morning before leave house was turning my whole house upside down but yet i couldn't find it..><..
today paper was demoralising..haha..everyone sort of gave up..-_-"..
in around 24 hours time i'm going to have my last paper..weeee..and i'm damn tired like everyone of us had like 2-4 hours of sleep last night..i had like 4..dotz..hope is over soon..
lets jia you for the last paper~~..tml going shopping with them after exams..wee..haha..a lot of us are going town..i think clair and vic joining kian,will,zai qian,vic..everyone is having hols mood now..
and i felt so sinful last night..keep switching between channel 5 and channel 8..><..watching superstar and the soccer match..keep getting many nice tv shows..tonight from 7pm i can watch till 10pm again..zzz..think i going to lock up the tv controller somewhere so i couldn't get it..and won't be distracted..lolx..=X..
bb all..jia you all~..last paper le..wee..

my <3...(my hp pouch was still alive then..T_T..)..
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