i forgot to mention that before we went jp for lunch, helped honkie tiong to move her stuff from her hall to xx hall. she got to move out and move in to her new hall next monday. -_-". everyone very pai seh lor. we have to take many things squeeze up the shuttle bus. slowly make our way to hall 6. -_-".
on the way..
love the clouds!
individual shots. i realise darwis dun have one proper one except the one below.

jen wan cut darwis pee pee. -_-".
si darwis face!!

the map. guo liang yan jiu this for very long. lol. in the first place when him and darwis about to go in that time both of them very scare arh. haha!
this picture makes everyone laugh la! my toes were cramp when i about to take this shot. take off my shoe to massage it. i dunno y jen wan put her finger there to tickle my leg. -_-".

our cabin number!
let us out! lolx..
guo liang:" lai ma darwis!! qing yi xia!"

this is my beautiful leg! lolx.

My IR!

darwis horny!!
shall end of with this..

after we come down, saw this monkey! decide to play with it.

shall end of with this..

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