the wall of my room..from the many posters..with only 2 left..lolx..maple and monokuroo boo calendar..=))..
the place where i comb my hair..put all my neat now..i throw alot of things away sia...
the cupboard which i put all my monokuroo boo..saw the white pig standing there..haha i just bought my boy a black de..=)) mouse..=)..and arm rest...
my pig mp3 pouch with my mp3 inside..=)...
my pig badges..bought it few days ago i think..somewhere this week ba..gave my boy 2 of those..=)..
last tuesday in the IBE lab..something happen to mi..LOLX...
i lazy to go into details..but anyway this to find out my heart rate..ya..anyway is not pain lah to be kiap like this..
during wednesday IBE lecture..i wan to take li hua face as usual..and this happen as usual bugis too..then celebrate nic's boy bought mi this while we were walking in bugis....
heex..hp cute le..=))..i did something with qian on the web cam using it ..HAHAHA..thanks boy...=)..
friday PTN lunch with the class and tsui lunch is so nice...
our desert for the day..thanks shir for scoping the ice cream for so many of us..and scope till so nice..shir can really go sell ice cream next time liao..scope ice cream very round and fast..=))..
went to cathay after that to watch open season..outside the pink christmas nice lah~~..haha..bugis one also very nice..omg..i've been going round to see different shall collect pictures of christmas trees then..lolx..
us in the movie theatre..=)))..
tats all for now..still got some more photos to upload..on ecp de..i'll go into details perhaps tonight or muscles are aching like zz now..and the bruise is..=big and swollen..
is easy to say..yet so hard to do..
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