to all jin tai mentors : there will be leadership cum bonding camp (LTC) on 18th-19th dec. From 9am on 18th to 7pm on 19th. i've sent your the indemenity form and details regarding this camp. if interested,print out the form and bring 5 dollars to club house this friday from 12pm-3pm.=)..
last night..gave my boy some advice regarding the choosing of path in his year 3...with my past experience..told him what i feel too ba..and i am choosing one ELECTIVE module..not pathway for mi to choose..lolx..hope he can slowly think about it ba..=)) matter what..i'll still support his decision..=))..
had a hard time waking up this morning.-_-"..anyway i'm going to upload the pokemon pictures later..:X..showed then today..:P..
pokemons..pokemons..and just more pokemons..
went to fc5 for lunch..ate lunch box Pizza Hut..i'm sick of those..-__-"..then vic and clair ate the ultimate chicken meal..seriously seems little..but can be quite filling..and the pop corn chicken is so cute..small size de..very hua take it le very cute..cuz suits her..:P...
the small size popcorn chicken..=)) cute..
went to com lab to do some maths..but instead we slack a bit..qing yu was watching er zhuo ju zi wen~~..very nice..haha..lin yi chen so cute..she burn and lending qian to watch..after qian watch finish then my turn le i think..:X..we took some stupid pictures in the lab..nono is very cute instead..
=))..each of us still got many animals in our bags..:X..we are just in kingerdarten..:X..
went for gems..wilson came to clash our gems..lolx..when the lecture starts to talk..very automatically i took out my death note comic..:X..he there -_-"..he play his hp game till very i started to entertain him lah..asked him some stuff..anyway learned something from him afterall..nice chat..really learned something..some values taugh..haha..sounds so serious..
went fc4 to slack awhile before we attend those FYP talk.. the 1st talk was about IC chip stuff..around 3:30 it ended..mi,shir and qian went over to T15 to see how's the welcome mentoring session going on..not bad..sook hui returned mi my $ money~~..:X..went there 15 mins..and leave le..cuz have to attend another talk by mr patick chow on biomedical enginnering..patrick chow's talk was as usual funny..then mi and qian decided on our FYP stuff..decided on which lecturer to look for too..=))..yeah..
we went mentoring after tat the time we went in..the welcome mentoring session is like..going to end le..they taking many food to eat..haha..but end during our meeting at the place..we finish it all..:X..pringles..:X..then regarding the camp things..settled many things..finally in the dates all this..
went to pizza with them..we top up 3 dollars..1 dollar for the spicy drumlets..and 2 dollars for the pizza..yeap..took train home with sook hui and he lang..nth much for now..gonna rest for now..finally everything is over..

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