last sat i fall asleep while reading my notes. my ah pui hamster fell off from her bathing sand. cuz the bathing sand that container is attach to the cage. it drop off somehow. must be too she too heavy. -_-'". anyway i woke up awhile after i fell asleep, i heard something sratching the newpaper damn hard. but i dun care. go back sleep. -_-". 2nd time i wake up, i went to take a look realise the bathing sand drop off. wake my boy up then both of us went to catch her back. lol. but she very guai okay. never run away. smart hammie i have. cuz she know if she run away, no more FOOD for her.
so she stayed around her cage. urine on her newspaper. wait for mi discover her then put her back. lol. before putting her back.
jen recently update her blog with her nephew 1 year old photoshoot. she was saying her nephew eyebrow like mine de. and just nice the nephew no hair also. then i realise eh very xiang mi when i young.
went to dig out my baby photos just now. then my mum found somemore for mi. found this album i never see before de. got mi and bro. both very young. so i asked her which is mi, she told mi the one wearing hat. -_-". cuz i got no hair. zzz!

y i no hair???
jen and judy, see my eye brow and forehead. forehead confirm more than 6cm!

weee so happy!! this is the cutest one i guess. lol.
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