waited for esther and nana at JE at 5pm. i went home after sch and get change to go out. cuz before that i anyhow wear to sch.lol. i only go sch for 1 hour or so. =X.
nana and esther went to buy one birthday cake for mi. hehe. so when they saw mi at platform, they shout so loud happy birthday. zzz! the whole jurong east platform pple also can hear. then those waiting for the batok train to move de..standing inside looking at us..lol..so we waited for train to come, headed to outram then chinatown. we overshot chinatown. -_-". was busy sending songs then forgot china town only 1 stop. zz!
esther totally got no voice so she bringing us to eat nice porridge..lol..nana got phobia of porridge so she just see us eat..-_-"..is nice de lor..haha..esther suggest mi to bring my boy to go..haha..after we eat we went to the very hong kong place(said by nana) to eat with nana..ordered tang yuan.and also got carrot cake..nice wor..and is not ex lor..the tang yuan..6 for 2 bucks..we thought will be very ex cuz many tourists around..
we went to fetch yy from chinatown then head back to the place again to eat again..lolx..cuz the tang yuan really nice..=)..started to take photo le..
kisses for mi..lolx..
pretty nana..

at outram there..from north east line going to take train back to boon lay..there was a lot of pple even though is late le..but i did something crazy...walk walk walk saw this..Tuesday, Novemember 04 2008, 22:21..so we decided to wait for 22:22 and take picture of mi and the sign..and so all 3 of them try to take for mi with their phones..and i stand there to smile for VERY LONG..just nice 22:21 when we gonna walk pass it..haha.hardly see so chio number so wait for 22:22..

esther took this and asked mi to crop the man's face down..and put boy's face there..LOL..

esther gave mi a roxy bag..=)..

the very blue plastic bag..haha..

the bag..

during eating i open up the present..then turn behind saw the roxy tag..and attach with one ring la..LOL..esther told mi she saw this ring...last piece somemore..then got diamond on the piano..so got it for mi..i shall wear this to show boy this friday..lol..

kz done with my birthday celebration entry..=)..physics test over..time to mug for exams le..8 more days to 1st paper..21 days to end of exams!!
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