friday,30th jan, when i was on my way home from school that esther call mi. she say she got no where to go now and she's lazy to go home. she just finish her visiting at her bf's house. her bf house is so near her house but yet she's lazy to go home. lol. so she decide to come my house bai nian too before we set off to claire house around 9pm to bai nian. it's my first time go bai nian in the night la. -_-".
so she reached my house around 7:30pm. she stare at mi eat my dinner. lol. she ate my house cny goodies while i eat my dinner and we watched tv together in my room. after dinner, we started to play left4dead together. ya by right is one person control the mouse and keyboard together, end up she control the mouse i control the keyboard. then when zombie come we shout together. -_-". lol.
played till around 8:30pm, both of us was damn giddy le. -_-". then i realise is cuz of us too noob. tend to shake the mouse too much. when i see my boy play i dun feel giddy at all. -_-". we took pictures before we head off to claire's house.
with my bear! both given by my boy. lol.
acting cute with my bear.
we went JP first to get some stuff. i bought the sashimi don. wanted to bring back for my boy as supper. in the end i forget to take. in claire's fridge. ><. drank mr bean on our way there.
there's only the 2 of us when we reached around 9 :45pm. nana reached around 10:45pm. we wanted to leave around 11:30pm to catch the last train. end up bi shi came around that time. so we stayed till 1am. esther's dad fetch us home with a lorry! haha.

we just simply dun care about them lor. lol.

on the way out saw this green car.
on the lorry..
damn cold!

i reached home by 1:15am. -_-". my boy was happily playing left4dead. lol. bathe and both of us turn in around 2:30am.
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