we have been together for 8 years. even though u and yq also 8 years soon but then we have been together longer by 1/2 a year. haha!
yeap really had a damn fun time at your party. the food the pple and everything. and of cuz your great family members. they are so fun to be with. haha.
the gambling part i would never forget how superstitious u are. lolx.
the night was just BBQ, Eat, Cut cake session, u drove us from batok to red hill to send yy home using your cousin's car, we make a wrong exit turn and end up took a longer time to get back to the right track, back to BBQ continue eat, played sparkles, your dad being playful started to throw sparkles onto the tree, play ban luck, your uncle win a lot but we manage to win some back, your dad send us home at 2am with the lorry. i still remember it was damn cold.
will never forget the fun that night! hope u like the bag i give u. =). shall see u real soon i know. haha!

shall upload the rest next time. esther told mi got 322 photos in her camera. i almost fainted. the camera woman was her mum. keep taking unglam shot of us. haha. esther's bro, desmond even call their mum paparazzi. lol.
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