back with pictures..thats more words..damn tiring day at haven finish..zzz..currently waiting for pizza hut to deliver to my house..lolx..trying the new cny meal..yup..
guess what?i wore formal to work today..HAA..i was like the one time put there collect dust..y not fully utilise it this 2 months..the skirt also..yup..heex..but the pple there dun even care what u wear..some of them..brenda today even wore mini skirt..haaa...

kz one picture..on the first day of phone..come home..and everyone msn nick was..this..
haa..all the hours is how long we work..zz..till now i'm still starin g at it..unless working for the finance department to do some filing or what lor..yup..and i realise those give mi work de..are all accountant..haha..before i went home..jasmine give mi some work to do..all private and confidential de..then i see their post..all pple..:X..
kz V day pictures~~...
mi at billy bombers..having the 4 course meal..lolx...
my boy..=)..

after the dinner..before heading home..we saw this at jp..haha..some show going on..old master Q and J team..if i'm not wrong...and whats old master Q? lao fu zi..HAHA..


whats V day without kisses?

and morning before work took the flowers pictures...yup...

guess how many roses arh there?lolx..
bb all..damn eyes closing..zzz..when is 8:30 only..-_-"..
Kare shika inai.=).sorry if the celebration is too mi is enough lor.=).thanks for your support during this period of time.=).
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