Friday, October 30, 2009
this whole month he got car to drive cuz his brother in US. for mon till today thursday, mon and wed by his car to jp. took i think 10 mins the most. tuesday riko despo to pia home so she fetch mi to pioneer while i took bus to jp. and today cuz we stay back in school till so late, he and that few stay near his place de also stay back. sat his car home together. shiok. lol. wonder tml will get free ride again anot.
stay back in sch with sitti, wei an, hendi, roc, gl, zx, riko, carmen and hui guo. even though we sitting far apart..but we still masking noise.. zx and hendi say things that make us all laugh till..zzz..especially that riko!! laugh at zx..laugh till almost cry..till zx threaten her not to send her home..then she diam diam le..whahhhaaa!
we are discussing about after exam activies in lecutre today le.looking forward. =).
they told mi something which make mi feel so heartwarming. thanks guys!
boy is back real soon! hehe.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
1) boy's return.
2) will be seeing all my gfs. woo~
and last but not least..
celebrating my 21st with all my love ones. family + bf + friends for life.
what more can i ask for? =).
got to rest early on friday. tiring weekend i've got but just treat it as a relax weekend before my exam. and on my birthday itself, is exactly 1 month away from holidays. lol. count down!
Monday, October 26, 2009
looking forward to his return. =).
the only sentence i remember in the MV..
"十七岁的时候,我想让你幸福, 二十七岁的时候,我只能祝福你幸福"
你道歉 你难过 于是我给你笑容
谁在乎我的心 还会不会寂寞
吟唱出 爱上你
你道歉 你难过 于是我给你笑容
谁在乎我的心 还会不会寂寞
你道歉 你难过 于是我给你笑容
谁在乎我的心 还会不会寂寞
你退缩 你冷漠 于是我放开双手
不在乎我的心 会永远的寂寞
Friday, October 23, 2009
today morning bathe still pain de lor.
If darwis know about this, he sure laugh at mi. Must be i laugh at him too much over his broken toe nails, who ask him so horny excited when sitti is at the swimming pool that he faster run to see it and bang into the air con thing. Now i got my retribution..
Thursday, October 22, 2009
1) game programming assignment due in 2 weeks.
2) computer security quiz is next week.
3) Art final project (2 A4 Paintings)
4) art assessment is 3 weeks from now (everything got to be in order and presented neatly to teacher)
5) Com206 1 minute video due by 6th nov. screening in LT on 11th nov.
6) exams start in around 1 month time. 26th nov-4th dec.
Conclusion: November is a hell month!
good thing my birthday is at the starting of the month. faster celebrate faster get back to work! Now i'm wondering do i have the time to celebrate it on the actual day. good thing i hold the steamboat celebration earlier. gonna be a busy and stress up month.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
watched 300 that movie for the 4th or 5th time in com206 lecture today. lecturer on MC. shiok! i totally never fall asleep la even though i know whats the story about. talking about crappy stuff with darwis and gl. lol. but i must say is a nice shot movie! ahhh~ too much com206 make us go watch movie to think about how this movie is flim more than the story of the movie. -_-'.
damn tired this few days cuz spend very long time in sch arh! today 10:30am-6:30pm. tml 8:30am-6:00pm. i'm gonna sleep early tml night to replenish all my sleep. dun wish to spend the whole weekend sleeping away like last weekend. shiok but not much work is done. ><.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
yesterday was a long day of filming just for a 1 minute video. yes 1-minute. Now i know is not easy making a tv show especially the poor actor and actresses. lol. poor darwis being our actor lost his biggest toe nail even before the video shoot. -_-".
judy and i were buying some sushi at tangs and sun bian buy for darwis then we went to buy bubble tea at lucky plaza before going to his house. So he broke his toe nail before we came cuz he walking around his house to see where is sitti. sitti was at the swimming pool and use hp call hiim. lol. sitti being as usual blur won't know which level he staying la. lol. Darwis knock into the air con thingy.
the funny part is both of them dunno what to do when his nail broke off, darwis call his sis, sitti call his mum. LOL. -_-". so they 2 try to bandage his leg before we come but the whole thing is very loose la. darwis dun dare to touch it himself la. -_-".
after i came i help him wrap and wrap. he's so scare la and even scream. -_-".think he wan to cry le lor. zzz! too bad la i dunno how pain it is and dun think got chance to know also la cuz i dun grow my toe nails la! see la dun cut thats what happen! dun say he hum, that judy arh know his toe nail come out dun even dare to go near him. she went over to feed him the sushi but turn her head away. LOL. wth.
ask him wash he also scare. i know is freaking pain but no choice what~ so when i wrap finish his toe, is still bleeding la. -_-". the nails is can come out but you got to pluck it which he wont dare to do it la.
after the video shoot which ends around 6 plus. he came back. his sister bring him to the hospital le. his house opposite is mount e hospital le. lol. he told mi the doctor inject 4 time the liquid to create numbness before the doctor pluck it out.
guess he got to wear slippers for the whole week.
12 more days and u're back. just in time for the steamboat celebration with my besties. =). i'm waiting for your letter to arrive. haha!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
yesterday accompany and help judy till 7pm. today is for no reason went over to find DHL(darwis,hendi and guo liang). They call themsevles that. SHE close down le. so now DHL. Anyway they going recruit mi so become JDHL. =X.
Initally was to find darwis be the model. I saw his colour mixing really very off! So i stayed back to help him. To return his favour of agreeing to be our model. Hendi left not long after. Only mi, darwis and guo liang still doing. We heart to heart talk till 5:30pm la! lol. we actually finished doing like 5:00Pm? but we just stone there and play with the colours while HTHT.
Talked a lot arh! Mostly about love stuffs. Poor darwis. =X.
We left and went JP long john before going home. I thought my friday would be so boring but thanks to them. it pass by quite fast. lol. I enjoyed the htht session lor. haha! laugh all the way.
tml going darwis house with sitti and judy to do our video shoot! hope can finish tml so that sunday and monday i can do my things. i've got lots of things to do. I've got more things to do as compared to when boy is not around. -_-". with him around i will have motivation to finish everything before weekend. But now i drag and drag till dunno when.
1 week since you're gone..2 more weeks and u'll be back. =). i know time gonna pass by fast and u'll be back with mi soon. hehe.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
finally i know y!

At that time i start to like to eat Hersheys cookies and cream chocolate. I told him quite a few time then at cheers, i just point to him saying thats the chocolate i'm talking about.. He bought 1 home to try when we were buying chocolates for each other. It's really sweet though that he try out something i like la.
Those were the childish and yet simple days. i sms him tell him what i recalled and he also laugh and even say this is retarded. haha!
Monday, October 12, 2009
I stepped into tutorial room today as usual. I walked to my usual seat. The usual peeps will sit beside me when they come in. Is like the standard seats for us. But when I looked to my right, is empty. Thinking I might be early, therefore they have not reached yet.
Staring at the seat which always belongs to you. i think to myself you will not be coming today. But i still choose to leave tat seat for you. Will you change your mind? i wonder.
Since Semester 1, i know you have been thinking about changing course. i understand. Up to now you still have that decision i really think u should just do what you feel like doing ba. If someone can think about it over such a long period of time, i guess you are really losing your interest in engineering and serious about changing course. I know is not a 3-minute decision.
Whatever decision u make, as her friend we should support whatever she have decided ba. Yes everyone is emo today, some even say i bluff them. -_-". I have to repeat telling them about this thing for a few times. Seriously, i don't like to break bad news to pple. But what to do?
I've known u since poly days. We have been together since uni day 1. Finding those lecture places. We even went to com engine faculty to find stupid wkw tutorial room. the gossips + baskets time. We both super pro at basket people. Tag team together basket to the max! Practically pple see us, will see the other one around. Now left 2J's instead of 3J's. Guo liang even tell us 2 J's = JJ Lin Jun Jie. ><. The days we work at swiss together was memorable too. Whole holiday keep seeing u from DIP to Swissotel Days.
This friday farewell thingy better dun be another emo event. But i believe got that riko and judy around, we can all hug together and cry.
比起我男朋友不在的时候,我都能习惯了. 可是, 当你不在的时候, 我超不习惯的. 没办法, 只好慢慢的接受事实.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
spend 1 hour in the morning to clear my desktop, thumb drive and some folders. woot~ sense of should just invent a program to automatically sort for us a lot of time..should often clear it before your whole desktop is full of icons..see le will very kao wei arh..especially that stupid darwis de..his own laptop he dun even know where his own things are stored at..-_-"..disorganized!
*back to the books again*
saw desmond and pei fen last monday at JP coffee bean..was getting some stuff from all over jp and saw them fimling for some show..should be some new drama..
From thursday 1st October - Sunday 4th October was spend with my boy. hehe. time pass by so fast. ><.
Thursday 1st october, went to cut my hair at lakeside. $3.80. lol. no matter how much u cut also that price. lol. hope by my birthday celebration my fringe won't grow too long again.
met him at cityhall. he was having some cohesion thingy at yuki yaki. he eat till damn full. zzz! once i meet him we went to buy cupwalker! HAHA! yes! have a strong craving for it for whole week sia. ><. Bought 1 piece of canele cake and we went back jp to have dinner le. both of us not feeling hungry so just pack some food home to eat. had the piece of canele cake around midnight time. sinful! is so chocolatey. hehe. had a terrible night that night good thing boy was around. ><. thanks to my stomach cramp that cause mi to vomit that night. Friday 2nd Oct
was supposed to meet darwis that morning but heng he got some photoshoot to do therefore meet him in the afternoon instead. So zhun when i left house around 12 plus waiting for cab(stil not feeling too well) to go school, from far hear someone calling mi. it was riko. she ask mi wan take cab anot. then i say i waiting for cab also le. so both of us share cab to school.
did java all the way till 6pm with the help of guo liang. met my boy at JP for movie! nice show. haha. very cute lor all the food came raining down. if this happens in the real world..all the food store can close down
Saturday 3rd October
First half of the day, he was playing his psp and i was reading fatal seduction. A book he bought. nice story about AIDS. started reading on thursday. by sunday already finished reading le. lol.
we had dinner at pizzahut in JP and watched surrogates.
never took pictures of our pizza. too hungry. lol. we hadn't had anything for the whole day. we had cheesy trio. nice! also ordered 1 pasta to share. they got many new pasta! but their pasta is to eat shuang one. can't compared to pasta mania though.
in the theatre.
interesting movie. everyone using their surrogates to move around. while their actual body just lie at home sia. -_-'. their surrogates can modify till very pretty and handsome. perfect figure. but there's this weapon who can destory surrogates even their user. dangerous. in the end, the person who created surrogates wanted to destroy surrogates. surrogates cause him to kill his own son. ><.
anyway sat was mid autumn..i remmeber 2 years ago got some leftovers sparkles and boy and i decide to go down to play candles and sparkles!at the end we also never use finish..haha..
not long after kana mosquito
very hard to take this shot. damn scary!lol.end up my face kana crop off. lol.
this amount of powder created very bright effect + a lot of smoke. -_-".
making heart shape for mi. lol. we were having comeptition among ourself see who can twist out a nice shape with the sparkles. got too bored of playing with straight sparkles.
Sunday 4th October
watched bleach movie 3. fade to black. nice le! i realise i never watch movie 1 so i'm going watch it soon. watched 2 already also. haha. boy left in the late afternoon. haiz~
Wednesday 7th October
the night before he came to find mi. had my maths test on wednesday. heng is do-able. haha. the last few maths module i had the quiz was totally hard and chui de. but the 2nd part of maths this time is damn hard. -_-". after lesson met him and had dinner at jp. jap food! long time since i had it. we ordered the dessert this time. was choosing between pudding or cake or some ice thingy. end up ordered the pudding one. lol.
eat till very bao arh! lol..
went to buy some last minute stuff with him before he go home..
before we left jp..saw the young generation shop..saw my 'friend' pencil box..boy bought it for mi..=) happy la..wanted to buy the umbrella..maybe next time..cuz i seldom use umbrella..but my curent one very chui le..see how ba..
realised i got this biscuit that i bought it very long ago..
the design same as my mp3 pouch..didn't know that..LOL..
Thursday 08 Oct (last day of meeting him)
good thing no art lesson. haha. travel down to tampiness with gl and judy. haha. laugh all the way there. bth. our topic is on some interesting forum la. wth! had dinner with boy at astons. tampinese branch. the presentation of the food abit chui but can be acceptable cuz is koptitiam. but the portion is the same and cheaper. hehe.
trained back alone to boon lay. study com principle and around half the ride back ji tao fall alseep. good thing friday no need go sch early.
gonna spend the weekends sleeping away + study for com life but i got more time for my own thing weekend long weekend again. got to pia my art arh! lol..
Friday, October 09, 2009
Thursday, October 01, 2009
morning --> home to interchange to ntu then back to interchange to take mrt( 3 rides)
went esther house to take the first shot but unfortuanely the memory card got problem we got to use the xd card so the first few shots were deleted le. but anyway we went to find bi shi. waited for her for quite long. lol. but anyway we got everything done by 12:30pm. lol. so esther and mi went to eat chicken rice while bi shi went shopping with yc.
after we eat, back to esther house again. this time her mum was around. lol. her mum very cute sia. still ask her y photoshoot never put on make up. lol. edlyn her youngest sis was around. she just came home from school. so talk cock abit with her. lolx. she used to be very cuteee when i first see her when she was in kindergarten. surprise mi from hugging my legs from behind. lol. well everyone grows up. lol.
afternoon --> to ntu and back home(2 rides)
we left around 2:30pm. esther go sch while i go back sch to return camera. met darwis there to ask him help mi check some parts of the camera. the memory card isn't working well. -_-". returned the camera and we went i hub. print some stuff and went home to sleep le. damn tired and hot day!
night --> to interchange, and 2 bus rides home from lake side ( 3 bus rides)
sleep around 1 hour. wake up bathe and meet the rest again. this time to claire house! weee! she prepare dinner for us. lol. japanese curry and miso soup. lol. the rest were concentrating on their dinner but i'm concentrating on my tv while eating. finished our dinner is transferring time! kope pictures from claire and esther(my assignment pictures). nana came around 10 to had her dinner. we stayed till 11:45pm before we go home.
pictures from claire's camera..