okay boy is out for his outfield for another 3 days..just nice he's back i just finish my last paper..
last weekend boy book out on sat..i didn't went to fetch him..was feeling too sick at that time..still haven hao yet..so he call mi and say he coming down to find mi after he settle his stuff..=)..
i studied from friday to sat morning..finally got out of house during late noon to meet him at JP..went to buy some food back to eat..cuz i hadn't had my lunch..reminded him to buy some tibits back to his camp to eat.. before going back to my house...he play his game while i study..-_-'..this go on till sunday before he go back..
on sat night..my boy suddenly ask mi whether got any string..so i replied..
mi: for what le?
my boy: eh i wan practise my knots..
mi: what knots?
my boy: figure of 8 lor..
mi: -_-"..that one so easy..u last time scouts de..dun tell mi u forget everything le arh..
my boy: ya..so long le how to expect mi to remember..
mi: zzzzzzzz!
so i went to find a string..cut into 2..ji tao on the spot make one figure of 8 knot to show him..lol..he was stun cuz he didn't know girl guides know such stuff..then i went to dig out my guides stuff..last time got buy the knots book before..inside got teach u how to tie..so i finally found it show him..
he started to recall how to tie a bowline..
from my memory of 4 years le hor..is just..rabbit and tree la!..he also very shocked thati say that..cuz thats what he's taught..LOL..but i also forgot how to do..so both of us see the book and do..end up..i try once successful le..-_-"..bowline is important for his test i guess..he told mi he use 3 hours to learn bowline that friday..*fainted*..cuz different person different teaching..make him very luan..lolx..
we started to talk about our guiding and scouting days..i went to dig my uniform out and hao lian to him..HAHA..and we had conflict over the scarf..i was saying..guides scarf very hard to tie..have to very spray water and iron..so as to make it hard hard and also not easy to crumple..
he say our scarf very easy to tie..machiam anyhow tie de..-_-".. to mi i always think scouts scarf anyhow roll then just roll the thing up to secure it..LOL!..i'm serious about that..so he took my scarf and demo to mi how to do it the proper way..make mi change my views on about how they wear their scarf..
i manage to dig out some secondary sch stuff and show him..hahaha..
both of us were thinking of our past..his scouting days and my guiding days..=)..very memorable..that day yan bing just msn mi and talk to mi..before she end..she jio mi to go back to see how they are doing nowadays..i totally dunno who is the one commanding now..the last was xin wei who already graduated..-_-"..when i sec 4..she sec 1 de..after i grad of cuz i dunno who are those new people..
hope my boy is able to tie a proper bowline for his test..wanted to lend him my book to bring in..but he say whatever he bring in sure become chui..then better not le..=X..

the book..

forgot to took a picture of my uniform then i just chuck it back le..it look strange without the pin on badges and of cuz the scarf..look so plain..the thinking day badge is still at 2004 de..-__-'..
i missed claire's 20th birthday BBQ at her condo yesterday..ARGH..damn emo de..cuz i've to study for my physics paper as well as i'm sick..can't had any BBQ food...imagine my exams are over..i sure go and enjoy with the others as well..play till very late then go home..cuz is just 1 mrt station away..><..ARGh..emo..zzz..nvm i shall meet up with them real soon..somewhere this week i guess..that day esther call mi i've totally no voice to talk to her..zzz..now i guess is back le..after 2 days..zz..
anyway we are able to view our next semester time table..and i'm happy to say that...WE ARE ALL IN THE SAME CLASS AGAIN~~..wooo...happy to know that..imagine we are so close after one semester..then have to part it will be so sad..but actually also hard to seperate us..cuz there's only 20 of us from the direct poly entry intake..shall talk about my next semester time table again..a lot of days just feel like pon-ing..zz..potential days to skip class..lolx..
can't wait for the xmas gathering and also the celebration after our last paper..hope we can party till night!!.. for now..conquer Computer Communication..
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