she cant online..and too busy with her work..yeap..heex..
tml then be back with details where i go and what stupid things i did..a list of them..and took stupid pictures..happy day afterall..nice day catching up with her ba..=) super lots lots lots..very tiring day..slept 4 hours last time..T_T..night all..
mi > esther : thanks for the shirt esther.nice day out with u.sleep early and happy working those chocolates we bought.dun care about your A levels results first ba.walk one step see one step.night.=).cya soon.
esther > mi : Haa! I had a great day with ya.Thanks for your choc.=).remember to drink lotsa water after e chocolates time we shall meet up more often.take care.nites my dear.
(p/s: i really got a bit of sorethroat now..-_-"..)
Thursday, December 28, 2006
can i say i almost died yesterday?
anyway thanks guys for calling mi lah..almost really really cried in the public when i hear your the voice..cannot imagine if i do that..18 years old cry in public..very throw face..-_-'..
but i know your guys worried for mi after i hang up the phone..but i did sms your ba..yeah to assure your i'm feeling better..if not i think your might have think i go dunno do what liao..
however thanks your once again..its really not great to cry alone..really got thought of going back sch to find your..and just cry my heart out..feels so great~~..
night to bathe now..and the block opposite mine..caught apartment..and the engine sound of the fire engine is very loud...i on my com music..also cannot cover took some pictures of the fire engine..and fireman..i salute them seriously..carry the heavy tank up 12th storeys..up and down i think duno how many times..then their uniform also very heavy..
however no ambulance..good thing..i even suggested qian to come do first aid up some pictures soon..when i have the mood..
oh and finally level 130..roar..lolx..i cheong the whole day and had dinner at 10pm..more like supper..-_-'..and while having dinner..the fire broke out...i thought some gang fight or what sia..cuz very noisy..then mum told mi she heard someone shouting: IS THERE ANYBODY INSIDE..hope the fire engine leave everyone can turn in and rest..
shall go bathe all..and thanks shir..qian..cedrick..once again..=)...
shir told mi this on msn: is hard to love someone..
i replied: is never easy to love someone.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
yeah..happy us with all our presents..saw the envelope everyone is holding..thats the card from qian..=) see li hua holding the green wrapper thingy..EH I WRAP DE HOR..haha..inside is her alfred hua u are so xin fu man..i also no wrap things for my boy lor..
the man of the day..i still remember when we asked them to take picture..ah beng still tell us..HUH i like tat wan mi take sweaty..-_-"...
is time for some sparkles..weeee~~...
getting ready..poor i dunno whoes hand..should be either ah beng de..must faster run sia his hand..haha..before kana burn by us..><..
thats all for today..its just another writing report day..zzz..been struggling on my IBE report since morning 11am..but thanks li hua for answering all my questions..and also..unexpectedly..i chat with li hua almost the whole day..till noon sia..haha..she was trying to do her BMR..but end up watching youtube..LOLX..and we talk quite a lot sia..haha..

Monday, December 25, 2006
merry christmas to all..hope your have an enjoyable xmas..
24 dec xmas eve..
this year i had a special xmas eve..celebrated in a special way..and of cuz..with a special person of my life..went over to my boy house in the noon..before tat went to buy movie tickets for 12 midnight de death note at JP....had lunch and ate my favourite chicken chop..slack e zuo ju..i bring over my slam dunk vcd for him to watch when he's free..
we left his house around 7 plus..then set off to my house..we ate subway for dinner...cuz wasn't really very just find something to stuff into our mouth..if not after out late night movie..will be very after dinner..slowly walked put our things..went online to see things..mum have also asked mi what time home..cuz she leave some soup for us..thanks ma..=)..
after drinking our soup..slacked around..around 11pm..we walked to JP..went to xfer money for the maple syrup spree..yeah..paid le..quite cheap sia the necklance that i aim quite long..=)..thanks qian for introuducing mi the spree..then is like 11:20 mi and my boy went to play acarde..haha..we went to play the basketball..haha..after few rounds..we were like sweating le lah..cuz the shops in JP all close le..then air con all off le..
before we went to queue up to buy drinks and food..we took some pictures..=)..
the 3 storeys high xmas tree in JP..
so the movie start around 12:05am...and lasted for like 2.5 hours..some twist and turn of the story..just not exactly the same as book..was expecting to see what i read from the book..but still dun expect the show to end like more part 3 to look forward too..><...
reached home is like 3am..on way a nice walk home...i dun mean very funny...we did crazy things..haha..laugh all the way home..=)..oh debit card have arrived..wee..wooo..but i haven activate it..shall do it soon..faster wash up..then off to sleep..
when i come out from kor was in my room with my boy..kinda shocked..maybe i afraid he will eat my boy kor settle some stuff..cuz his computer the time we sleep it was 4am..~_~..

25th december xmas day
woke up at around 11..boy was already awake..using my computer..but somehow my net connection was not i woke up to help him check around..finally yeap..settled..
so we went to maple..zakum-ing..the whole day...try 2 times..but this time.we manage to..survive till very far..HAHA..but yet..still CMI..1 time died..another time lag out..
took a nap..ate home cook dinner by mum..=)..then boy left around 8:30..
kz gonna change blog song for class blog and my blog..crack some ideas for the next polling topic..start to do IBE report and also BMR to get down to work le..and not slack anymore..
hope everyone had enjoyed their xmas celebration..=)..
thanks for spending xmas with mi..=)...i really enjoy..hope u also..simple..but yet..thats what we always want..dun u think so..=) just about spending time with each atter do what..just have u by my side..=)...
is like 4am soon..
victor just home..HAHA..cuz he came to disturb mi on msn..><..sama sama here..
watched death note at 12 midnight in JP with my boy..woo...unexpected happenings of the movie..cuz i read the story then i watch it this time..some part kinda time just watch the movie then read the story is better..HAHA..
anyway..won't be any part 3 le..thats what i can say..
tml when my boy goes home then i'll blog more..with pictures and details on how i celebrated my xmas..wee..=))..night all..
Saturday, December 23, 2006
i love this combination..=)..
our names...
pig tree..
enjoy the for now..back to maple soon..1 more level to 13x..once again merry christmas to all..=))..
last night shirley was blowing was beautiful..we all sat one circle..and she was blowing bubbles to create atmoshpere..lolx..
turtle from li hua..the box is from her too..=)..e box is quite ex..haha..
the clock manda gave mi..
my disco night..:X..
more lights..haha..i'm lazy to take all of the colours lah..and is very useful in the night actually..woke up in the middle of the night to tap it to see whats the time..haha...
card from qian..
hand made xmas card..=)..
and i realise our class girls have many such gadgets handing around us..HAHA..when we're bored in class..we'll start to do something crazy with those gadgets..:X..or used it to disturb the guys..muahaha..
be back maple char wanna wish your a merry xmas back with the decoration of trees pictures..too lazy now..:P...
received gifts from qian,li hua and manda(the mystery person who supposed to give mi)..yeap..qian gave mi a card..very nicely make..actually is for both mi and my boy..=) msg for him hua gave all the girls one turtle..everyone same sweet of the 7 girls can all hang on our pencil case..yeah~~..we really like kindergaten..many things hanging on our bags..HAHA..and manda..she gave mi..a monokuro boo digital clock ba..keep changing colour 7 colours..i still tell them can disco night..anyway very nice..thanks manda..u are as cute as piglet..i'm going to put at my bedside now..yeah 2 clock is good..
i'll take pictures of those thingstml..too tired now..took cab home with kai ern and a 2 guys to escort mi home..LOLX..i'm safe..on way up..i asked my boy to call mi to accompany mi till i reach inside home..thanks..=)..
i felt so blessed and lucky to have such nice and great friends around..=)..really love those presents..everyone so excited to give each other the presents..and we did it in a cute and funny way..with some guys disturbing around us..><.. oh and thanks victor for the motor ride around the car park..vroom~..i coudn't get down..-_-"..can get up cannot get down..of cuz we ask him fetch us around with clair around lah..haha..cuz really scare she mind..anyway thanks for the ride..=)..
last of all..very very happy day..really enjoyed the BBQ..enjoy the long chat everyone have..the true or dare part...actually only true..then the couple of the year damn damn funny..the sparkles video..didn't took much video..anyway it did rain..but drizzle..we just continue..only for awhile nia the drizzle..
as for now..night all..cannot sleep also must late..night..3:33am coming..><..scared~~..T_T..once again thanks all for the presentssssssss..
to miss XXX..didn't meant to say out seriously..thought u'll be quite open about it..cuz i feel really nth going on..maybe awakard ba..but i truly believe now become stead also very funny..and actually till now i still no idea is who..:X..but anyway is in the past le..nth much to say about it also..admire also not like..think i also got admire someone before in class just tat i forgot is who...lazy to think too..HAHA..and the rest dun really seems tor really care who it no worries..and really sorry about hard feelings kz..
Wednesday, December 20, 2006

went down to city hall to meet my boy..then we went somerset..watched eragon at cini..actually is a not bad movie..the dragon is nice..yeap and there'll be part 2 to it..we went to heerens..i wanna find my heart key pendant/necklance..yeap i finally found what i want..the shop sell many bling bling necklance..all very nice..i bought a chain to go with it at 77th street..can use the chain for my J necklance too..

the cake...
him and the cake..=)...
so..he went to bathe after i came out..i started to pack my camp stuff..cuz is already very late..12 plus..i need to wake up at like 7 plus..we went to sleep after not long..tiring day~~
picture we took before we sleep..
really hope u had enjoyed yourselves..=)..cuz i didn't enjoy myselves..=)..i'm really not a good gf..but then i've tried my best..hope u really enjoy..=)))..and a nice time chatting with u..before we sleep..
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
tired..tired..walked home in the rain with sebastian and 9..thanks seb for walking with mi till the bus stop..i kinda feel feverish now..-_-"..
and..shirley..take care of your wound..poor girl fell down during balloon fight..i know it hurts..but take good care of it ba..
last the room..where the main committee sleep..someone during his..dream..say out to us..where are my had become the main joke of the camp..and after back from night walk...heard that..someone..put electric kettle onto the gas stove..and on the gas..and say wanna boil water..cedrick say less than 5 smoke..haha..
many jokes during the camp..the 3 uncles eating ben and jerry ice cream..but seriously they 3 of them..very cute lah..haha..i wake up from lying on the table for a nap..and saw that..haha..
as for now..i wanna rest...rain rain go away..i had enough of this rain during my camp..there's no shelter to my bunk..and my bunk is air-conditioned...was shivering in my sleeping bag last night..
cherish our water heater and blanket always..take care well happy san friends..

Monday, December 18, 2006
weee...back after 8pm on 19th december...
back with updates on my boy's birthday celebration..=))..hope he's happy with the celebration..
anyway he's beside mi now..=)))..
night all..
i really hope u did enjoy..i'm not a good gf..i've tried my best to plan for everything..really hope u had enjoy your day...muackz..
Sunday, December 17, 2006
i am going to sleep for now..super super tired..due to camp trials and stuff..had much fun at the camp trial today..the games..and the stupid things we did..
but dun have fun at home..-_-"..things crop up here and there..dun wanna further elaborate..
next week plans..
mon-tue camp..night then break camp...around evening..
wed-nth on YET..( i need a rest..)
thur- badminton cum project day
fri- class BBQ..=))..looking forward..
is like holidays and yet..3 days i in sch..4 days i seeing class pple..just like normal sch days..lolx..
i need a rest..good rest before my camp..gotta get high during camp..and not no voice or sick..if not how to enjoy...=))..sleep is the most important..organisers of the camp..dun usually get to sleep during camps..cuz when campers go sleep..then we start to bathe..and wait for toilet to bathe..can wait till your eyes close..haha..but i think is worse during FO camp ba..never forget~~..lolx..
bb all..*throat pain*..T_T..
Friday, December 15, 2006
hmm..i realised i have no sense of direction..MUAHAHAHA...i'll talk more about it later..1st lecture of the day..BMR...many pple didn't came cuz overslept..last day of sch..seriously not high at much feelings when is the start of holidays..-_-"..cuz just very very busy..i look at my own schedule i also a bit..scared..haha..wondering is it holidays??call holidays arh???
MCT was..normal..nth much to say..sat beside retards..overheard them quarrelling over the how to get the say use this this this method..another say use that method..-_-"..but anyway they are fine after tat..lolx..
had lunch at FC3..then went off to use computer with qian..first we wanna check ITP results..HAHA..cuz the screen changed when we press the results thingy..but haven write where we posted to...kinda excited..checked movie we decided to watch 1:50pm de show at cathay in cini..=))..sun bian can see pigs stuff..we decided to watch the holiday..=))...
we left sch around 12:50pm..we reached cini it was like..1:50 de..HAHA..we bought tickets..popcorns..drinks..and faster go into the theatre le..years since i went there to watch a movie..and i very no sense of direction..qian have to..EH EH EH not that way..this way..i will..orh..-_-"..i think it happens at least got N times in the day..zz..went into the cinema..we quite infront actually..then i went toilet..almost go the wrong direction..heng miss ang help mi see the sign board..if not i end up somewhere..-__-"..
the holiday this show is kinda long..qian have been controlling her bladder after 1 hour of the show..both of us did fell asleep somewhere in the movie..but overall nice show..=))..and funny..haha..walked around cini..pei wen qian see fashionable(a word which mi,qian,li hua and ah beng know what it means) bag..see many things at cini..the shoes are of reasonable price though..i also tempted to buy fashionable bag..><..
went back to sch after zhun..shir was on the same train with us..haha..she went vivo with cedrick to see toy house..haha...and bought a wrapper back..poor wrapper..we used the wrapper to do stupid things..went back club house for the trial camp..can not sianz at all..even though only 10 of us..the atmosphere is very high..we sang camp songs..i learn the bong slope clap from them..did that one till very high..before we left..still dance in the club house before leaving..A-A-A-A-AR~~~..:X..A-A-A-A-AR~~kzkz relaxed..:X..
sang pearly shells..peace like a river..frog song..everything reminds mi of my guides period..=))...memorable~~..went home with happy san friends..the rest alight at clementi to makan..mum bought ultimate chicken meal for mi..=))) going to bathe le..tml 9:45am..T_T..still haven decide about tml plans..-_-"..i lu..
its been sometimes since i go out with own watch movies..but still i attending class ativites always..haha..=)) thursday project cum badminton day..friday..BBQ..heex..=))..night all..i wanna maple..T_T...
i blogged once again today incase that piglet didn't saw at the end of my last LONG post..(must be busy eating tables..:X:X..j/k..beavers are very very cute trust mi...if u've watched open season..lolx..)..
put this big incase she niam mi tml and i've proof..:X...anyway read her blog..she said this..
quoted by miss piglet: " It is always never easy to maintain a relationship.But the main thing is to stay true to myself in a relationship and be truthful to one another." i make her sounds so old by quoting from her like she so experience..haha..nah..she's not..
and one thing i day..if u've problems with relationships..u can go to her for sure..she'll give u advices..tats provided u dun suan her in the first place..:P..
i think after see-ing this post she must be touched this time..12:49am..i can imagine her using her piglet to tell mi thank you in 'that' tone..kzkz dun think anymore..*shake my head*..if not i think i will dream of piglet tonight..
have been having nightmares recently.think due to i sleep too much ba.cannot imagine i had a dream..with piglet chasing after mi..then the piglet got buck tooth..wanting to bite mi...cuz i suan manda too much..i think if i ever had this dream..i think..i will be scared/hate piglet from then on..HAHA..but come to think of the quite funny..LOLX..
what shall i do with qian from 11am-5 plus pm????going to town is just like poking ourselves..going vivo...cuz qian haven go..and this week i go once le..last week went once..-__-"..should be watching movie with her romantic...simply dunno what to projects please..we are tired..we need a break..
can we dun go BMR tml..-__-"..and i can't sleep now..dotz..TRY to sleep..*force myself to sleep*
night all..and to manda: yeah u are as cute as piglet..piglet loves u..
Thursday, December 14, 2006
went sch early cuz of the OOP test..cuz the lecturer had something on in the noon..after the test was his lecture..we all pon his lessons to had our lunch before attending the last lecture of the day..we even saw him lah outside the lecture hall when we deciding which food court to go for lunch..then just tell him we come in later..:X..then we faster run le..:X..ashley help us tap the card..then came to join us later on..
after BMR lecture..did oop..reached home..starting watching 恶作剧之吻 then slept awhile..wake up 恶作剧之吻 again..:X..till tuesday..muahahaha..while waiting for it to load in youtube, mrslayer msn mi..told mi to join his birthday celebration in boy went for dinner outside(reached home only at around 12 mid night) i went alone..saw many pple..took many pictures~~..but i'm gonna post up only 2 of them..cuz slayer edited those pictures and send mi..very nicely edited..=))..thanks slayer~..
a lot of pros if u see carefully..zz..
anyway gm(game masters) attended his birthday party..kinda surprised gm came..2 years since i play maple..BUT..this is only the 2nd time i saw gm..heex..

i went up to kpo..:P..

all mrslayer's buddy..
anyway feel pai seh that didnt go for his bbq..YWTD guild leader went lah~~..both of them..><..should have drag my boy to go..haha..:X...but someone is shy~~..what to do..haha.. after the celebration, continue watching 恶作剧之吻 then sleep not long.. tuesday
morning wake up..watched 恶作剧之吻 again..watched till late to go out..><..went to POSB with change from thumbprint to that i can apply for debit card..wooo..:X..applied the debit card..and was VERY late in meeting my boy..sorry boy..><.. while waiting for train to habour front..i was too bored..zz..and also..impatient..

watched happy feet..nice show..penguins are so cute..took 30 from vivo home..(as usual almost vomitted after the bus ride)..
boy came my house..he try to study..while i 恶作剧之吻 ..:X..mum bought back dinner for us..=)) just about 恶作剧之吻 the whole night till i sleep..
morning 8:30am lessons..zzz..tired..maths was alright..went in IBE lecture..and run away half way..went fc5..had lunch..used com after tat..did a bit of project..watched 恶作剧之吻 in the end in sch..:X..
anyway..wen qian pass to mi the DVD le..YEAH..:X..qing yu burned 17 episodes into one dvd..and 18-20 into another..went for gems..only got mi,qian and patricia..dunno y change lecturer..lolx..he showed us how to hack pple usual was reading death note and listening..
after went to continue watch 恶作剧之吻..(sp wan find computer very easy de..haha..:X..)..while we wait for 3pm to help out in the pre-camp briefing..
mi and qian..didn't know where's the place..when is actually infront of us..HAA..zz..and we walked rounds and rounds..-_-'..but we had some shou huo~~..we were behind the auditorum..we hear one guy singing..he was singing hen xiang ni..his singing is very good..we dun dare walk pass the back door of it lah..actually no one was there..-_-"..but we didn't get to take a look at his face lah..haha..
the pre-camp briefing..1X pple attended only..there were some problems with the system over there..had some zz moments trying to get it..set up..thanks to one of the mentors who lended us laptop and thanks to benjamin for helping us with the cable thingy..=)..
the brefing then get to start proper..gave out the things-to-bring list to them..break them down into groups..walked around to try to make them introduce themselves and remember each other names..asked them to exchange numbers cuz they had to meet up to do their group flag over the weekends before camp starts on monday..
qian and mi left at around 4:45..went home 恶作剧之吻 again..can go in maple decorate tree le..waiting for my boy to finished his test then go..haha..while in the mean time i can 恶作剧之吻..:P..
today everyone mood is so HIGH...first we can talk about 恶作剧之吻 till very high..lunch time..the 7 of us girls..we long decided to exchange present during we today write down everyone name..tear then make into small small piece..then have present for that person u picked lor..we draw lots..BUT..we cannot tell the person YET...only on 22nd dec..our class BBQ..then we give tat particular person the present we bought..the budget for the presents is 10 dollars..hehe..
and your guess who i supposed to buy le??HAHA..shh..secret..:P..i am buying for.....for...for...miss..miss..XXXXXXXXXXX..HAHHAA..anyway somehow after shirley saw who she buying for..she become very high..-__-"..during MCT lessons in the morning..qian had a present for my with mi now..i'll pass to him when i meet u ba..:X..shirley is going home to make the present..HAHA..the moment i think of what shirley going to give..i laugh till zz..anyway is a present filled of sincerity..
went MCT lab to use the computer..watched 恶作剧之吻..OMG OMG..a lot of us are watching together..and we laughed together lah...till everyone came over to see what we are watching..:X..2 days ago..cuz no updates in..class blog..then very started the couple of the year competition..:X..
and never did i know it become so hot topic..tat..the tagboard became very lively again..haha..and they are going to jio all their friends to vote also if your are interested to vote..please go to to vote..haha..
the couple of the year results will be released on 22nd dec..during the bbq..of cuz by mi~~~miss chua jing xian~~..WEEE..:X:X:X...manda say..the left over $$ of BBQ used to buy..presents for that couple..HAHAHA..i wonder the gay couple or straight couple will win then..lets see..:P..and mi myself..i haven vote yet lah..i will tabulate the results before i go for BBQ that day ba..:P..
enough of all i wan to 恶作剧之吻 all..oh yeah not to forget..
Sunday, December 10, 2006
things to do during holidays
- attend LTC camp...(18th-19th dec)
- finish IBE report and the tons of projects...
- level 13X
- some jobs if retard couples there got lobangs..
- attend class BBQ..22nd dec..
- most importantly..accompany my boy before i go for attachment during the next holidays..
tml got oop in the morning..meaning i am free from 2pm..but think going to do OOP project for awhile before heading home to rest..tuesday no sch..wee..~~..lessons all cancelled..:P..but there's make up lessons for it..but i dunno when is it..haha..i think is jan 4th???forgot..such dates i dun used to remember cuz i'm lazy...><..
next weekend..damn busy weekend..15th trial camp..16th trial camp..-_-"..sunday not going for the trial camp..monday and tuesday actual camp..><..hope is a successful and enjoyable one..=))..2 days 1 night camp..very easy to pack..i think i bringing my pig cushion to camp..dunno got the chance to use a not the time the participants sleep le..then i maybe still queuing up to bathe..haha..perhaps happy 3 friends can have some talk that night..=)))...provided we dun concuss..:X..
kzkz i need to go prepare to go out le.. bb all..=))..all the best for tml OOP practical test..

you make mi feel i can escape from the world and leave everything to u to settle..=))..and i'm defintel proud of you my boy...everything u've done for mi..i'm contented..more than enough..=)...
Saturday, December 09, 2006
- 1st lesson was BMR tutorial..everyone take turns to go up to write ans..then there's this funny thing happen..:X...
li hua dun kill mi..><..peace peace..i pei u ride bicycle kz...while they was doing the above..there are many back ground music from the rest of us..yong qi by liang jing ru.. kiss goodbye..tian tian kao dao ni..lolx..nice music..
- mct was boring..a bit hard to understand..but is all about subsituting into the formulae..
- after lessons pei shirley go find cedrick..passed him present..he gave us chocolate...thanks dude~..(wanted to share with my boy..but forgot..-_-"..)

- reached boon lay..ate 红豆冰 on the way home cuz of some reasons(wan know more ask mi..:P..)..thanks boy for rushing to buy for mi..=)..walked home with boy..saw my mum on the way..LOLX..then..send mi till my house downstairs then he took a bus back to interchange..=)..
-time to rest for monday oop test..>< all..=)))..