soon one dish and dish of food come. we ordered total 3 rounds. lol.

got 2 dessert. one is honeydew sago. another one is the almond jelly. hehe. 18 dish in total. and guess how much this buffet cost. it cost us $20.15. lol. including gst le. without gst is $16.50. really worth la. we had sharkfin, fishmaw soup, seaweed soup, prawn, pineapple rice, mee..and lotsa more. still got a lot we never order la. lol. is in the west. take bus from boon lay. haha. a few stops reach le. lol.

16 dishes in total. -_-".
damn full la!!! dessert time!
got 2 dessert. one is honeydew sago. another one is the almond jelly. hehe. 18 dish in total. and guess how much this buffet cost. it cost us $20.15. lol. including gst le. without gst is $16.50. really worth la. we had sharkfin, fishmaw soup, seaweed soup, prawn, pineapple rice, mee..and lotsa more. still got a lot we never order la. lol. is in the west. take bus from boon lay. haha. a few stops reach le. lol.
after dinner is take pictures time. a lot alot. haha! mostly taken by claire's camera actually. lol.
even though chop off my face..but esther face is damn funny. -_-".

they got many many mirrors there!

exchange bag to carry.
i look not bad in crumpler bag. haha!
kana bite by many mosquitos while taking this picture. -_-".

trying to flag a cab to gombak to meet bishi after her work..

finally manage to flag a cab at that ulu place. lol. saw 3 cabs cheonging for us. -_-". met bishi at gombak. all of us had drinks nia. lol. sit till 11:40 like tat. took last train to JE then back to boon lay. by then it was like 12:15am. waited for bus home.

we start to emo. haha no la. esther say try taking her in this position. then we find it damn emo.
so everyone took turns to take this picture. lol. and yes the restaurant is damn ulu de. everywhere is factories around. even got one empty swimming pool inside!
while waiting for cab..took some pics again. -_-". this time damn funny.. claire took a random shot of yy..when this very big lorry pass by..the effect was nice! then everyone try again. haha! got to wait for big big car to come then we faster take. lol.
i alight the bus with this couple. 1 china couple. so i overtake them cuz is damn late le and they walking damn slow. went to open the mailbox. saw the lift door closing. wanted to stop it. but i saw something inside. i saw the couple kissing!!! lolx!! the guy was kissing the girl's neck. lol. the girl saw mi la. but the door almost 1/2 close le. i can press in time but i didn't after i saw what happen. imagine if i press it..lol..
slept at 2am and wake up at 7am today. -_-". still alive and kicking now. i wan faster label finish my art and koon liao man! heng tml afternoon lesson..
i shall end with this..

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