Friday, December 08, 2006

*~* randomly *~*

some random things to write cuz is late and i'm sleeping after tat..

- sch was normal..

- forget to bring my MCT book AGAIN..thanks shir for sharing with mi..

- drew monokuroo boo pigs on my notes today..even took a picture and mms my boy..=)..(will upload it here soon)..

- lunch eat the minced pork noodles..$2.50..really a till burst..but anyway is nice..=)..

- sleepy during MCT lab..good thing kai was listening..

- online shopping during MCT lab..saw monokuroo boo watch..nice..=)..(but my watch haven spoil..-_-")..

- went home with zai qian and wen qian..a great time..( private they dun really shoot each other that much..but talk more lu things..:X..)

- took a nap before tian wai fei xian starts..

- whole night..msn,maple,msn,maple..more of maple..79% le..will level up this weekend..=)..

- tml doing oop project after sch before going down bugis..

- going bugis..meeting shirley there..i need to settle some stuff before meeting my boy..

thats all for all..night~~..=))..and HAPPY BIRTHDAY CEDRICK~~..=)))..

simply contented with everything..especially with u..=))..good luk for your test tml..jia you lao can do it..try your best can le..and eveyrthing will be over..=))..cya tml~~..

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