on friday we drew mandrain oranges!! and yes good news next friday no art. wah! shiok. imagine going home at 12:30pm. its been a longgggggggg time since this happen. went home make my card for my boy, and also jelly while slacking around. by right i should start to study my elective. but i did manage to touch a bit on sat morning.
my boy graduated from BSLE on sat. reached my house around 1pm. ya he brought all the things to my house. around 3 bags. he even tell my mum is bomb. lol.
after he bathe everything, we head off to JP. had thai express. for our dunno lunch or dinner. -_-". lun-er kz. lol. my boy was practically falling asleep everywhere we go. lol. already grateful to him for going out straight after he book out. wanted to ask him go sleep then we go out at night but he dun wan. zz! he had his 28km route march the day before at night. but glad that its over! cuz i guess the place he's posted to do not need to have such thing anymore! much more slack now. haha.
we walk around after we eat. settle down at coffee bean. he took a short nap. while i drink my ice blended. we went to JP centre stage at around 5:15pm. camped there for JJ Lin Jun Jie. =X.

around 6:00pm then the dj came up to entertain us. it was ma li from 933.

around 6:15 JJ reached. hehe. he sang 我还想她. and ya i stand there wait for him is cuz i wan listen to his live singing. i know will be nice. and is the first time my boy pei mi for such thing. lol.
when he turn --> to face the girls there, my boy was telling mi is damn funny to see the girls there all very happy when JJ turn to face them and see. can see them all jumping up.
he sang 小酒窝 with one of the fans. she managed to call in to 933 for this chance to sing 小酒窝 with him. they even hold hands. lolx. after that is the signing of concert tickets le.
okay i know is a poor shot. i took it with my HP. zz. didn't bring my camera out. lol. if not i would have video he sing those songs le. haha.
oh yea we wore our nike couple polo tee out. haha.
went back home after we buy some snacks back. my boy fall asleep by 9 plus. -_-". i online and studied till 1 am. lol. today i woke up by 10 to continue study and online. he slept till 12pm. he really got that tired. and once he wake up not long, he saw jing ting sms. nic which is his poly and his current bunk mate met with car accdient and in hospital now. my boy was damn shocked. yesterday still see him hao hao de..and tell him:" cya on wed arh.." cuz they got posted to the same camp..
so after i eat lunch with my boy he head home first to put his stuff before meeting the others to go visit nic. anyway he's in stable condition. hope he faster recover.
kz i'm off to sleep. my boy is on leave till wed. =)
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